It's good to know at what percent survival DI is safe.
Ex: Ganon (grounded) is safe to survival DI knee above ~70%. Below this, falcon can dashjump and double knee/uair him.
So at 60-70, Ganon can do "almost survival DI" and escape, but at super low% he needs DI straight away to escape. For every percent there is a perfect DI option to make you just barely safe from follow-ups without killing your recovery options.
Also, this is difficult and not very necessary but I often SDI towards center stage and immediately roll up to survival DI in one motion (like quarter circle but you must be good at hitting survival DI and not straight up). The extra SDI(s) can actually give you (noticeably) more survivability and recovery options by putting you that much closer to stage. I do this when I'm recovering with a high up-b as Ganon and I know falcon is going to knee me, for example. It'll make my next recovery down-b that much closer to stage, so I might not be dead (possibly more options).