We differ in our approach on that regard. I see it as fair to assume the status quo hasn't changed, you see it as fair to assume the status quo is new and equivalent (and admittedly in my case, I've never had much success with widespread bluetooth use in a small area, and thus rather frown upon it when wired options are present). At least a few years ago it was very prone to desyncing and interference, but I'd certainly hope that's been improved in more recent versions). In both cases, since we don't know for sure either way, it'll generally boil down to any given player using what they're most familiar and used to. Even with the general knowledge that on the Wii, using Gamecube controllers was the better choice, there are still people who play with a Wiimote and Nunchuk. If there's a decided "best" further down the line, there's nothing to force players to one or another (unless TOs make rules about that, which I imagine most won't).
And I didn't mean the sync button, I meant any button. If you've had a match (and thus synced to a given system), then pressing any button on the Pro controller will tell it to attempt to wake up and pair back to the system it was synced to. It's easy to do by accident, and especially with how the controller determines the joystick's neutral position on startup, you can cause a lot of screwing around with the menus if something gets pocket-pressed at a bad time. It's an inconvenience, not a deal-breaker, but since most people won't be carrying around small screwdrivers to take out their batteries between rounds, it's a valid if unlikely concern, like wondering if the Gamepad should be legal when only one player per match is physically capable of using it.