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DDD vs toon link


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Switch FC
6939 6733 3968
Well, I've played several Toon Links, good ones so far, I think...

If the Toon links Spams all his arsenal against you, your options to this is to walk and Power/Perfect Shielding (which is easier to do in Brawl) approach, If you P.shield an Arrow, you have a Free Grab, and a chance to chaingrab him.

A way to edgeguard T.Link, is to observe when he does his Up-B, since T. Link Requires to be at a little far from the edge for him to sweetspot, you can pretty much differ either Up-B all the way to the stage or to the edge.
If it aims for stage landing... well the punishmet is up to you (F-Smash, grab, Mech-hammer etc)
If it goes low, you can always try stage spiking with B-Air.

If T.Link gets to the edge, most common comeback is jumping from the edge and attack. Which can be countered with either F-Tilt, F-mash (For predictability and proper timing), or the rolling hammer (A,A,A) which doesn't let them go back to the stage normally or by jumping (which can hit several times on stubborn people).

Against Toon Link, is pretty much a lot of spacing on the ground (With F-tilt, D-Tilt) and B-Air here and there on the air.

If I recall right, D-Smash can out range certain T. Links attacks.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Koholint Island
In this match up, Toon Link will be trying to camp you for most of the match. Once you learn how to get past all of TL's projectiles, the fight should become easier. Of course, that's easier said than done; Toon Link is very mobile, and Dedede is relatively easy to camp because of his large size and slow speed.

Don't bother spamming Waddle Dees back, because they won't faze TL much. All of TL's projectiles travel quite slowly, so you can see where they are going to land in advance. Use brawl's defensive options to your advantage. Roll, dash to powershield, or sidestep, etc. Furthermore, you can nullify TL's arrows and boomerangs by using an attack. Bombs can be caught easily by doing an airdodge or aerial while approaching.

Everyone knows about Dedede's CG and great grab range, so TL won't be spamming projectiles up close. XD Once you come near, Toon Link will either try to hit you with something like an SH Nair/Fair, or run away. For surprises, TL may SH, DI back, and use Zair (which will autocancel). Be careful of JC thrown bombs as TL runs away too (that, or dash--> SH --> bomb throw --> quickdraw).

Basically, be patient. Weave through the projectiles and close the distance. Predict what TL will do and punish accordingly. Even though TL has a sword, Dedede has several moves (like ftilt) that can out-range his attacks. CG when you can; once you reach the end of the stage, throw TL off and edgeguard. After a while, TL will get away...just repeat the process then.

Eventually, Toon Link will have to approach sometime to land a kill move (smashes, Uair, Fair). TL has problems killing Dedede because of his heavy weight. In addition, toon link can't combo into kills, so he usually snags one when the opponent makes a mistake (like dsmash to punish rolling, Uair for airdodges, Usmash to punish landing lag & whiffed attacks). Play safe, and capitalize on TL's mistakes. If TL misses a move, that's a free grab for you.

Another thing- since dedede's recovery goes at a set trajectory (+ being a large target), TL might try to dair you. Dair shouldn't be too hard to see coming; predict, airdodge, then let TL fall to his doom. ;) Toon Link might hit Dedede out of upB with Uair or Fair though, so watch out.

Just find a way around TL's camping, then you're set. Good luck facing all the TL's you come across. =)

Edit: Yeah, Toon Links love to bair. =P RAR stands for "Reverse Aerial Rush," just so you know. It's just a dash to reversed short hop while DI-ing back, and it helps you use bair as an approach.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Switch FC
6939 6733 3968
Oh yeah watch out for that, it's a setup/combo (?), of (continuous)B-Airs, if you get caught just DI away from T.Link...

And you can CG T. Link at any percentage (of common survivability) as far as I know... The thing is to practice how to land the Killing moves...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2008
You should RAR even with D3. I forget what RAR stands for, but it's essentially when you quickly rotate so you can basically approach with a Bair.
Can't you Dash - <-- - Jump - Bair?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
RAR stands for reverse aerial rush, basicly moving foreward and doing a bair from jumping off the ground


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
one of my friends wants to main TL now so i'll be seeing this matchup alot, but i was wondering what a good stage would be, if Luigi's Mansion stops his arrow's then it might be worth it, but he's still got the boomerang and the bombs which are really annoying still,


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Koholint Island
one of my friends wants to main TL now so i'll be seeing this matchup alot, but i was wondering what a good stage would be, if Luigi's Mansion stops his arrow's then it might be worth it, but he's still got the boomerang and the bombs which are really annoying still,
That's the toon link stage guide found in the TL forums.
Looking at that, I'd say Brinstar, but I'm not sure how Dedede fairs on most stages.
Luigi's Mansion isn't great for TL, but it's not terrible either. The stage guide gives it a 3/5 for TL. Just avoid stages that happen to be camping havens.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
whats a rar i dont play TL
Reverse aerial rushing, or RARing, refers to performing a backwards air attack with forward momentum. RARing is performed while dashing or running forward and then, just before jumping, briefly tapping the opposite direction on the control stick. This tap in the opposite direction before the jump will allow your character to continue to move in the forward direction of the run while facing the reverse direction in the air.

This technique is commonly used in conjunction with short-hopped air attacks. With some characters, such as Ike, RARing can be particularly vital because it allows his B-Air to be used for approaching, instead of attacks like his F-Air, which have considerable landing lag. RARing can be great for spacing too, letting you throw out quick B-Airs to keep the opponent at bay.

Lol, Just to give you an even clearer picture of what RARing is. And yes, Toon like can do this beautifly.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
That's the toon link stage guide found in the TL forums.
Looking at that, I'd say Brinstar, but I'm not sure how Dedede fairs on most stages.
Luigi's Mansion isn't great for TL, but it's not terrible either. The stage guide gives it a 3/5 for TL. Just avoid stages that happen to be camping havens.
yeah, i wouldn't pick brinstar since it's platforms aren't very long, therefore the CG won't go as far, but i wish luigi's mansion canceled out one of his projectiles, it'd be a very good counterpick


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Koholint Island
Well, Brinstar's bumpiness makes it somewhat harder to camp.

Maybe try Castle Siege and see how that works? The transitions and 2nd parts of the stage are all walk offs. Those statues also block all of TL's projectiles...

Well, the pillars on Luigi Mansion block his projectiles, but they're pretty close to the edge of the stage. Lurking around the pillars won't really do much. TL could easily destroy most of the house and then camp at the last remaing portion or something like that anyways. Besides, if you're on the 2nd floor, TL can poke with Uair from below. While the stage feels like it limits TL's mobility, it's not actually that bad.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
Call me crazy, but I like playing against Toon Link on FD. That way it's just me and him, and not a bunch of platforms he can jump on like a monkey on crack.

If I recall correctly, your Ftilt actually cancels his boomerang and arrows, so be sure to use that often. With people that use projectiles often, it's usually good to have 1-2 waddles on the field to meatshield for you.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
I've started playing alot recently as toonlink over the past 2 days and from what i've learnt you'll want to avoid his uptils, RAR's, and projectiles.

Edgegaurding against him is really hard also because you can easily fall into the trap of his UpB which deals alot of damage and has large knock back on the last hit.

Jugling is hard aswell, if they're comming straight downwards at you TL is probally going to Dair at you, I wouldnt try and uptilt this because its a painful move that will spike you straight into the ground. I'd suggest spot doging into a grab or just sidestep out the way followed by a ftilt, because TL's Dair has alot of ending lag before he can react with another move.

And obviously, as with any projectile matchup, waddle dee and doos are a good way of keeping things running smoothly.

I'd say Tink is a hard matchup but winnable if you practise alot against him.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I hate that fat headed cheap pig stealing wrong dement of half *** charcher who took the place someone funner chacters , hack i would prefer a completlely over powered fox that kills you in 2 punchs and have pichu non evoled in brawl (i rock as pichu and suck as pichuka)

TL alwalys overuses dair on me. my brother suckes without the move i know because i destroy on any i meant any match up in brawl / melee i beat him as pichu and i kill my self just to made it and i rarly use pichu he,s good in melee but i am great


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2008
As a Toon Link Mainer, I actually do not camp as much as send an array of projectiles to approach and RAR. An important Toon Link tactic is to actually make sure the boomerang misses in order to set up a F-smash for a kill. Be weary of the projectiles and more aggressive TL's they will jump over you with bombs and punish your dodge of them, also TL has a prowess for edge stalling, but with you gargantuan hammer that should be easily dealt with. In addition, when you get close some TL's will throw a bomb at their feet for spacing, which can save them from an attack. DDD can have a hard time with TL because of speed and size so you may want to counter pick, good luck against Toon Link. Have fun :D
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