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DDD vs Fox(for a matchup guide)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
Umm, don't mind me if I just list random points. A friend of mine plays Fox, but he's kinda lacking, but I'll contribute best I can based on my experience from fighting him...

-Fox can combo the ever-loving **** out of DDD like no one else's business.

-Fox is faster in just about every single way (Except DDD's bair).

-Fox's Usmash kills DDD around 120-130 IIRC.

-... Yeah once Fox gets a dair combo in it's ****-central from there.

-Fox can't be chaingrabbed (But he can be tech-chased).

-Fox can reflect Gordo (I think).

-Fox could probably bait Waddle spam with a SHDL and he can rush in and punish DDD's heavy lag.

As for DDD's advantages:

-DDD's Waddles shut down outright laser spam and force the use of SHDL. As a result DDD can harass Fox if not outright camp him.

-DDD outranges Fox in almost every other possible way (Although I think Fox's Fsmash has range on par with some of DDD's moves, although it's way too risky).

-I think all of DDD's moves (Except for nair) have priority over Fox's (I dunno about Usmash and dair).

-BIGGEST POINT: ALL of Fox's approach options are SHIELD-GRABBABLE. **** near ALL of them.

-Uthrow > Uair at low %s has a very good chance of hitting Fox for a free 15-30% if DDD has the timing down and Fox doesn't expect it.

-DDD kills Fox with Utilt pretty early (around 100 IIRC). A fresh Bair is a nightmare for Fox if he's at a high %.

-WoP spells death for Fox.

-Speaking of WoP, Bair ***** Fox's recovery HARD.

-DDD in the air >>>> Fox in the air. Fox would be crazy to pursue DDD while he's floating around.

-Fox's gimping options aren't fantastic, especially against DDD. However, DDD's UpB landing on the stage is very punishable by Fox.

-Fox doesn't want to be near DDD for long, even behind him - DDD's turnaround grab is so stupidly fast that it should be illegal.

Imo, this match is 4:6 or 35:65 (But that's really pushing it), DDD's favor. Fox can severely overwhelm DDD, but he's hampered by the fact that he has so few options against DDD while DDD has TONS of options for keeping Fox out. Even if Fox is extremely careful on spacing, DDD can sit there on his fat butt and just shield grab every attempt Fox makes to get near him. If Fox tries to force an approach with laser spam, DDD will just toss Waddle Dees to harass Fox. If the Fox runs in carelessly he'll eat an Ftilt to the face. If Fox is very careless with his movement and spacing he could eat an Fsmash. Also, once Fox is off stage he is in a very perilous position.

Fox should SHDL at every time a good opportunity presents itself. Not only does it rack up damage deceptively fast, but it can bait Waddle spam from DDD, which is the perfect opportunity for Fox to run in and punish. And once Fox gets a hit in, DDD is in for a massive hurting. Problem is, Fox has a bit of trouble killing DDD and DDD will know when Fox wants to get the Usmash in.

Yeah... Fox has to be very very very careful. For an idea on how careful Fox has to be, Ike's FAIR, which has obscene range, is shield-grabbable by DDD even with anything other than perfect spacing. It's a very risky undertaking for Fox.

... When reading my posts,just keep in mind I've never actually faced a tourney-level Fox before. Just a friend of mine who's just pretty good.

EDIT: Didn't realize I had to post on the Fox boards. :p Think I'll go do that right now.
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