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David Cook, My First Blog, My Stupid Computer and Other Ramblings.+Concrtpics! :D


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Link to original post: [drupal=1288]q;wibc[/drupal]

So um yeah this is my first Blog. I'm not the greatest story teller and am not that great a typer either, especially when I write ten paragraphs only to have them deleted by a ****ing computer glitch and even though I had enough time to type it before and still get a good amount of sleep there's no way now! :mad: So if you can stay with me to the very end, you're a special person indeed. And after I typed a few paragraphs down below I noticed that when I bit (yes I was that angry) the freaking thing I actually left tooth marks in it. And Dell says it's an aluminum alloy caseing . Those cheap *******s...

Also disclaimer just because:
This is a True Storyyes it is, yes it IS, YES IT IS
It's very very late. There will be grammar problems
I am not Drunk
I am not High
I am not Stoned
I never am any of these things
I am not mentally impaired to the best of my knowledge, not that said knowledge would really help in determining whether I was mentally imparied or not...

I may sound like I'm any of those things but I'm just really tired and no longer have the energy to put the effort in to this that I had done before.

In fact I'm so pissed and depressed that I have to type this again but have to be up in four hours really makes me not want to do it XD but if I don't do it now, I never will. And this is a pretty big thing so.....

I'm a fan of David Cook, we've been watching him since his audition back in American Idol. I'm sure everyone knows at least what American Idol is. But if you've been keeping track of it this past year ago, you know that despite what everyone was saying it was a competition between David Cook and David Archuleta. And because I never learned to type properly and only use three or four fingers to type,they are killing me right now.

I personally also liked Amanda Overmire as well at first but she sorta got worse as far as her singing goes and made several bad song desisions over the coarse of the show. I'm sure that's not how you spell her last name either.

Another one I liked to a degree and at times even better than Cook was Michael Johns. Sadly he was kicked off much too early for how well he could perform. But no johns
yeah lame joke is lame.

But what was kinda funny was at the finale where it was just David Cook and David Archuleta, when it was finally time to for Seacrest to announce the winner, he said " And the winner, of American Idol 2008 IS.....DAVID............" and then proceeded to give the audience a really long pause as the first name told them absolutly nothing since both finalists had the same first name. But in the end it was not who I thought it would be.

With all the hype about David Archuleta and stuff I figured poor Cook didn't stand a chance. I don't hate Archuleta or anything, he's good singer and what not, but I don't see him going anywhere in the music industry other than to Disney Land or a crusieship. I'm not fond of the music he likes either. But David Cook did it. He somehow pulled off the win. I'd like to think the 35 votes that my sister and mom crammed in with their Tracfones (like cellphones only cheaper/crappier/but with more service/but no cool stuff) during the 2 hour vote period prior to the finale.

Really it was a tie with who we liked between Overmire, Johns, and Cook for awhile. But when David did his take on "Billy Jean" by Michael Jackson, that was what did it for us. I'm not a fan of MJ, pedo rumors being true or not true. I just don't like his music. Though I learned his funky moonwalk just for the lulz and now me and my friends do it at the bowling alley whenever we go there. But they don't know how to do it right, no matter how many times I show them and we just end up laughing at each other and having other people laugh at us, for that matter.

David Cook's version of that song though was simple epic win awemome pwnsome haunting steak sauce. Yeah, that good lol

So why am I talking about something from nearly a year ago? Especially when I said my hands were killing me? (And they really are now as I'm trying to do this as fast as I can as it is now only five hours intead of six like I meant to say before instead of four which I can't find and so possibly deleted, but probably didn't.

Well, David Cook is tourning our area! A chance to see someone's music you love in concert, especially since you thought he was great from the very start? Hell yeah we're going to do whatever we can to make it!

We first got news of this in February that he was going to perform at a college not even 20 miles from where we live. Goofy near estatic bliss turned to melancholy as we realized that this meant that they likely will only be admitting the students to see it. Makes sense right?

My Sister has a friend who's dad is a professor at that collge and since they were also fans of Cook and wanted to see him, they also kept us informed about was going on.

About the beggining of March we learned that the tickets would be given to students for free and if there was a remainder, that would be sold to the public at a later date. Now that there was hope of a chance to get in to the concert, my Uncle and cousin, also fans lol wanted in on this. But they wouldn't be able to make it as he had work and my cousin would just be getting out of public shcool by the time we wanted to be there. (she's over an hour away from where the tickets are) So we would do our best to get their tickets for them.

I tried previewing this page to makes sure I'd have it up to this point but even though it has a title, it won't preview, I hope this posts when I'm done... -_-;

We got there two hours early to ensure that we'd be early enough in line to get the tickets we needed. We didn't know how hyped up this was and didn't want to take any chances. We ended up being around 20th in line or so. We got all five golden tickets we needed easily. (yes, they were golden yellow) [color="1f1f1"]10willywonkas[/color]

While we waited for the day of the concert to arrive, we listened to DC's CD whenever we were in the car.

The day before the concert my Mom decided we needed a digital camera, which we don't have and never have had before. Nevertheless, I thought it was also a good idea though we should have gotten one before hand to give us more time to get accustomed to using it. My Mom isn't the most tech savvy person. Off to Walmart we went. As our our luck would have it(not that I believe in luck, though I'm practically a freakin jynx) The store was being rennovated at the time, and missing much of it's inventory.

The concert is open admission so pretty much anything goes as far as seating is, so we needed a camera with that takes quality pictures And especially needs an excellent zoom range.

But this walmart was missing alot of their cameras in general and everyone of them with a decent zoom was out of stock or way over the top of our budget. Big K-mart was nearby so that was our next stop. But at least in our area all the K-marts royally fail and seem to always be going out of business but never actually die. Needless to say I was skeptical of finding anything at all there. And sadly I was right. They had four cameras and none of them were what we needed.

Our last chance was the other walmart about 25 miles the other way. Since we had already spent the whole day in seeminly just a wild goose chase we headed there anyway.

Once again the cameras on display were not in stock except for the rediculously expensive ones or the stupid gimmicky ones that look like toys and didn't have the functinality we required. There was one that was not on displayhowever that met our requirements. It was more than what we wanted to pay really but after all this time my Mom really didn't want to leave empty handed so we got it anyway.

All in all we left $300 lighter, but it was a cool camera, and had lots of stuff to play with on it and most importantly what we needed. but it also had Video playback and the like which I actually ended up using as well. We also got a squishy case to give it a little protection at the concert and an SD card so we didn't have to worry about running out of "film".

Traveling back and forth wasn't a total waste though. I ended up buying the prima guide for Street Fight IV at the first Walmart. I've been wanting this game for the longest time but since my only next gen console is the Wii, I will be waiting until summer or later until the PC release. Hopefully the cool pictures and basic strats and stuff plus youtube vidoes will hold me over until then.

yeah, no.

The guide even has a frame data chart for all characters,though I will probably want to check with shoryuken.com or some of the smashboarders here who play the game to see if it's legit. Probably would have been wiser to have done that Before I bought it. Oh wellXD

I'm seriously going to have arthritus in my right hand if I don't learn how to type properly.

At the other walmart there was also a PS3 and Xbox 360 set up. I wanted to check them out and maybe see if I could finally get a chance to try a demo of SFIV on one of them if they had it, but was unable to do so. There was this little brat smashing away at the controls and screaming all the while his not all that much bigger sister was trying to get him to calm down. What was funny (actually, it kinda pissed me off. But as it was none of my business, I simply muttered "dumb *****" and then left to catch up to Mom and my sister) When their mom finally actually went over there to see what was going on, she actually yelled at the older sister who was simply trying to get her brother to stop rather than that little demon thing mercilessly pounding on the controls and sceaming at the top of his lungs. Yes, it was that Loud >_> lulz

Finally, the day of the concert. As I said before it was a "first come, first row seats" kinda of deal and even though we had originally intended to leave together with my Uncle and cousin we actually left with my sister's friend and were dropped off while my mom went back to my grandmother's to wait for my Uncle to come down so she could take them here.(another story anothertimelol) We reserverd a spot for them of course. Concert started at eight pm. They allowed people to find seats at seven. We got there at 3:20 pm and were still beaten by two people. lol

Though these two people were pretty amazing fans. They had been to twenty three of Cook's concerts following him all over the whole country. I was certainly impressed. Amazed at how they could afford it really >_>

4 hours 30 minutes until I have to get up. Tommorrow is going to be fun.

I can tell.XD

I brought my DS lite to keep me occupied while we waited for 7pm to come around. Sadly I had forgotten to charge it and as the sun was shining directly on us, I had to set the screen to full brightness. So I only got an hour out of it. I didn't even get to beat the last boss in Sonic Rush again.

About 5pm we were placed into two lines by security. We were all just one big group with no order at all before. And the the real waiting began as we now had to stand and couldn't move really without losing our place.

Every once in a while I'd take a picture with my Tracfone(cuz mi crapfone iz cool like that) of the line behind me as it slowly and then much more quickly grew. By 6:30 it was all the way to the main road. At least a 100 yards long. And that's if you walk a straight line from where we stood to where the end is. Not following the path of the actual line which was arched to match the road so cars could still get through.

My Sister's friends are annoying. They're in their mid teens and yet they act as if they're still ten or younger. Just very loud and stupid acting really. They're nice girls but they gotta grow up. They were even making strangers in line behind us laugh or yell at them.

It started to get cold as 7pm approached and then....the attendent walked up as if to open the door and then...
Still testing; ten more minutes.

I almost died right there.

15 minutes go by.

And then someone else walks to the door. That friend gets borderline hyper ventilating. (I'm surprised no one called security on us they we she acted) and I said this is it. The door opened and it was a huge rush to get to the bottom where the first row is. The middle was already filled so we settled for for middle of second. My sister and her friends went stayed in front hoping that they'd be given the opportunity to stand right in front of the stage.

The concert started at 8 so we had an hour to relax and talk about it. Two girls that came shortly after we arrived to wait in line and sorta stuck with us ended up siiting with us as well. They were cool so I didn't mind. I actually thought the one was kinda hot and but I didn't say anything. Not only because my Mom and Uncle and all them were right there but I'm just not all that I don't know,self confident? Don't know really what word to put.

First up in the concert was Ryan Star. Never heard of him? Me either.

But he was actually really good. And I would pay just to see him again if the chance arose. I also felt a little sorry for him as he asked "You all having a good time?" and the crown went "WHOOOOOOOOOO" or whatever. And then he asked "Who's ready to see David Cook?"and then "WHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!1111111" yeah he's who we went to see but still...

I didn't have any cash on me or at least not enought buy a CD otherwise I would have bought their album. If I see it at walmart I think I'll pick it up. He's rock if you were wondering, sorta similar to Cook. IMO He kinda looks like House when his face is a certain way, but no one else I talked to noticed the likeness.

For all her annoyance though, her and my sister, since they were reviewed by the local news, she got an autographed pic of Star and they also got their pictures taken with him, which was cool I thought.

During the concert there was an incident with this cow stage prop that gave epic lulz to the whole crowd. It kept trying to come up on stage and then finally Star asked if we wanted the cow omstage, and grabbed it then threw it after riding while singing. The girl I mentioned earlier who actually ended up sitting right next to me caught the thing's horn that flew off during the escapade. The cow itself was actually the college's and not even the band knew what it was doing there really, or who kept bothering them with it. We also never really found out if they wanted that horn back, or not. Either way the girl kept it lol.

Now for the main event and there's only 4 hours remaining until I must get up.

David Cook. Before I say anything I must say this. He sings just as good, if not BETTER in real life than on his album which was really, really surprising and awesome. he started off with "heroes" and then did a song that didn't make the album called "souvenir" which was a decent song. Then he talked to the crowd and I'm probably getting the order of this mixed up. But called out for any couples and talked to one about 5 chairs over from us. They had been married three years. Cook got got the audience to give them a round of applause and then told the couple" then this isn't the song for you" and proceded to sing " kiss on the neck" . Look up the lyrics for the irony and lulz if you want if you don't know the song.

He alse sang "Permanent","Come back to me", some songs by other people that I forgot the names of and finished up the night with "Light On". Which he had people sing for in part of it which was epic. Except for the part where I totally embarressed myself when my voice gave out because I don't sing really and I sang one part of it an octave too high. And got looks from all around. lol It was an awsome night. And definatly worth the time and money to see by far.

I got some cool pics too. My sister and her friends got the very front of the stage, but really weren't all that great off as the security guard for their part of the stage was a total douche. Overall though it's something we won't forget for a very very longtime.

I now have 3 and a half hours to sleep rofl.

Even afer I send this I still have clan work to do. We are, for reasons I do not know and don't care are having my sisters b-party tommorrow instead of Saturday. Which means I can't be there for the clan war with Wii Hunters I set up 2 weeks in advance. *sigh* my poor timing never fails.

Yay B-day! Dang why now? lol

Well Lets see if this posts. And if you read all that, you are a special person indeed. Thx, really, I appreciate it.

and back to my stupid computer that wouldn't let me post this so I made another blog with the idiotic name it has up there at the top and copy and pastd all this stuff here. So um yeah lol

4:30 must be up at 8 good night x_x

EDIT actually I fixed some of the grammar. Now it's 5am 3 hours yay good night/morning w/e

EDIT AGAIN: Now that I've actually had some sleep I was going to read this over and fix it but I lol'd at it so I think I just leave the way I wrote it as is.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
So here are some pics from the concert. I'm only going to make some of them images to save slower internet people from having trouble. So if you see a link, that's a pic too ^^;


Ryan Star, doesn't he look like House here? XD

Ryan's band.

Another pic of Star.

And now David Cook!

This one is pretty win

The band

Awesome pic I got of the guitarist


These are the coolest ones I got, but I have more if people want to see. Be sure to check the other links I posted here as well if you like what you see^^

Deleted member

Wow, sounds like you had a great time. Those pictures are really good!


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
You have no idea. And thx ^^ I'm actually surprised at some of them as the camera had a small delay between the button press and the actual taking. Looking back, I wish I would have just relaxed and enjoyed the concert instead of messing with the camera so much XD
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