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DanGR's Falco vid thread


Apr 10, 2008
I've been using him for about a week so far. I've tried not to watch other people's videos so they wouldn't influence my playstyle. I've posted these for your pleasure. Feel free to critique. remember it's only been a week. no johns. >_>

1. DanGR(Falco) v Popsofctown(Zelda)

2. DanGR(Falco) v Popsofctown(Zelda)

3. DanGR(Falco) v Popsofctown(Zelda)

4. DanGR(Falco) v Popsofctown(Bowser)

5. DanGR(Falco) v Popsofctown(Sheik) *newer*

Things I think I need to work on so far:
-laser use*
-dsmash less(I'm not used to its range yet)
-grab combo finishers(I decay my upsmash too much)
-less upsmash(decay)
-recovery options*

*-these are things that I think will come in time from using falco. They'll get fixed through practice.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
Clinton, CT
Really not to shabby for a week old falco. Lasers will improve with time, just keep practicing. With recovery and edgeguarding these are things you need to watch for. Practice ur edgeguarding know what you can and cannot do and still be able to get back. When it comes to recovery TRY TRY TRY not to phantasm ever time. It will become very predictable and its a hard habit to break.

Also, i saw in your movies that you would dthrow->upsmash alot. Like you indicated it will deteriorate your upsmash quickly. However, if you are going to use it...I would suggest at least changing it to a DLX(dash cancle into instant upsmash). This'll add to the damage, but I would shake it up a lil bit.Try dthrow->nair or dthrow->dair and then dthrow->dlx and upsmash can also be used in the mix.This was you arent doing the same thing over and over and your upsmash will stay fresh.

Before redgreenblue gets here im going to go ahead and say it. Use phantasm more, it is your friend. Unless you are playing a character with more priority than it, like say Olimar.

Bair can be one of your best friends. little to no lag, and is a decent killing move as well. Use it alot and use it often.

One more thing.....WHERE IS THE SHINE?!?!? You need to use ur shine, its you're best spacing move and will keep you from sticky situations if you use it correctly(if you use it incorrectly it will PUT you in trouble as opposed to saving you from it)

It seems like some combos could help. Like FF Nair->Dtilt and repeat would work well against zelda. Like I said all in all you have a good start.


Apr 10, 2008
thanks for critiquing. I agree with most of what you said that would improve my game. I thought about why I do dthrow upsmash so often. If I do anything else at about 50% out of dthrow against zelda, I'll get a sweetspotted dair or fair into my face. upsmash is my quickest option. I'm not really sure how to fight Zelda midair, b/c of the fair, bair, and dair. I'll usually try to fake her out with an empty jump to get her to airdodge and then followup with something.

Shine-yeah....I don't really know how to utilize shine very well. Sometimes I use it, but only when I'm consciously thinking about it. I'm not sure when to use it. I'll probably read the great shine guide I saw around here somewhere.

bair-I don't use bair enough? really? I thought I relied on it a little too much.


Oh, and lol at 2:28 second video. :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
Clinton, CT
Bair can be used as many times as your heart desires, lol. So long as you use other moves of course.

Im not very familiar with the Zelda match-up, I need to find a good Zelda because I've heard that Zelda is a tough match-up for falco.(not sure about that). i cant see how you would get dair'd,bair'd,or fair'd if you used nair out of the dthrow, unless you miss the last swing of it. I would FF the nair, that way you could react to zelda's attack because of the lack of lag on nair.

Im trying to find more and more uses of the shine myself. Im trying to incorporate the shine with the SH and then DI backwards. Hit southwest on the control stick,jump, and hit B and you'll see what i mean. If you look up the match between Nyosuke and Zentore on youtube, he uses it in that movie.

2:28 was nice, bair ftw.
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