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Damage caculation help.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
OK, so here's my Rhyperior: 252 EVs in HP, 252 EVs in Defense, 4 EVs in Attack, Adamant nature.

Here's some caculations I've come to:

UnSTAB Grass Knot needs 245 in SA to guarantee a OHKO.

STAB Grass Knot needs 163 in SA to guarantee a OHKO.

UnSTAB Surf needs 327 in SA to guarantee a OHKO.

STAB Surf needs 217 in SA to guarantee a OHKO.

Solid Rock's reducing was included.

I would like to ask if any of you could:

1. Tell me some Pokemon that fit the bill of any of the above scenarios that have SAs slightly above or below the given numbers. (Ex. Starmie, with 252 EVs in SA and neutral nature has 299 SA. Even though it doesn't fit into the scenario, you get the idea.)

2. Tell me how much EVs I'd need in SD to make sure Rhyperior survives any of the above attacks with at least a little bit of HP. I'm sure Rhyperior will go last against common threats that carry the above attacks, but will most likely OHKO with one of its attacks after a Swords Dance. Yes, I'm willing to put some Defense EVs into SD.

Thanks in advance. If I didn't explain everything thoroughly, then just say so and I will try to explain it better.

200th post. :)


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Really, just give it 252evs in speed , 252 in attack and strap on a Choice Scarf since most special and mixed sweepers can OHKO Rhyperior with Surf or Grass Knot, so just outrun them!

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Question 1:

http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/sp-attack.shtml - it's just the 100 highest though, which bottoms off at a Deoxys form.

As far as question 2 - probably max, but it'd likely depend on the Special Attack of the Pokemon attacking it.
OK, thanks for the helpful place and info.

Really, just give it 252evs in speed , 252 in attack and strap on a Choice Scarf since most special and mixed sweepers can OHKO Rhyperior with Surf or Grass Knot, so just outrun them!
lol Fast Rhyperior. I forgot to say, Sandstorm will also be a factor since my team will mostly be sandstormish.

I don't think Rhyperior would be able to outspeed Starmie, Azelf, Porygon-Z, etc.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Well, mostly Rhyperior will be hit by special attacks so, EV train it in that and attack and since Sandtorm gives it a Spdef boost then a Hydro Pump from Blastoise will require a 2hko.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Well, mostly Rhyperior will be hit by special attacks so, EV train it in that and attack and since Sandtorm gives it a Spdef boost then a Hydro Pump from Blastoise will require a 2hko.
But... I said from common Pokemon... Blastoise ain't THAT common.

Oh well, still useful. :)
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