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Culture of Vulture [CoV] Presents: An ssb64 tournament


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
its my clan
Yeah I know but its a really weird name, howd you come up with it?

I wonder what vulture culture is like, you know? Like vultures just wait for s*** to die and then eat the carcasses of weak wounded desert animals...

So you're like a culture of ravenous birds? Do you float around with jigglypuff and wait until n00bs suicide :p

GL with the tourney btw.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Wonsang said:
Vulture (as defined by Clergyman Jerrald) - The ultimate act of violation in super smash. The act is performed in 3 player or 4 player free for all. Whilst two combatants are dueling, a third combatant will sometimes stay aloof in hopes of exploiting a finishing move or other move that is highly vulnerable or has great lagtime. Oftentimes, this is the killing move of the other combatant's combo. At this point, the third player will proceed to move in and "vulture" the winning player in the duel with a fierce hit or throw. The vulture is best demonstrated when said move kills the vultured player immediately. This act must be followed with the statement "VULTURE" by the vulturing player, to the victim's face. Other players may join by lesser repetitions of the statement "Vulture", in agreement. Oftentimes, the vulturing player is allowed to taunt.

Another, greater version of the Vulture involves a large hitrange move. Instead of simply exploiting a finishing move, another Vulture move can simply destroy both parties with one fatal blow, interupting and overriding any and all moves in progress. A good example is the DK Vulture. For this reason, DK is the ultimate Vulture machine.
there you have it :p
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