While personally my pick for a Generation 4 Pokémon would be Infernape (and I'd rather not have another Pokémon), Croagunk is more likely than ever.
Some people have been theorising that Pokken's perplexing recent promotion including a free trial just like FE:TH and ARMS got could be a sign of a shillmon getting in. If it is so then it is likely a Pokémon playable in Pokken. But Pokken has no Generation 8 Pokémons. Quite confounding. Another important point against a Generation 8 Pokémon getting in is the recent Generation 8 Spirit Board. However, does it have to be a Generation 8 Pokémon? Not necessarily. In fact, it is not unlikely (it has been speculated for years) that next year we'll be getting Generation 4 remakes. It would make much more sense to advertise those. They would long be in the planning by the time the FP2 was decided. (shortly after E3 2019 if memory serves) So I believe a Generation 4 Pokémon is more likely than a Generation 8 one. (we already have Lucario you might say but I think everyone knows at this point that these dumb rules are always to be broken)
Well, Pokken has 3 Generation 4 Pokémon (besides Lucario) :
Croagunk, Garchomp and Empoleon