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Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hmm, both you and your friend's approach are really predictable. Your approach is just walking straight towards you opponent or jumping to attack him. If your opponent knows how to dash dance and wavedash around properly to bait your attacks, you would get destroyed.

What you did in between stocks doing dash dances and wavedashing around is what you should be doing to space and bait attacks from your opponent. It allows you to look for openings and avoid being hit.

Practice chaingrabbing a lvl 1 fox computer, because you have trouble regrabbing after you up throw a low percent. You need to finish off chaingrabs with f-smashes, or fair combos with the help of u-tilts.

At the beginning of every new stock for your opponent, you always go for that grab for a chaingrab, and miss a ton of grabs. You should know that you don't always have to go for a chaingrab at the beginning, you leave yourself open by missing all those grabs where you could have been comboed to death. Protecting yourself with fairs to get in grabs, tech chasing to grab, shield grabbing is sometimes better than just running around grabbing randomly.

When fox fthrows you, he regrabs you. You can buffer shield roll away, jump away and fair him, sidestep, and I think you can grab him too (not sure about this). Basically, you shouldn't get regrabbed like this.

Don't dash attack all the way into the middle of your blade into his shield, don't fsmash at the middle of your blade at his shield, you're asking to get grabbed, which is what happend to you. Space yourself, and for those situations, you could have just grabbed him instead.

When he grabs you, DI behind him, it makes it harder for him to do u-throw to uair, and then smash DI the uair.

Thats what I have to say for now, hope that helped.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
OK... I didn't see the entire match... even though I can kinda tell what will end up happening..

Do not make grab your entire game. I think I literally saw you approach with grab the entire first stock and then it was just jab and the rest were attempted grabs.

Do other things. Bait for grabs by doing low fairs then run away. Do dash attacks as foxes laser. Just try not grabbing THAT much.

Just mix it up. That fox kept running into your grabs but a lot of foxes will just grab upthrow upair you if you keep trying that.


Smash Master
Jul 22, 2007
I know it's Final Destination, and I know chaingrabs are cool, but they don't have to be your entire game. Sheesh. Fair goes into grab. You don't have to use just grab at the start.

You're missing jump cancels on the grabs. Don't.

You seem like you don't have a solid feel for Marth's rhythm. Or maybe you're hesitating. Either way, there's periods of time where you should be following up where you're not.

You need to move more. Honestly, your Marth is lookin' kinda dumb... sometimes you just stand there and turn around and grab a few times. That's not good. Keep moving. Marth has an excellent dash dance, so use it.

Stop fsmashing so much. You're not really doing most of them at times where it'll help, and all you're really doing is slowing your character down. Dtilt or grab or something else instead.

I dunno if you mean to full jump the times you do, but they look like pretty bad times to full jump. If you can't already, you need to be able to short hop with a hundred percent consistency. Your wavedashing, too.

...seriously, stop fsmashing so much. You can't bank on just landing random fsmashes to win.

Ugh, the dash attacks need to go too.

Just in general, you need to play more. Shave off frames wherever you can, and that includes using faster moves.

It doesn't feel like you're comfortable with Marth yet. The best thing to do right now is just to play with Marth more.


Smash Master
Jul 22, 2007
...okay, not to be mean, but if you're going to try to take every stock through the chaingrab, you should at least learn to do it properly.

Counter doesn't work on the Illusion. Jab it.

Air dodging to recover is sometimes a good idea.

I'm assuming those usmashes are meant to be utilts?

I dunno, you still have the same problems as before, for the most part.

Stop double jumping so high on the recovery. People can punish that way easy.

You feel like a computer. When you get hit, you're not recovering, really, you're just going back in to get hit more, trying to even the score. That's a bad mentality to take.

Anyway, like I said before, you don't seem comfortable with Marth, and that's affecting your confidence too. You need to just... play more, really.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Get your basics down first too. You need to work on your movement, things such as dash dance game and what not.

Everything else has been covered.
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