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Critique my Ike...


Smash Rookie
Apr 23, 2008
Hi, I'm new. I played at a tournament at USC last Friday and recorded some matches, but unfortunately I recorded only one of my own matches because I was manning the camera to record the other matches.


My game 2 he picked DeDeDe so I switched to G&W, so there's not even a full match of Ike, but if you could critique my play, that'd be cool. Thanks.


Smash Cadet
Feb 29, 2008
SE Canada Land
That was an interesting match. Time for feedback.

First off, I suggest to use QD less. Many times it was used unnecessarily and you were punished for it. No need to QD on the ground when you could have hit with a dash attack. Second of all, when you use Fairs, space them better. Fairing directly above MetaKnight is not a very safe way to approach and can easily be punished. Third, use USmash at better times. A few times when you used it you either used it too late or you were too close. When I know that someone will jump at me, I hyphen-smash backwards. On to the final point--mindgames. You really were too predictable in your approaching. Try mixing things up and play defensive sometimes.


Smash Rookie
Feb 26, 2008
Roseville, CA
Alright, here's some tips on becoming a better Ike. Hope you like my tips :chuckle:

1. Wait a bit longer after your down throw, to see if your opponent air dodges or DI's out of the range of Aether or air midair chase.

2. You use QD too much, its more suited for recovery and getting easy shots if your opponent misses attacks. The lag of this attack leave you wide open if your opponent shields. Use the Grandviper approach too.

3. You should try mixing in other attacks like tilts besides Ike's smashes, since the lag if you miss will cost you. Ike's tilts are deadly and faster than smashes, and it works wonders against faster, lighter characters.

4. Maybe try to approach with shorthops+nair or shorthop+fair. Or just do a shorthop then a airdodge if your opponent starts reading your approaches.

5. Abuse Ike's fast attacks like bair and AAA. These attacks will be your best friend against fast characters.
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