before you even read any of this, go learn to short hop, l cancel, and wavedash.
1. dont dthrow shine. tell your opponent to press L around when the dthrow animation starts. this will train you not to try this nonsense.
2. keep spacing bairs like you are
3. usmash > dsmash
4. tech
5. dont throw out moves that wont ever hit her a la 1:10 in first vid
6. learn to waveland. air dodging all over the place isnt good.
7. dont doublejump unnecessarily. when all you want to do is jump over someone or land on a platform, full hop. losing your DJ can be fatal.
8. dont try to combo beyond where it will work. see 2:50 in first vid
9. react! at 3:29ish in first vid, you had like half a second to do anything. utilt, turn around grab, turn around usmash, shine wd backwards usmash, sh bair, anything. also around :15 in second vid.
10. your shine is not effective in this matchup. if a samus missile cancels and you reflect it at her, she can dash attack it and have a frame advantage on you.
move faster, react faster, throw moves that will hit, dont throw moves that will get you punished. learn tech skill.