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Create a character for SSB

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Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2011
New Jersey
Here is mine:

King Boo

He would be a character in between medium and heavy weight. His speed would be average. His grab range would be medium and his grab would be fast. He would have 5 jumps, but the last 3 jumps would be very short, his falling speed would be fast and his jumping speed would be slow. He would have good vertical and horizontal distance. His shield roll would be average. His cons would be his large size (VERY LARGE), bad hitboxes in most of his air attacks, and two of his smashes would have lag. His pro's would be good recovery, many kill moves, good attacks with high damage and knockback, great air dodge, and good grab game, although he can't chain grab.
* If you see this star next to a move, it means it's a good killing move.

His moveset:
Attack- 3 very fast punches (13%)
Side Attack- A slower, but more damaging punch (16%) *
Down Attack- Swings his tongue around on the floor (15%)
Up Attack- Sticks his tongue up (10%)
Fast side attack- similar to sonics (14%)
Special- He would bite people, like Wario (12%)
Down special- It would be like meta knights down special, or Zelda's up special. (8% if someone gets caught in it)
Side Special- Roll around the floor. It would be like Yoshi's roll, but it would be a lot faster. (15%) * (hard to control) (Would not leave you unable to recovery if you went off stage)
Up Special- Only useful for recovery. King Boo would stick his tongue out very high up to grab an edge. It would stop someone if they tried to steal the edge, but wouldn't cause damage. It would have invincibility for .3 seconds.

Air Attacks:
Regular attack- Spins 360 in air (6%) (Good hitboxes)
Up attack- Sticks his tongue out over his head (6%)
Down attack- meteor smash (12%) (Good hitboxes) *
Side attack- a fast week, punch (6%)
Backwards attack- slow punch (10%) (A little lag at ending)

Grab attacks:
Hits- 3% each hit
Fowards- throws character foward (15%)
Backwards- throws character backwards (14%)
Down- Go's on top of the character and punches (15%)
Up- Throws character very high into the air (15%) *

Up- A fast tongue whip (15%) *
Down- 2 boo's would pop out of the ground right next to him and cause damage to anyone nearby.(15%) * (High ending lag)
Side- It would be similar to Shieks side smash, but with punches. * (10%) (High ending lag)

Final Smash- For 25 seconds, Boo would be invisible to everybody else.
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