Smash Rookie
if there is another smash bros. game i think i have the coolset idea for crash bandicoot in brawl and his finale smash.
i think it should be a random one, like if u get a smash ball 1 of several things should happen
1. evolvo-ray: cortex sets up about five evolvo-ray like machines and pushes a button while hes hovering. only a couple will go off so you have to get lucky and go under one that dosent go off. if you are hit you should turn into a wierd version of your character or something, then crash has a limited time to kill you before it wears off.
2. N.gins wrath: N.gin climbs to the back of the screen much like andross in the mecha bandicoot suit and tries to attack crash (even though it wont hurt him cuz every time he gets a smash ball he puts on aku aku and becomes invincible like wario man) while he tries to attack crash he will also attack every one else.
3. super spin: starts spinning really fast and eventually becomes an even bigger spin like a tornado and slowly pulls people in then shrinks back down.
4:N.brio: brio drinks his potion and turns into the jumping monster that he did in twinsasnity and crushes opponents.
5.aku aku: a weak attack but strong if you know how to use it. aku aku will rapidly circle crash like in ctr and damage opponents.
6.freeze: N.tropy freezes time and crash can try to k.o the opponents.
7. mask battle: (not my idea) aku aku and uka uka position them selves on either side of the screen and both let out a blast that will hit the other and then the giant blast will slowly move down the screen. (my idea)--> in order for crash to not get hurt you will have to go on whatever side aku aku is on.
8.bearminator: the bearminator will go on the left or right side of the screen and tilt it with it mouth open. (on certain levels) people will slide down really fast and try to escape. on non tiltable levels he will go in the backround in a tank and shoot, and on other levels he will either hover in a hovercraft and let out a beam that goes back and forth or he will just run across the screen once.
9.komodo bros: komodo moe and joe will appear and the fat one will thow swords across the screen while the skinny one spins across the stage.
10.blah: crash looks at the screen with a wierd look on his face then jump to the screen appering larger but hes not, and sticks his rear end blocking the fight like the nintendog, he then laughs and returns to the battle.
one last thing: some one send me a message or something telling me ur ideas for crahes or other crash characters finale smash. :D
i think it should be a random one, like if u get a smash ball 1 of several things should happen
1. evolvo-ray: cortex sets up about five evolvo-ray like machines and pushes a button while hes hovering. only a couple will go off so you have to get lucky and go under one that dosent go off. if you are hit you should turn into a wierd version of your character or something, then crash has a limited time to kill you before it wears off.
2. N.gins wrath: N.gin climbs to the back of the screen much like andross in the mecha bandicoot suit and tries to attack crash (even though it wont hurt him cuz every time he gets a smash ball he puts on aku aku and becomes invincible like wario man) while he tries to attack crash he will also attack every one else.
3. super spin: starts spinning really fast and eventually becomes an even bigger spin like a tornado and slowly pulls people in then shrinks back down.
4:N.brio: brio drinks his potion and turns into the jumping monster that he did in twinsasnity and crushes opponents.
5.aku aku: a weak attack but strong if you know how to use it. aku aku will rapidly circle crash like in ctr and damage opponents.
6.freeze: N.tropy freezes time and crash can try to k.o the opponents.
7. mask battle: (not my idea) aku aku and uka uka position them selves on either side of the screen and both let out a blast that will hit the other and then the giant blast will slowly move down the screen. (my idea)--> in order for crash to not get hurt you will have to go on whatever side aku aku is on.
8.bearminator: the bearminator will go on the left or right side of the screen and tilt it with it mouth open. (on certain levels) people will slide down really fast and try to escape. on non tiltable levels he will go in the backround in a tank and shoot, and on other levels he will either hover in a hovercraft and let out a beam that goes back and forth or he will just run across the screen once.
9.komodo bros: komodo moe and joe will appear and the fat one will thow swords across the screen while the skinny one spins across the stage.
10.blah: crash looks at the screen with a wierd look on his face then jump to the screen appering larger but hes not, and sticks his rear end blocking the fight like the nintendog, he then laughs and returns to the battle.
one last thing: some one send me a message or something telling me ur ideas for crahes or other crash characters finale smash. :D