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Counter Falcon Strategies<


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
If you're here looking for a good way to beat a Captain Falcon, you've come to the right place. You should get a snack becuase this is going to be long. Here is a listed strategy for every character.

However, do not assume that this is all against the Captain. Seeing these strategies that I have collected from other poeple's guides may help Falcon develop. We should search for what it is that they beat Falcon with and try to develop something to fight back with. Know your enemy!


For King Dedede
Difficulty: ****
Captain Falcon hangs tough. With a **** strong air game and tons of moves that are potent on the ground and have good range, Captain Falcon is a good example of an enemy whom, even with no projectiles, can put up a **** hard fight. He does have a rather long cooldown lag on his attacks, and that is your main edge against him. As per tradition, Waddle Dee Toss from afar, and use quicker attacks to rack up damage, before sending him out with Smash, Jet Hammer, or a Throw. One thing to note is that Captain Falcon isn't really Gimpable due to Falcon Dive being a throw, so it's better to let him recover, then take him down unless you're **** sure you can Edgehog him (which is risky). He's quicker than Ganondorf, which is exactly what makes him a lot more dangerous.

For Bowser
Difficulty: **
FALCON PUNCH! FALCON KICK! YES!... WHOOOSH!--Huh? Don't you think it's odd that C. Falcon says something manly with every move except his uppercut attack? It just makes this weird wooshing sound. Anyway, C.Falcon isn't a big worry for the Mario-mashing Turtle. You have a huge power advantage, and a reach advantage. He has to get in close to do damage to you, which means he'll be in perfect range for your devastating smashes. Falcon's speed can be a pain, but his speed mostly just comes in running, as he's clunky in the air (but has quick and powerful aerials, so watch out) and his attacks aren't that fast on the ground. He'll have to deal a decent amount of damage before sending you flying. Watch out for his Falcon Punch though. Don't even bother trying to hit him out of it; it's safer just to dodge out of the way. Flame him hard at a distance to rack up damage, and flame him hardcore when he's trying to recover. Even if he manages to get back on, you should weaken him significantly. And finally, Falcon's forward mid-air attack (knee) can be absolutely devastating if it hits, so try and dodge or block it at all costs. ~~Final Smash: Falcon salutes and his Big Blue hovercraft racer does a drive-by. If it hits anyone, they're transported on to a racetrack with Falcon in his vehicle, and he drives right into them, dealing big damage. Falcon's final isn't quite as powerful as the Fire Emblem guys (Marth, Ike), or the Zeldas (Zelda/Sheik, the Links), but it is pretty much a guarenteed KO if he hits you at medium/high %s. Avoid it by keeping your distance and by trying to jump over him when he does the attack.

For Captain Falcon
Difficulty: ***
Captain Falcon Captain Falcon is weak to fast moves with no beginning lag: Raptor Boost, Ground Kick, and Shoulder Bash are your best moves in this situation. If you're looking for advice on how to fight other Captain Falcons, there's not much I can do for you: he has all of your strengths and all of your weaknesses.

For Diddy Kong
Difficulty: **
Fast, Strong, and good at rolling. But no ranged attacks. Good, you can make him come to you. Have DB between you and him to have him have to slip and jump. If he slips, obviously go in fast and attack, and if he jumps watch out for the knee! It's powerful but will be tough to hit you with since you're small. If he's smart he'll use another aerial move but watch out anyways! Don't die from silly mistakes! Final Smash: Blue Falcon Avoid: Just stay away from right in front of him. It shouldn't be too hard but he is faster at running than you so be careful.

For Donkey Kong
Difficulty: ****
CAPTAIN FALCON GIANT PUNCH his FALCON PUNCH. Seriously. Giant punch wins in priority! I am pretty sure if you time it right you can also giant punch falcon kick if he does it from afar, along with fsmash. Captain Falcon loves to combo, and you are one of the few characters he can do so to now, and he loves to sweetspot the knee, which you are a big target for, and he loves to spike, which is easiest on you as DK. So how to counter this? Your ground game! Jab through his jabs. Ftilt him away when he doest that infinite tap thing. Groundpound the raptor boost, and for the love of god if you hear the word "FALCON" then you should falcon block or donkey punch immediatley at close range. You have so many ways to out range him and counter his b moves that his smashes and tilts are all you have to worry about, and dtilt takes care of almost all of that. If he falcon punches the wrong way, or you spot dodge the kick, give him the pitfall into strong move one two. In the air, falcon is fast, but can't outrange your bair, so if he tries to bair you, bair him back. Fair? Bair or nair. Uair? Airdodge, because this is a problem, and pray he isn't a smart Falcon that fast fall up b's every air dodge. This hurts, and if he does it as you ledge stall or as you are trying to edge gaurd he can stage spike you with it. Raptor boost will spike you, and if you are near the edge, above it and he can make it with raptor boost with or without hitting you, he'll use it, so airdodge into up b if you are out there, and if not, just prepare a fsmash to say to him "Hey, you Raptor boost, you die, so why don't you up b over me?" When he does resume punishment/normal ground tactics. If he is predictable with the over b, you can jump out and dair him. Don't go out far enough to be up b'd though, and don't fair unless you aim it so your fist hits him below you, or you could get raptor boost spiked or up b'd. He can attempt to WOP you with bairs, but if you DI up you can up b back to the stage. He can't uair you too much if you do this because he HAS to go back sometime. He's not Jigglypuff ya'know...

For Falco
Difficulty: **
The F-Zero king has no projectiles, so his only option is close combat. He'll have no problem making that happen, because his running speed is so fast he'll be on you in a second. He can juggle and combo really well because of his good Uair, and has one of the best aerial finishing moves in his Fair (Knee of Judgment). So my advice to you is to dodge a lot; play pretty defensively and get hits in when you can, then you can get him into a combo. Don't go looking for the fight. Remember, Falcon's a fast faller, so juggling him won't be easy. Edge hogging him is, though. Falcon's final smash is the Blue Falcon. He needs to be pretty close to you for it to work, just like Ike's or Link's. Don't let him get near you. Whoever he catches in this one will be run over by his racer and killed instantly (when there are multiple brawlers, he can even run over 2-3).

For Fox
Difficulty: **
FAAAALCOOOWN PAAAWWWNCH!!!!! If you get hit by this move, stop playing. Seriously. This isn't Captain Falcon's only strong move, though, practically all of his specials have some KO power (and that's saying something). Captain Falcon is both stronger and faster than you, so the only way you'll win is by being more aggressive. Your moves hit faster, so use them to beat on him until he gets KOed. Watch out, Captain Falcon can approach with Raptor Boost and Falcon Kick, which should be dodged. The only thing he lacks is a good recovery. Use that to your advantage. The Blue Falcon is a hit-or-miss Final Smash, so make sure it misses. Stay away from his front side, and hit him in the back to make him lose the Smash Ball. If you get hit, pray you don't die.

For Ganondorf
Difficulty: ******
Your faster counterpart may be more agile, but he certainly isn't stronger than you. When fighting your doppelganger, let him come to you. Captain Falcon is the second fastest character in the game; you will not be catching him. Instead try to play defensively. Captain Falcon's B moves have a lot of recovery lag, which will allow you to land hits. Simply sidestep or roll out of the way, and then strike with tilts (or even a partially charged Smash) as he recovers. One move you do have to watch out for is his famed Knee of Justice. This attack comes out extremely fast and, if used properly, has insane knockback. Ganondorf is a relatively large target, so if you see Captain Falcon coming at you in the air, get out of the way.

For Ice Climbers
Difficulty: ***
Fear the Falcon Punch. Beyond that, he has Falcon Kick for a strong approach, but not much else. He is quite slow and plays like a heavy character, but your USmash affects him more like a regular weight character. Mix up your attacks and keep on him and he won't be too much of a threat. Break his Falcon Punches and keep striking and he won't be too bad. Almost all of your approaches have higher priority than any of his attacks except his fully charged Falcon Punch, so you can use those generously. His final smash is much like Meta Knight's with a range slightly larger than what you would think. Don't stay too close for too long and don't be in front of him when he uses it, and you'll be ok. Overall, keep on him. Keep moving, approaching, and hitting him when he tries to charge his Falcon Punch, and you should be able to knock him out with out too much trouble.

For Ike
Difficulty: ***
Your smash lags are a formula for death. For you. Try to use them sparingly. Captain Falcon's moves come out slowly but not as slow as Ike's, keep this in mind when fighting him. Do not let Falcon use his speed on you, try to sheild grab him out of his approaches since that is were he lacks. It will be easy to juggle the Captain as long as you keep your game fairly ground-based. His ariels will deffinetly beat yours out. And if he initiates a Falcon Punch, simply counter, you will deal back almost twice the damage! A last shred of advice; standard A combo often to beat off his Raptor Boost and Falcon Kick.

For Jigglypuff
Difficulty: ****
Captain Falcon will usually play offensive, and back in Melee, he was a tough problem for Jigglypuff. This doens't seem so anymore. You'll probably find it more effective to stay around on the ground and prepare some shield grabs into some combos. Captain Falcon has some quick aerials, but they lack range, so just stay out of range if you want to counter them. Block the Raptor Boosts and Falcon Kicks, then counter while he lags. Since you are a small character, Captain Falcon will have a very tough time landing the knee on you. So it's not much to worry about unless your movement is very obvious. His bair can keep you at a distance, using Pound will probably get both players hit, the uair isn't too hard to get around, but should not be taken lightly.

For Kirby
Difficulty: ***
He might outspeed you, but your attacks hit almost as quick. This can turn into a slugfest quickly though, as both of you have no real ranged moves, so make sure you dodge frequently to avoid getting hit, as you cannot win in an outright smash-for-smash game. Also beware when you try to Meteor Smash them, as Falcon's Up B is annoying if you get caught in it accidentally. And, if you can, inhale Captain Falcon to copy his ability; it's just downright funny to hear Kibry yell "Falcon Paucnh!"

For Link
Difficulty: ****
Falcon has a lot of quick attacks with little to no starting lags. Raptor Boost, Should Bash and Falcon Kick can come from nowhere, and the Captain also has a lot of combos to follow up with (though not as many due to Brawl’s new physics). Also watch for his dair, and remember that he can reverse the Falcown Pawnch! An aerial game might help a bit, but be wary for the Knee of Justice, which is one of the best horizontal killers in the game. Falcon is fast, but also heavy so you have a fight ahead of you. However his recovery is predictable so you might be able to edge guard him well enough to kill him at low damage.

For Lucario
Difficulty: **
The paunch is nerfed this time around. People who use Falcon Punch too much are just asking to be grabbed/smashed. Just be careful, since Falcon can now do a reverse FP, which can throw you off guard. Falcon Kick can also easily be dodged. Combos are the way to go with this guy. Just be careful around some of his combos. Just avoid some of his smashes and you will be fine.

For Lucas
Difficulty: ***
He is fast but has slow attack execution, take advantage of that. Dodge then strike. Avoid his sliding moves which will lift you off of the stage. If this happens he will enter his air game. Counter this by air dodging or attack whenever he comes near. Dodging may work better since Falcon's Up B can grab "through" a move. Just be quick to react.

For Luigi
Difficulty: **
Captain Falcon - Falcon is still a deadly combination of speed and power. Let him bring the fight to you, a Captain Falcon player will usually be aggresive anyway. Be ready to move at a moment's notice, his attacks will catch you quicker than you can blink if you aren't prepared. You can take the fight to the air and come out on top easily, but be careful of the Falcon Dive, it can ruin your plans and set you up for some big damage.

For Mario
Difficulty: **
This guy is about speed and power. His main attacks is the Falcon Dive, The uppercut, and the flurry of punches. When he uppercuts you can easily counter that with a forward A or a smash. Try to not get over him, as the Falcon Dive is very strong. Just keep on your toes for a good chance to edgeguard. His recovery is predictable so it can easily be caped. Falcon is also a fairly large target so don't be afraid to get up close and snag some small, consecutive hits. Captain Falcon should be a rather casual matchup.

For Marth
Difficulty: *
Captain Falcon is one of the best characters to train against, Ike and Fox being the others. Ike represents raw power, Fox represents all speed and Captain Falcon is in the middle of the two of them. He isn't particularily hard to beat either, this will inspire some confidence in you as you face him. Basically, his moves are powerful and a bit quicker than most characters, but still not extremely quick, so this allows you to practice your side stepping. Aerials are very effective against him because his aerials are slower and have less range than your big sword.

For Mr. Game & Watch
Difficulty: *
Captain Falcon has very low range and not that great priority for most of his aerial attacks, and a lot of his moves come out too slow in general. You'll have the easiest time approaching with the almighty Bair, along with the Nair if he's above you. You don't have to watch out for too much if you play it safe and spaced. His Usmash is pretty awesome, so you don't want to get caught above him too often. He is still pretty fast in movement though, so be on guard for fake approaches. Once you get him off the edge, this easy match becomes cake. His recovery is absolutely pitiful and predictable. Just don't be right in his grab reach and you have yourself a free KO from your own Fair. With his short recovery you can KO him at relatively low percents provided he's off the side a bit. At higher percents, he'll be so far off the side you really don't even have to do much but watch and laugh as he struggles to get close before falling to the abyss.

For Ness
Difficulty: **
Falcon PUNCH! You don't want to get hit by that move. Aside from awesomeness, the good Captain isn't so great. He's faster on the ground than you, but his air game is far inferior. The Knee of Justice has lag on it so that he'll rarely hit with it. On the ground, you can interfere with many of his attacks and disrupt his momentum by launching a volley of small, fast attacks. Be quick, keep the fight aerial, and Falcon will fall. -Difficulty: 4 to 6 out of 10 -BEWARE!: Falcon Punch. It looks epic and hits hard. -Dealing with his Final Smash: Coolest Final Smash in the game, hands down. If you're ahead and playing casually, you may even want to get hit by it to see how cool it is. Otherwise, avoid like you would Ike's or Meta Knight's Final Smash.

For Olimar
Difficulty: ***
Captain Falcon is fast but is really not the biggest threat int he world. He mostly uses his bad attacks, and edge guarding- those one of Olimars weakest skills - isn't really that hard. TUM should work nicely on this one. Also, distract him with the Pikmin throw. You might as well throw them at him and have them killed in battle than have his fire moves kill all the non-red Pikmin. Finally, do not let him edgehog you. Make sure to throw Pikmin on your way back to the stage in order to clear the ledge.

For Pikachu
Difficulty: *
Captain Falcon "Just can't get out of bed in the morning? Need an extra boost of energy to win? Well, I'm here to tell you about an energy drink with enough Vitamin C and antioxidants to blow your god**** head off! FALCON PUNCH!" ...OK, I'll stop. Still, avoid the punch like it's Barney the Dinosaur. Falcon's a speedster, second only to Sonic, and unlike the hedgehog he's got brute force on his side, too. The only problem is that his attacks are a bit slow and his recovery options suck gigantic portions of ***. Knowing this, some harrassment works, but be prepared to mix it up and get him off the edge as soon as possible. Edge guard from the platform cautiously; you don't want to get nailed by his oh-so-predictable specials and much less the **** knee. If you must fight him off the edge, use aerials rather than specials; your recovery's better than his, and you don't want to choke on that. Of course, a high-% Falcon player may attempt Falconcide, but dodging mitigates that as well as it does Ganoncide.

For Pit
Difficulty: **
Really try to take this guy out of the sky! He's fast and has great air game, but yours will surely destroy it. If he is on the ground, just spam him with the arrows. That will prevent him from using his dash (which Falcon tends to depend on). And a Falcon Kick or Raptor Boost can be seen coming from a mile away, your first instinct may be to roll or dodge but do not do this all of the time. Mix it up with side B since it out-prioritizes those moves. He sounds easy but do not underestimate him or his killing moves. When C. Falcon starts the final smash, he will knock whoever is in his way. All opponents are transported into a racetrack. He will hit anyone in the track. Avoid his front side when he has the smash ball.

For Pokemon Trainer
Difficulty: *****
Note: Difficulty is less if you are using Ivysaur. Falcon PAHHHNCH! Don't get hit by it. It hurts a lot. But it also has a huge windup. Be careful, since it's not always obvious which direction he's punching in, and clever players will mix up the direction if they think you're going to try to get behind him. One thing to know is that is up-B recovery move is essentially a mid-air throw, with excellent priority. If you are anywhere near him when he uses it, he will latch on to you and explode you. (And if he hits someone, it doesn't use up his recovery, so he can do up-B again.) This makes it extremely dangerous to be directly above Falcon on a ledge. (On a stage like battlefield, for example.)

For Peach
Difficulty: **
Captain Falcon is speedy and has great counters to Peach's aerial attacks. Next to Fox, Captain Falcon is a bad match up for Peach. Focus on ground attacks, like Weapon Attack and Dashing Palm, to take him out. Avoid using Toad since Captain Falcon grabs and throws a lot. Don't pursue Captain Falcon with floating jumps because he'll just use his Up + B special to send you flying.

For R.O.B.
Difficulty: ***
FALCON PAUUNCH! Ok, stay on the ground mostly here. All of his ground attacks have big lag, so you'll outspeed him. If you must get aerial, though, stay above or behind him. Go in front, and you will get painfully kneed. Go below, and you'll be kicked and/or nippled to the ground. Also, Captain Falcon has no projectile! Your projectile of choice should be the Gyro, as it's fast, covers long distance, and is powerful. So, basically, use projectiles and stay on the ground for this fight.

For Samus
Difficulty: ***
If he uses his Falcon Punch, roll away from him. Do not try to roll to the other side of him because he can change the direction of his Falcon Punch. Captain Falcon's side B move can knock you up above him, which will make it perfect for him to use his Up B move on you. If you get launched above him, either use your second jump, drop Morph Ball Bombs, Flip Jump, or use Zero Suit Samus' D-air. Captain Falcon's Side B move is also a Spike if used in midair. He is fast, so you should use your running attack to get to him. He can get out of juggles with his Down B. Final Smash: Keep your distance. His Final Smash can also hit you even if you are behind him. Just stay away from him and use the Furious Missiles combo to try and knock the Smash Ball out of him.

For Snake
Difficulty: **
Captain Falcon is fast, strong, and deadly when in the right hands. His two sliding specials (Raptor Boost and Falcon Kick) can NOT be countered with grenades. While the Captain is fast, his more powerful moves all carry a lot of lag time and are usually easy to see coming (Falcon Punch being the most notable of these attacks). Still, his other attacks are quick and he'll combo you with them. Captain Falcon is easily edgeguarded with missiles or aerials (if you don't get caught in his triple jump); his recovery isn't very good, and edgehogging is a good tactic to use as well. Captain Falcon players like to charge their Falcon Punch as they jump through the air; they can even change direction, so pay attention whenever Captain Falcon is in the air. I forgot to mention that Falcon's got some amazing aerial attacks, so stay grounded.

For Sonic
Difficulty: ***
Not much to say... He has slower attacks, a point to aggress on. He has better aerial attacks, a point to defend against. Counter, edge-guard/bash, the works. Comes down to more accurate fighter. And on that note, do not get carried away just because you stole the title of fastest character away from him. Be onguard as Falcon's attacks can still hurt, including the knee of justice.

For Toon Link
Difficulty: **
Captain Falcon has both speed and power, but what he lacks is ranged attacks. Abuse those projectiles as much as you can as he has almost no way to stop them. If he gets close run, don't jump, as Captain Falcon has many anti air attacks and is very good at intercepting. If you plan on jumping, spam those air dodges to keep yourself from getting hit hard. Anytime Captain Falcon is recovering from a powered attack like falcon punch, attack the hell out of him and try to knock him out. Just watch out for his fast attacks and running speed. Arrows are your best friend in this matchup.

For Wario
Difficulty: ***
Captain Falcon This dude is fast. Not only is he fast, but he packs a kick AND easily trumps Wario's range. This is going to be a tough fight any way you slice it, but bear in mind that several of his attacks in the air have a slight startup, so a good midair dodge can set up an opening for your midair attacks. On the ground, try using your crawl to go under his high-aiming attacks and striking with the low poke move.

For Wolf
Difficulty: ***
Captain Falcon is a beast in the air. His A> aerial should be your biggest worry, because it does crazy damage and has the knockback of a Falcon Punch. If you are B> moved, beware the falcon juggle, because it is formidable. His B^ move is also beastly—it does 19 damage and can KO at higher percentages. Fortunately, Captain Falcon is not a very good edge-guarder (primarily because his down smash doesn’t touch the ground), so you can probably recover very easily. Basic Strategy: Use your B Neutral—Falcon has no projectiles. Don’t get suckered into being falcon punched. Meteor smashes and juggling are useful.

For Zelda/Shiek
Difficulty: ***
Wiser Choice: Zelda As Zelda
After his huge nerfing operation, most characters are good against him, if played correctly of course. There is nothing to really fear here other then a random Falcon Punch coming out of nowhere and knocking you out. Just use your usual smashes and specials to get the job done. A dodging game is best against him as his moves are fast yet predictable. Also, watch out for random Knees as they may KO you once you have a few digits of damage on your counter. As Sheik- Overall Difficulty: Normal Really good Falcons will know how to use his Falcon Punch wisely, and I am telling you now, if that thing hits you when you have anything over 30% when as Sheik, just do not bother, even with DI this will send you flying to no return and Sheik's not-so-good recovery does not help at all. He is still very manageable as an opponent though so play him casually. Also, try not to go after him when edge guarding, his Raptor Boost's spike effect will have you done for.

For Zero Suit Samus
Difficulty: **
This guy's easy. The only thing he's got going for him is speed. He's got horrible priority, a Falcon Kick and Falcon Punch can be stopped by pretty much any attack. Almost all of his attacks are slow and predictable. He's recovery is nothing amazing, but it can't be edgehogged so you'll need to edgeguard or Side B him at a high percentage. For his Final Smash, he hops in the Blue Falcon and drives over you with it. It's pretty much a guaranteed kill. It's a bit like Meta Knight's Final Smash as in it'll only hit you if you're in front of him. Just do your best to avoid it.


Now I may try to "build" off of this.
Oh, and I have this short video that I made. It is not all combos but a mix of small combos and awesome moments. It was a quick work as you will notice that half of my opponents are cpus but that's fine since those are my epic moment clips. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=_ms7ZTLSFRQ) Enjoy:bee:!


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Okay, here is how Mario beats Falcon.

Mario can make things very difficult for Falcon by fireball camping. That, and his U-air is a better attack than Falcon's other aerials. Mario can juggle all day with his U-air if he sets it up right.

A pivoted Up-angled F-smash is very difficult for Falcon to get around in terms of range and priority. If you see Falcon approach with an aerial, this can easily win out if you're prepared for it.

Mario's FLUDD and Cape can easily disrupt Falcon's recovery. First FLUDD his Falcon Dive so he'll miss the ledge. Or FLUDD his Raptor Boost, which will pretty much wreck that too. Cape him away if necessary.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Wow none of these are very good and don't say which moves to use to counter Falcon's moves (except some stuff about avoiding Falcon Punch), and some of them say Falcon's attacks are fast and some of them say they are slow. And are the stars out of 10 or something, because some of them seem to think Falcon is a fairly tough matchup. I havn't faced any Warios yet besides a couple friends getting him on random, but I was under the impression that he was supposed to be a really tough matchup for us. I guess we need to use our tilts to outrange him?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Wow none of these are very good and don't say which moves to use to counter Falcon's moves (except some stuff about avoiding Falcon Punch), and some of them say Falcon's attacks are fast and some of them say they are slow. And are the stars out of 10 or something, because some of them seem to think Falcon is a fairly tough matchup. I havn't faced any Warios yet besides a couple friends getting him on random, but I was under the impression that he was supposed to be a really tough matchup for us. I guess we need to use our tilts to outrange him?
Keep in mind that these are all pulled out of character quides matchup sections. And the stars are out of six. * is an easy matchup ****** is a difficult matchup. Sorry for the confusion.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I've left out a few characters. I still need to find some guides for them. I will update this as soon a I have them.
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