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Complete listing of double\Triple shinez for falcoz


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
hey guys, this is the COMPLETE list of who and at what damages falco can double and triple shine them, (that is shine once on the ground (single), Jump Cancel and shine in the air (double), and jump again and shine a third time (tripple)
this took me like five hours last night to do and in that time i lost my girlfriend.... got abused by my mates.... and drank a whole sack of goon to myself..... this trully has been a labour of love,
Additional Notes: all the timings vary slightly when performing these on different characters and the percentiles are accurate to the last one percent that i managed to land the double\triple, so its pretty accurate, i would by no means say that it is 100% accurate....
(any mods reading could i please have this stickied)

so without further adjue... i introduce to you..... the list:

Doc mario - Double shine - 0%--46%
Triple Shine - No triple

Mario- Double shine - 0%-42%
Triple shine - No Triple

Luigi - Double shine - 0%-26%
Triple shine - No Triple

Bowser - Double shine - 0%-63%
Triple shine - 0%-30%

Peach - Double shine - 0%-36%
Triple shine - No triple

Yoshi - double shine - 0%-59%
Triple shine - 0%-22%

DK - double shine - 0%-73%
Triple shine - 0%-33%

Captain falcon - Double shine - 0%-103%
Triple shine - 0%-74%

Ganondorf - Double shine- 0%-75%
Triple shine- 0%-40%

Falco- Double shine- 0%-112%
Triple shine- 0%-85% (note: lower damage is hard to get second\ third shine as falco falls to low for a full hop shine but too high for a short hop shine, try doubles\triples after 25% for best results, it is still possible to land it at lower %s but the timing is harder)

Fox- Double shine- 0%-104%
Triple shine - 0%- 85% (same problem as falco, try doubles\triples after 45% for best results)

Ness - Double shine - 0%-30%
Triple shine - 0%-8%

Ice Climbers - Double shine- 0%-27%
Triple shine- 0%-3% (results may vary depending on nanas damage)

Kirby- Double shine-0%-24%
Triple shine- no triple

Samus- Double shine- 0%-15%
Triple shine- no triple

Zelda - Double shine -0%-21%
Triple shine - no triple

Sheik - Double shine- 0%-70%
Triple shine- 0%-36%

Big link - Double shine- 0%-74%
Triple shine- 0%- 33%

Young link- Double shine- 0%-64%
Triple shine- 0%-28%

Pichu- Double shine- 0%-46%
triple shine - 0%-20%

Pikachu- Double shine- 0%-46%
Triple shine - 0% - 18%

Jigglypuff- Double shine- 0%-7%
Triple shine- No triple

Mewtwo- Double shine- 0%-14%
Triple shine- No triple

Game and watch - Double shine- 0%-47%
Triple shine - 0%-13%

Marth- Double shine- 0%-45%
Triple shine- 0%-15%

Roy- Double shine- 0%-65%
Triple shine- 0%-39%

notes in closing: there ya go guys, all characters done, im exhausted....
im happy to answer any questions although this speaks for itself really....
keep in mind that the percentages work off the first shine... so eg if roy is on 39% you can triple shine him, which would put his damage up to 50% or so before the actuall third shine... but you can still do it, as the list goes off the FIRST SHINE damage...
thanx for reading.... and please dont post this anywhere other than on these boards and dont take this list and claim it as your own....
shine on brothers.... shine on...
captain lukey out.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
yeah well with this you can read up what percent you need to triple shine the character, then double shine and on the third jump do an aerial....
gee do i have to think of everything


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Memphis. TN
Heh nice....I'll have to take this in consideration when I start practicing with Falco.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2006
La Jolla, San Diego
yeah well with this you can read up what percent you need to triple shine the character, then double shine and on the third jump do an aerial....
gee do i have to think of everything
heh its fine. ill just remember those percentages and maybe add a few %s if i feel like, and pretend thats what it is to shine shine aerial, and shine aerial


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
it would probly be pretty close to rite anyway....
any shine stuff.. is practically the same....
if that makes any sense....
so are you saying your gonna rip me off of my idea.... change it a little.... and then post it around...
correct me if im wrong...
and i have no problem with that... i know the truth


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
thanks shiz... its good to get positive feedback from an awesome falco player such as your self.....:grin:
still no sticky, thats a shame:(
WTF why would this get a sticky lol?

Oh yeah and for the record, there is a falco percentages thread that forward already started, maybe this would be better suited as a contribution to that.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2006
La Jolla, San Diego
it would probly be pretty close to rite anyway....
any shine stuff.. is practically the same....
if that makes any sense....
so are you saying your gonna rip me off of my idea.... change it a little.... and then post it around...
correct me if im wrong...
and i have no problem with that... i know the truth
you're wrong... i wasnt intending to do anything like that at all
my point was that you can add a couple %s and that would probably be about right for aerials...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario
Well, I'm not exactly a top Falco player, but I found this to be awesomely helpful. I never really did know the exact %s I could do those things at. And besides, who wouldn't want to do double shines into a dair? It's probably the coolest looking thing Falco can do. :laugh:

Thanks for going to all the trouble to actually figure all this out, captainlukey, I for one appreciate the effort, it actually really helped me out.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
Well, I'm not exactly a top Falco player, but I found this to be awesomely helpful. I never really did know the exact %s I could do those things at. And besides, who wouldn't want to do double shines into a dair? It's probably the coolest looking thing Falco can do. :laugh:

Thanks for going to all the trouble to actually figure all this out, captainlukey, I for one appreciate the effort, it actually really helped me out.
thanx man, you really bring a tear to this nerds eye....
thanx for spending the time to write that real nice post bro...
*wipes tear from cheek* if you got any footage of some awesome combos pm me, ill put it in my upcoming combo vid... its called "busted for possesion"

(do you think this should be stickied, cause i do, but im biased)

oh and no way did u get a ganon 200% shine, shine, arial.... i could be wrong but i dont think so...

oh sorry i just read your post rite... sorry man, you could be rite about the ganon 200% thing, but by that time he can already jump out of it, so he must be a pretty dummy ganon, lol


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2006
La Jolla, San Diego
oh and no way did u get a ganon 200% shine, shine, arial.... i could be wrong but i dont think so...

oh sorry i just read your post rite... sorry man, you could be rite about the ganon 200% thing, but by that time he can already jump out of it, so he must be a pretty dummy ganon, lol
jump out of shine to aerial? i dont think so...

anyways, there would be no point in aerial shine -> aerial at 200%, except for to be flashy, since you could just aerial and they'd be dead. its just nice to know that falco has that fast of a double jump... oh and also... if you're letting a ganon live to 200%... lol


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
lol yeah id like it to be stickied.... after all it is a complete list....
doesnt look like its gonna happen tho...
oh yeah top cat, i just watched your vids... the old ones...
pretty good man, thats a slick falcon you got there... id like to see some new footage...
do you fast fall the knees? cause whenever i fast fall a knee i do it too quick or something... and the hit box doesnt come out...
lol i guess im just a falcon noob...


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2006
La Jolla, San Diego
lol yeah id like it to be stickied.... after all it is a complete list....
doesnt look like its gonna happen tho...
oh yeah top cat, i just watched your vids... the old ones...
pretty good man, thats a slick falcon you got there... id like to see some new footage...
do you fast fall the knees? cause whenever i fast fall a knee i do it too quick or something... and the hit box doesnt come out...
lol i guess im just a falcon noob...
if you look at the things that are stickied, they are generally falco player musts. Even things like dashizwiz's help thread and stuff aren't stickied. so try not to expect too much.
you're probably not getting the aerial out fast enough.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
if you look at the things that are stickied, they are generally falco player musts. Even things like dashizwiz's help thread and stuff aren't stickied. so try not to expect too much.
you're probably not getting the aerial out fast enough.
ya i guess your rite....
tthanx for crushing my dreams
and dude i can get an arial out as fast as i want... im just that good..
we should have a match sometime... falco ditto


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
I think this info is very helpful.

Actually, I did those aerial shine combos in my falco vid, like 3 months ago.

But then I was told that it was a terrible idea, since DI can ruin the combo.
But the combos look very good anyways.


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
DI doesnt affect the shine combos, you just have to go either left or right.
nice combo vid btw :)
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