The article was honestly great and is probably something I'd try to shove down newbie's throats (like no experience with competitive Smash at all newbies, not just new to Smash 4). Simple yet informative. That said, the focus on changes rather than playstyle/moveset as a whole for veterans kinda goes against that lol.
Can people please stop *****ing about Marth though? Thanks.
Whilst I will certainly miss seeing this kind of hardcore skillage
I'm not really worried. I'm just thankful that the game looks as though it could have more combo potential than Brawl. That's a big thing to me. At the same time though, combos in Brawl were still hype
because of their infrequency (well you know, except chaingrabs, locks and MK Uair spam. Ew), so actually pulling off a combo was satisfying. To make a long point short though, there is no denying the feel of air release -> Wolflash but that just won't cut it this time around, no siree.