I've smashed since day one of the original and I routinely read these forums. This, however, will be my first post. It isn't meant as an argument so much as a comment on the history of gaming controversy.
I just want to say this after seeing all the whining: I've gamed on and off in the tournament scene since the age of 18 and I'm nearing 30. With the release of any cult-popular game, be it CounterStrike, UT, Starcraft, Tribes (now do you see how old I am?), Mechwarrior, etc. there exists a ruthlessly loyal fanbase that is unhappy no matter how the game turns out.
In truth, most of the time, the new versions of games are always richly detailed and fun, although rarely in the ways expected. The hardcore nostalgics of any great game whine about what they don't like about the new game until finally they quit and go back to their true love.
Only a FEW do this. The rest move on to the new game, and in time discover the rich complexities of a new system. I will miss some of the features of Melee, but from what I have seen of this game, I expect it to be good, even if it's not good in the same old ways.
Mad LoVe to the lovers and the haters,
I just want to say this after seeing all the whining: I've gamed on and off in the tournament scene since the age of 18 and I'm nearing 30. With the release of any cult-popular game, be it CounterStrike, UT, Starcraft, Tribes (now do you see how old I am?), Mechwarrior, etc. there exists a ruthlessly loyal fanbase that is unhappy no matter how the game turns out.
In truth, most of the time, the new versions of games are always richly detailed and fun, although rarely in the ways expected. The hardcore nostalgics of any great game whine about what they don't like about the new game until finally they quit and go back to their true love.
Only a FEW do this. The rest move on to the new game, and in time discover the rich complexities of a new system. I will miss some of the features of Melee, but from what I have seen of this game, I expect it to be good, even if it's not good in the same old ways.
Mad LoVe to the lovers and the haters,