A forum call to action: Playtesting tournament for Metroid Prime: Hunters
I'm not making any official announcements or anything so nobody get you boxers in a bunch. As a student of competitive gaming and game design I’m very interested in Metroid Prime:Hunters for the Nintendo DS. For those of you that don’t know much about it, please feel free to check out my review and our article on MLGPro.com. For those of you that already know all about this and would be interested in helping an MLG staffer out by playing in an online tournament, read on.
So I really want to test how well this game holds up in a competitive tournament atmosphere and what strategies and techniques are important and which ones won’t be successful. Casual play can help with some of that, but only a tournament brings out the best and worst in players and stretches a game to its limits. That’s the sort of environment I’d like to test MP:H in. So I’m announcing a 2v2 tournament to be run this coming Saturday.
The concept is simple. You register your team of 2 as a representative of your community. I’m posting this across four different sites and initially allowing 8 teams from each community to sign up (with reserve spots open in case one site fails to get 8 teams or teams drop out at the last minute). These teams will be split up across a double elimination bracket and the community that has the best MP:H players will come out the champion. The sites this is being posted on:
MLGPro.com – the leader in competitive console gaming in the US and the home of the worlds best Halo players
Smashboards.com – the home of one of the largest independent fan communities for Nintendo gaming, specifically focused on the Super Smash Bros game, but full of Nintendo DS enthusiasts.
GameFAQs.com – one of the most active gaming communities on the web and the home for thousands of MPH players looking for strategies and games
Nintendo.com forums – Home Base. The place for Nintendo news and information and where you can find Nintendo’s best and more dedicated fans.
May the best community win!
::Tournament Information::
2v2 Online Metroid Prime: Hunters Tournament
Starting Sunday, April 9th
To Participate you need:
- A Nintendo DS and your own copy of Metroid Prime: Hunters
- Internet access and a wifi connection so your DS can get online for matches
- A digital camera with reliable means of taking pictures, saving them to your computer and transferring them over the internet.
- AOL Instant Messenger software and an account
- A Teammate (and lots of practice!)
- To register with me before Saturday the 8th of April or before your community spots fill up
To Register you must submit your:
-- Team Name
--DS Nicknames
-- Metroid Prime Hunters Friend codes
-- AOL Instant Messenger accounts
-- Email addresses
--What community your representing
-- Any posts not meeting these guidelines will be ignored.
Your Registration Post should look something like this:
Team Name: MPH Champions
Community: Nintendo.com forums
Player #1: Metroid Guy 1
Friend Code: 1111-2222-3333
AIM: MetroidGuyMPH1
Email: metroidguymph1@emailemail.com
Player #2: Metroid Girl 45
Friend Code: 2222-3333-4444
AIM: IloveNintendoMetGirl45
Email: IloveNintendoMetgirl@emailemail.com
Tournament Rules:
1. Double Elimination bracket, seeded randomly by community
2. Best of 3, Finals best of 5
3. Seeds will be generated randomly and evenly spread between communities
4. Highest seeded team in a match will host the game, lower seeded team will choose color.
5. All players will be given friend codes for their opposing team, the game number and player designations for saving their digital pictures in an email to schedule the first match.
6. The email sent with all the information will allow the players to contact one another and schedule a game. A deadline for the match will be posted in the email and if players do not play their match and report their scores to the tournament host by the deadline all players will forfeit.
6. The host will wait until all players have signaled ready before they start the match
7. Disconnecting will result in the forfeit of the match.
8. After each match, all players must take a picture of the post game stats with their digital camera within 30 seconds and before selecting “play again.” At the end of the 3 game series all players will save the pictures to their computer and send them to the tournament host through email. If email isn’t working for transferring files for whatever reason, they may be sent via AIM at the tournament host’s discretion.
9. The winning team advances in the winners bracket. The losing team is placed into the losers bracket. A loss in the losers bracket eliminates you from the tournament.
10. If a team wins 2 games in a row they are the winners. The third game is not played.
11. Failure from both teams to report scores from their games will result in both teams being disqualified from the tournament.
Digital Camera Pictures File Guidelines:
1. Each file will be saved using the same format.
Tournament Name: MPH_
Match Round and Number: Win1_ or Los1_
Game Number for the Series: Gm1_
Player designation: A, B, C or D
2. Finished file names should look something like this: MPH_Win2_Gm3_A.jpg
3. Examples:
Info: Winners bracket match #13, game 2 out of 3, from player C
File Name: MPH_Win13_Gm2_C.jpg
Info: Losers bracket match #8, game 1 out of 3, from player B
File Name: MPH_Los8_Gm1_B.jpg
Info: Losers bracket match #22, game 3 out of 3, from player A
File Name: MPH_Los22_Gm3_A.jpg
Any rule setting not listed should be set to default.
Team Battle Pro
1. Point Goal: 15
2. Time Limit: 10
3. Team Play: On
4. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
5. Friendly Fire: On
High Ground
VDO Gateway
Transfer Lock
Outer Reach
Team Battle Affinity
1. Point Goal: 15
2. Time Limit: 10
3. Team Play: On
4. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
5. Friendly Fire: On
6.. Weapons Available: Affinity
Alinos Gateway
Data Shrine
Capture 3 Pro
1. Octolith Goal: 3
2. Auto Reset: Off
3. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
4. Friendly Fire: On
Sic Transit
Capture 5 Pro
1. Octolith Goal: 5
2. Auto Reset: On
3. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
4. Friendly Fire: On
Data Shrine
VDO Gateway
Team Defender Pro
1. Time Goal: 3 Minutes
2. Time Limit: 10 Minutes
3. Team Play: On
4. Friendly Fire: On
==Special Rules==
5. No player may use Trace as their hunter
6. No use of the Imperialist (sniper) is allowed
Council Chamber
Alinos Gateway
Gametypes by round will be posted soon
I'm not making any official announcements or anything so nobody get you boxers in a bunch. As a student of competitive gaming and game design I’m very interested in Metroid Prime:Hunters for the Nintendo DS. For those of you that don’t know much about it, please feel free to check out my review and our article on MLGPro.com. For those of you that already know all about this and would be interested in helping an MLG staffer out by playing in an online tournament, read on.
So I really want to test how well this game holds up in a competitive tournament atmosphere and what strategies and techniques are important and which ones won’t be successful. Casual play can help with some of that, but only a tournament brings out the best and worst in players and stretches a game to its limits. That’s the sort of environment I’d like to test MP:H in. So I’m announcing a 2v2 tournament to be run this coming Saturday.
The concept is simple. You register your team of 2 as a representative of your community. I’m posting this across four different sites and initially allowing 8 teams from each community to sign up (with reserve spots open in case one site fails to get 8 teams or teams drop out at the last minute). These teams will be split up across a double elimination bracket and the community that has the best MP:H players will come out the champion. The sites this is being posted on:
MLGPro.com – the leader in competitive console gaming in the US and the home of the worlds best Halo players
Smashboards.com – the home of one of the largest independent fan communities for Nintendo gaming, specifically focused on the Super Smash Bros game, but full of Nintendo DS enthusiasts.
GameFAQs.com – one of the most active gaming communities on the web and the home for thousands of MPH players looking for strategies and games
Nintendo.com forums – Home Base. The place for Nintendo news and information and where you can find Nintendo’s best and more dedicated fans.
May the best community win!
::Tournament Information::
2v2 Online Metroid Prime: Hunters Tournament
Starting Sunday, April 9th
To Participate you need:
- A Nintendo DS and your own copy of Metroid Prime: Hunters
- Internet access and a wifi connection so your DS can get online for matches
- A digital camera with reliable means of taking pictures, saving them to your computer and transferring them over the internet.
- AOL Instant Messenger software and an account
- A Teammate (and lots of practice!)
- To register with me before Saturday the 8th of April or before your community spots fill up
To Register you must submit your:
-- Team Name
--DS Nicknames
-- Metroid Prime Hunters Friend codes
-- AOL Instant Messenger accounts
-- Email addresses
--What community your representing
-- Any posts not meeting these guidelines will be ignored.
Your Registration Post should look something like this:
Team Name: MPH Champions
Community: Nintendo.com forums
Player #1: Metroid Guy 1
Friend Code: 1111-2222-3333
AIM: MetroidGuyMPH1
Email: metroidguymph1@emailemail.com
Player #2: Metroid Girl 45
Friend Code: 2222-3333-4444
AIM: IloveNintendoMetGirl45
Email: IloveNintendoMetgirl@emailemail.com
Tournament Rules:
1. Double Elimination bracket, seeded randomly by community
2. Best of 3, Finals best of 5
3. Seeds will be generated randomly and evenly spread between communities
4. Highest seeded team in a match will host the game, lower seeded team will choose color.
5. All players will be given friend codes for their opposing team, the game number and player designations for saving their digital pictures in an email to schedule the first match.
6. The email sent with all the information will allow the players to contact one another and schedule a game. A deadline for the match will be posted in the email and if players do not play their match and report their scores to the tournament host by the deadline all players will forfeit.
6. The host will wait until all players have signaled ready before they start the match
7. Disconnecting will result in the forfeit of the match.
8. After each match, all players must take a picture of the post game stats with their digital camera within 30 seconds and before selecting “play again.” At the end of the 3 game series all players will save the pictures to their computer and send them to the tournament host through email. If email isn’t working for transferring files for whatever reason, they may be sent via AIM at the tournament host’s discretion.
9. The winning team advances in the winners bracket. The losing team is placed into the losers bracket. A loss in the losers bracket eliminates you from the tournament.
10. If a team wins 2 games in a row they are the winners. The third game is not played.
11. Failure from both teams to report scores from their games will result in both teams being disqualified from the tournament.
Digital Camera Pictures File Guidelines:
1. Each file will be saved using the same format.
Tournament Name: MPH_
Match Round and Number: Win1_ or Los1_
Game Number for the Series: Gm1_
Player designation: A, B, C or D
2. Finished file names should look something like this: MPH_Win2_Gm3_A.jpg
3. Examples:
Info: Winners bracket match #13, game 2 out of 3, from player C
File Name: MPH_Win13_Gm2_C.jpg
Info: Losers bracket match #8, game 1 out of 3, from player B
File Name: MPH_Los8_Gm1_B.jpg
Info: Losers bracket match #22, game 3 out of 3, from player A
File Name: MPH_Los22_Gm3_A.jpg
Any rule setting not listed should be set to default.
Team Battle Pro
1. Point Goal: 15
2. Time Limit: 10
3. Team Play: On
4. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
5. Friendly Fire: On
High Ground
VDO Gateway
Transfer Lock
Outer Reach
Team Battle Affinity
1. Point Goal: 15
2. Time Limit: 10
3. Team Play: On
4. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
5. Friendly Fire: On
6.. Weapons Available: Affinity
Alinos Gateway
Data Shrine
Capture 3 Pro
1. Octolith Goal: 3
2. Auto Reset: Off
3. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
4. Friendly Fire: On
Sic Transit
Capture 5 Pro
1. Octolith Goal: 5
2. Auto Reset: On
3. Show Hunters on Radar: Off
4. Friendly Fire: On
Data Shrine
VDO Gateway
Team Defender Pro
1. Time Goal: 3 Minutes
2. Time Limit: 10 Minutes
3. Team Play: On
4. Friendly Fire: On
==Special Rules==
5. No player may use Trace as their hunter
6. No use of the Imperialist (sniper) is allowed
Council Chamber
Alinos Gateway
Gametypes by round will be posted soon