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Clones (character spoilers)


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2013
What are your thoughts on Lucina, Dark Pit, and arguably Dr. Mario and Ganondorf being really close to other characters? IMO, they could've been given unique moves (especially Ganondorf with a white energy ball, dark wave energy, etc.) but instead have lazily copy-and-pasted movesets with differences in power, speed, or weight. Lucas, one of the few close-but-not-quite-a-clone characters done right, didn't return (anyone know why?).

Overall I love the roster; every new character is fun to play with. Yet, I wonder if Lucina and Dark Pit were added just to increase the roster count. Lucina, Dark Pit, and Dr. Mario could've been alternate outfits, or their moves could've been the original characters' alternate specials. I can sort of see the appeal of having a heavier, stronger Mario with his original down B, but are there differences I'm missing that make Lucina and Dark Pit stand out as separate characters?
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Space Stranger

space cowboy
Aug 31, 2014
Toy Hell
For characters like :4darkpit:, he is meant to be a literal clone of :4pit: in KI:U. :4lucina:'s main role in the beginning of FE:A was to disguise herself as :4marth:.

:4ganondorf: I'm still kind of miffed about. At least his custom moves are different.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
I don't mind clones as long as there is at least a measurable difference between the "original." From a game developer's point, it helps to add characters to the roster without having to spend so much time and energy coming up with the moves, balancing them, etc. Especially when the "clone" would be similar to the original anyway. Like Pitt and Dark Pitt, from a story standpoint they would work very similar, as well as Lucina and Marth. I will say though, I am not a fan on how too similar Lucina is with Marth, just the "tipper" being different. She either needed to have her neutral B be the over head swing like Melee's Marth with a few changes to her other moves.

I admit to this day why Ganondorf is a Captain Falcon clone ... granted, he follows the "good" clone rules that he works differently than the original ... but he should have had a different move set that matches more of his iterations throughout the Zelda series. I would support the idea of using Black Shadow as the Captain Falcon clone since he is from that series and would make more sense to be a clone of Captain Falcon instead of Ganondorf.

But that's just me!


Smash Ace
May 1, 2009
Gannon/Doc are different enough, though i feel Gannon could be better represented.
Doc is basically old mario before he got FLUDD-F'D lol so im cool with that.

DPit and Lucina....should not exist.... Dark Pit is so damn close to Pit i dont even notice my opponent switched between them most of the time


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2014
Lucina and Marth are slightly different because of different weight, height, and speed
Jan 27, 2014
Dark Pit is the most egregious clone in the entire series. He sets the precedent for "Blue Mario" and "Grayscale Dedede" in future games. The time they spent to turn him into a standalone fighter should have been spent on Alph instead.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
I'm okay with the clones in most cases.

It would have been nice if they'd tweaked Ganondorf more. I don't think they need to scrap the current version of him outright, but altering some of his normals, giving him his sword for some attacks, and maybe revising his B-moves again would make a lot of players happy. It makes sense that Fox / Falco share similar B-moves as they're both Starfox characters, Ganondorf has basically become a main cast member and is still lingering with cloned aspects of Falcon, a character who he doesn't fight anything like in the Zelda games.

As for this game's new clones, the only one I really dislike is Dark Pit. He doesn't feel different enough from regular Pit given that they share almost the same character model. I don't dislike him as a character, it just seems like a last minute addition done to boost the character count without putting any work into making him play uniquely.

Lucina plays differently enough from Marth that I don't mind her. I actually enjoy playing her more than Marth in this iteration. I wouldn't hold my breath that she'll be a series mainstay, but she does her job at being a clone character (having the same moveset, but different gameplay).
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