I found that for the most part, the lowest uthrow uair ko % is not affected by rage, while the highest uthrow uair % is usually reduced by a % or two with the mini rage beneath 100%.
I think that for a chart like this, you really only want the "lowest % rageless (0%), unstaled ko" and the "highest %, rageless unstaled ko", or the threshold at which uthrow uair no longer connects, because these are the only factors you can reliably test. Then you use your innate judgement to figure out the rest. KO %'s are very powerful knowledge.
I found, for instance, that rageless uthrow uair ko's rosalina and luma at 75% on FD when it's unstaled, which is a % that is very low. You might opt to dthrow fair until that % even, just to save that early ko. It also seemed to true combo at equal %s.
Notes from my twitter about Mario, because I'm trying to scramble any advantage to beat Viviff...
"It looks like without rage, the range is 89-95% for unstaled uthrow uair ko's on Mario on FD"
"without rage, earliest ko with uthrow uair on mario from battlefield top platform is 60%, latest is still 95% for unstaled uthrow uair
recommend not engaging diddy on top platform"
its 75% for side platforms lowest % on Mario
"jesus rage soft nair combos into uair even at 140%"
"battlefields ceiling appears to be just as high as fd's ceiling since uthrow uair ko's from the floor at 89% just the same"
Those are all my notes from 3DS. I'm pretty sure FD is the same but I can't promise anything. I still recommend my philosophy for searching for uthrow uair ko %'s though.
tl;dr keep it simple. Assume no rage, no stale, and no di. Everything else needs to be based on your human judgement.