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Characters who you want in SSB4, but never will.

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Smash Cadet
Jun 20, 2011
Somewhere near Disney Land Stafford.
NOTE: Before we start, I am sorry if this threading already On here, I'm new here sorry!

Ok, so I was thinking, What would be my Dream Roster, I have a roster in my sig, but what if there was over 64 characters like a tournament? (Not gonna' happen)! But, we can dream, there are some awesome Nintendo Characters that so Deserve to be In a Smash Bros. Game! :D

I myself think Midna's chance was in SSB4, I myself would love to play as Midna, I did before I played Twilight Princess in 2009!

Also, Prince Fluff is streching the boundaries here as it is not a mainstream Kirby game! But, it would be awesome and Prince Fluff's side B running over Bowser! Or his Mech-Fluff Final Smash, using it's Boxing Glove to show Little Mac as lesson or to! I can think of a Awesome moveset, bit let's save That for another topic.

And now for My character that 99% will not get in is Black Knight! I can dream right, he is way too heavy and way not the next Fire Emblem Rep, give Lyn or Miciah a Chance! He could be a assist who Strikes a Huge Blow?!

Post away! :D
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