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Characters id like to see

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Claus of Tazmily

Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2013
Masked man-his movest could be sword attacks and maybe his gun hand. His aerial movement could be hisy bat wing like jet pack. Then his ultimate smash would be small lightning strikes then one big one. With a random pattern like pk starstorm.

Nintin or Porky- i dont really care mich for either, my friend does.

Wesker- now this would be awesome. But i feel he would be very OP. Obviously his moves would be his t-virus enhaced martial arts, quick dashing and things like that. But his smash could be unleashing the ouroboros like e did at the end of RE 5. He would be a bit of a snake clone.

Vergil- id love this. He would use his sword, quickdashes some slight teleportation, and would either be able to ttrans form into demon mode to get speed and power boost and have his light swords as a move in regular form or vice versa

An Akrid or one of the factions from Lost Planet-. Idk for either movest except the faction character could have an anchor grapple then their final smash could be a VS of some kind.

Then someone from an anime. But not a main character because they would definitely overpowered like goku or naruto.
Im thinking
Cooler- final smash, transform and supernova
Tobi- goofy combos and bombs and teleportation, final smash activates sharingan and can dash quickly and teleport faster and gets a damage boost and his movement becomes more serious
Those are from 2 of the three anime anyone would consider for this because they are most popular though other anime are as great.

Finally id like to see
Skull kid- i honestly have no idea for his moves but his smash would obviously be the moon smashing the stage.
and just a joke but half serious
Lizalfos or as i call it, meep guard- the lizard gaurds from zelda.

Im sure this post isnt supposed to be here, will probably be taken down, and thought of as stupid abd gatbage but i wanted to put it out somewhere.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Lol thanks
Welcome to the boards, rookie.

I do have some advice... there's a time and place for everything. This isn't the right board to bring up anime characters. This forum is littered with videogame fanboys... and you may receive some hate for mentioning anime characters. I just wanted to warn you before they arrive.

Claus of Tazmily

Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2013
Oh im well aware of how different opinions work over the internet haha. I can gandle the heat. I just wanted to state random character ideas. Im not really sure why game fans and anime fans are so different, im both. It just makes sense they go together.just different ways to escape reality or be a hobby right? But thanks for the warning. I appreciate it. By the way if you would know how to work Project M i have a thread in those forims that requires assistance.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Little Mac
Unique requested can get a unique move set either form opponents or for him self

Favorite villain and I always wanted to play as him in something

The wonderful red
He's loop hole of adding viewtiful joe because of being by Nintendo and platinum bayonetta is not by Nintendo and plus wonderful red very unquie moveset lots of possibility and a hint that sakurai is interest in platinum

PAC-man if he gets in ill be smiling and if sonic is in too I'm going to have a heartattack of excitement because that would get a dream fight Mario vs megaman vs sonic vs PAC-man

Claus of Tazmily

Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2013
I just see a huge flaw with pac man
Very limited move-wise he just goes wacka wacka theyd have to make up stuff for him


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I just see a huge flaw with pac man
Very limited move-wise he just goes wacka wacka theyd have to make up stuff for him
1st of all have you played PAC-man land games they'd a punch of moves right there

2nd of all before sonic was in brawl in a game did sonic ever punch and kick so would that mean sonic has a very low moveset as well but yet they made one that fits the best even though it needs a little work

Claus of Tazmily

Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2013
Well yeah sonic can punch and kick but his special stuff is speed and rolling.
and no i havent played like any pac man i was unaware he had more than the classic arcade games


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well yeah sonic can punch and kick but his special stuff is speed and rolling.
and no i havent played like any pac man i was unaware he had more than the classic arcade games
The sonic part I mean't games with him punch and kicking besides smash bros

And look up videos of other PAC-man games and the support thread of him
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