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Character with the best projectile game?

Jenna Zant

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2014
Hi, I'm interested in Project M. Most characters I play in Brawl and Smash 4 are projectile-obsessed. What is the best character to use projectiles with?


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013
the 4th Dimension
Samus is the first character that comes to mind. She has a really projectile centered gameplan. Link, T. Link, and ROB also have decent projectile games.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Falco, SH lazer could do zero and it still be ridiculously amazing while being able to beat all other camping On himself.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
It depends

Do you mean what is the best projectile in a vacuum or do you mean what is the best projectile on a character?

I would say in a vacuum Samus's charge shot is the best projectile, and on a character I would say Falco's lasers.

wait i didn't read the this properly, but to answer your question

What is the best character to use projectiles with?
Samus for sure, also Link, toonLink, and Rob.
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Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2013
North of the Wall
Falco has a great laser game, he can control space with it really well and can play fairly spammy, however you're limited to shooting either left or right, and you only have one projectile.

Peach incorporates lots of turnips into her game, and with AGT (air glide tossing) she can have some unique movement options with it. However her play-style isn't centered around projectiles.

Diddy Kong has two projectiles, he has a peanut gun that shoots forward and is used fairly frequently, and he has a banana peel that he can use to throw around and control space with. He's a little bit like his brawl incarnation in that way, but he's limited to one peel.

Link is really projectile heavy, he uses his boomerang, bombs and bow quite a bit, though his boomerang is probably the most common. He's heavy on zoning with projectiles, but he lacks a bit of speed to be truly "campy"

Toon Link is very projectile heavy, most of his game plan involves using his bombs and AGT'ing with them. His boomerang also does tonnes of damage, but is rather slow, and his bow is rather situational. However, Toon Link spends most of his time throwing bombs, so he's very projectile heavy.

Samus is very projectile heavy character as well. Her missles are quite spammable and she has the charge shot as well. She also has two types of missles from her stance change (fire/ice) that act differently.

ROB has a few projectiles as well, he uses his top quite often in play, also he has his laser that's very good projectile. However both aren't spammable as the laser has to charge and there can only be one top in play.

Snake is also very projectile heavy. He has grenades (only one, unlike Brawl), his side B (which is now a tranquilizer gun), his down b, (C4, which you can plant on an enemy and it cannot transfer between players), his upsmash, and his downsmash. A lot of his play revolves around zoning with all his projectiles.

Honestly if you're coming from a Brawl background, I'd recommend Toon Link, or Snake. Diddy might also tickle your fancy.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
No mention of Mario's fireballs? I'm kinda surprised considering what people usually say about them.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2014
Just remember: you best get ready for salt. Smash players traditionally hate camping and zoning and the amount of salt and johns you will get because that idiot can't get around projectiles will be off the charts.
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Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
No mention of Mario's fireballs? I'm kinda surprised considering what people usually say about them.
yeah i have a friend who says mario fire balls are the most op projectile in PM

EDIT: to answer the question, i would say Link and Snake
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Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2014
Normal, IL
No mention of Mario's fireballs? I'm kinda surprised considering what people usually say about them.
Mario's fireball, though not as spamable as it once was, is a great tool for stopping your opponent's momentum. It can be used as a reset to start combos or can be used to rack up a lot of easy damage.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2009
Planet Tallon IV
No mention of Mario's fireballs? I'm kinda surprised considering what people usually say about them.

On topic, I don't see how Falco doesn't have the best projectile game. The projectile is fast (and therefore in a sense easier to connect with, stuns, goes a good distance, is cancellable at multiple heights, does NOT rely on stage platform height/the presence of platforms like Samus' missiles do, and also is a lot harder to beat out (If I'm right only disjoints [excluding shields] can nullify it?)

Some people will say that his lasers are technical and hard, but I can assure you after playing Samus for a year and Falco for a few days, I can say that, at least in my experience, spamming lasers with Falco is infinitely more safe, applies a lot of situational pressure (whereas Samus' missiles mostly just rack up damage or kill, Falco's lasers set up into kill moves, stop opponent momentum, and create and excellent wall with like half of the technical input required compared to Missile Cancelling), and just have too many pros despite their cons when you compare them to Samus missiles.

But, I'll also say a lot of it depends on your playstyle too. I've been a technical Lucas player since I picked up the game, so I guess it should follow that a character who plays similarly (a la projectile pressure into setups/combos/kills [versus Samus' zoning]) would be easier for me. Still, I really think from a concrete, objective standpoint, Falco's lasers are a lot easier to use in quick succession. Samus has to find a platform, properly sh, properly time the missile (not sure how many frames of leniency there are for this compared to lasers, but there are still a lot more inputs), drop down and not accidentally down-B, and properly time a missile on the way down for two missiles. With Falco, you just kinda jump, ff, laser properly, jump, ff...etc. Not to mention that for platform cancelled missiles (which to me are the most efficient means of missile zoning) require that the Samus puts him or herself near a platform, which is already a telltale sign a missile is coming. The time it takes for Falco to sh > laser > the laser to travel across stage is far less than the Samus equivalent, albeit as mentioned Samus' missiles can home in or kill, so it's a bit of a gain some/lose some situation. As for cancelling when not using platforms, if Samus is facing any other projectile character (which is likely Falco, another Samus, Link, or Lucas), using Samus' huge/high as **** "short hop" before missiling gives a lot of time for the opponent to prepare.

Basically, Samus has more reach and can kill at a distance, which is why her projectiles are a threat, whereas Falco almost always kills up close and personal, using his lasers to put himself in a better position. If you're used to Brawl and didn't play Falco in Brawl, I'd suggest going with Samus since her style is a little more akin to the playstyle and physics of Brawl, but I do think Falco is the better character overall from an objective standpoint.
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insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
Yall not saying fox
Something wrong here
Fireballs are just decent now, they were nerfed.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
No mention of Mario's fireballs? I'm kinda surprised considering what people usually say about them.
In 3.02? Sure.

3.5, not so much since they were nerfed.



Anyone who can cancel the the lag of the projectile in some way usually have the best projectile game, in this case Fox, Falco, Samus, Wolf, and GnW all have this trait but use theirs in different ways. That said Wolf and GnW probably aren't a contender for best projectile game. Fox, Falco, and Samus definitely are though.

then you have character like Snake, Toon Link, Link, and Diddy who are centered around their projectile/item game. Of them TL, Diddy, and maybe Snake are contenders as well.


Smash Rookie
Jan 1, 2015
For projectile based gameplay I vote Link and Samus. I'm honestly not seeing enough people say Link. Unless he was nerfed a good Link is one annoying SOB.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2009
Planet Tallon IV
Falco's lasers are transcendent, they can't be nullified or clanked by anything.
I like how lasers property description sounds godlike.


Like, they're so good they reached a whole other dimension of understanding and self-awareness.


I dunno, I messed with Falco in 3.5 for a few days a bit back and everything was surprisingly easy as far as tech goes. I think if his lasers are to be that good they should have some kind of offset to them, like limited uses per time-frame, i.e. a "charge time". Wouldn't hurt if Fox had this too. It'll promote actual strategic usage of lasers (and using movement) and keep them from being "lol free damage on Bowser or anyone slow for mashing B".

Edit: You know, when I mess with Falco lasers I wonder how people could ever complain about Lucas' PK freeze. It's slow, takes forever to come out, is easily cancelled out by other moves, and has insanely more landing cooldown than Falco lasers unless you somehow get consistent with the like, 1 frame window where Lucas can cancel it.
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Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
Edit: You know, when I mess with Falco lasers I wonder how people could ever complain about Lucas' PK freeze. It's slow, takes forever to come out, is easily cancelled out by other moves, and has insanely more landing cooldown than Falco lasers unless you somehow get consistent with the like, 1 frame window where Lucas can cancel it.
Because falco laser didn't link to a move that killed at 60% from all the way across the stage.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2009
Planet Tallon IV
Because falco laser didn't link to a move that killed at 60% from all the way across the stage.
60%? Maybe on Jigglypuff, maybe on Yoshi's story. Maybe in 3.02, and even then I'm pretty sure you could get out of it in time. Not denying Lucas wasn't broke as **** in 3.02, but people still complain about his projectile regardless because it leads into combos, as if Falco's laser > dair > dair weren't a thing.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
60%? Maybe on Jigglypuff, maybe on Yoshi's story. Maybe in 3.02, and even then I'm pretty sure you could get out of it in time. Not denying Lucas wasn't broke as **** in 3.02, but people still complain about his projectile regardless because it leads into combos, as if Falco's laser > dair > dair weren't a thing.
I mean when you are at 60% and you got hit, you died because upsmash did like 30% (when boosted with nb) with a million knockback, so you'd be dead from getting hit by it at 60% as basically anyone. Yeah, falco laser is super duper busted for sure, but getting hit by it at 60% didn't kill you from any distance. That's why people were complaining about pk freeze over falco laser.
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