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Character list.

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Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2013
Hey guys. This is my list of just characters that need to be removed or added to the next Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and 3DS. Feel free to leave a comment on any edits to the list that you would make!
The Brawl roster is good. I like it the way it is. However some changes should be made. For example, Lucario, Snake, and Toon Link all have to go. Lucario should be replaced by either Zoroark, the Mewtwo type thing that Nintendo released. (some claim to be Mewthree) or a different sixth generation pokemon. Snake can just get out. He does not belong in Smash. But if Konami were to be so nice and let Sakurai use Simon Belmont, that'd be great. Finally Toon Link also just needs to go. He's a link clone and he's had his fun. The characters that have been announced so far are good, besides Wii Fit Trainer (I can do without her), but, Megaman, and Villager are very good additions. I also think that Nintendo will decide to remove Ike and substitute him for Chrom, being that he was the main protagonist of Fire Emblem Awakening. I also think that with the release of Kid Icarus Uprising, Palutena and Magnus will both be playable for the new Smash Bros. Also, the fact that Kid Icarus was created by Sakurai, it furthers the idea that Palutena and Magnus will both be in Smash, if not both than one. As for the Mario franchise, it does have a lot of characters, but, one character that absolutely NEEDS to be in Smash Bros. is Bowser Jr. He has such a broad variety of moves that he can use. He can use his paintbrush from Sunshine, and he can use Megaleg as his Final Smash. He is a very viable character to the Smash Bros Universe. While on the topic of Mario Games, one character that I wouldn't mind seeing is Waluigi. I'm not going to really get into him but he can use his sports equipment I guess. In my opinion, Metroid is one of the best franchises Nintendo has to offer. But, it blows my mind that there is only one representative, Samus. Ridley is the only other option, besides Dark Samus, which I feel would be a clone of Samus, or one of the Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters. Now, for those of you saying Ridley is to big, answer this. If Ridley is too big, what about Bowser and Olimar. They sized down Bowser incredibly from the N64 days, and even from today in Super Mario 3D Land. Olimar was incredibly sized up as well, him being only 1.9 CM. Now he is much taller than 1.9 CM. So there is no argument for Ridley to my knowledge. From the DK Series, I feel King K. Rool should be the only entry from Donkey Kong. Maybe Dixie Kong but I think she'd just be a clone of Diddy Kong just faster. On to Yoshi. Yoshi was one of the original characters yet on the Offical website for Super Smash Bros. he was not announced. This could mean one of two things. One is NOT removal because its safe to say that he is staying. One is he could be getting a complete redesign, like Olimar. Or he could be getting baby mario on his back like in Super Mario World 2.I think it'd be interesting to see where Nintendo could go with that. As for F-Zero, I haven't played much of it but Samurai Goroh seems like the best option. He was an assist trophy in brawl so it only takes a little more for a full fledged character. The pokemon franchise is good where it stands, except for the Lucario thing I mentioned earlier. However they should replace pokemon trainer with one from either the third, fifth or sixth generation. I for one would like the third, being it is the one I grew up with. The Zelda Franchise should add Ghirahim to the next Smash Bros, mainly because of how well Skyward Sword did. The Star Fox franchise is also good except they should add Krystal because she would add a female fighter, and a new play style, because she has a staff. The Sonic series should only add Knuckles. Not Tails, Shadow, or whatever other sonic character. Just Knuckles. The Kirby, Pikmin, and Mother franchises are good where they stand now. There should be some additions of franchises. Little Mac should deffinetly make it in. In a perfect world, Rare and Square would both exist and we can get Banjo & Kazooie as a fighter, and Geno and Mallow as a fighter. But with all the licensing issues nowadays it just won't happen.

My Dream Roster
Bowser Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Fox Ice Climbers Chrom King Dedede Kirby Link Lucas Mario Meta Knight Olimar Peach Pikachu Pit Pokémon Trainer (Hoenn) Samus/Zero Suit Samus Wario Yoshi (With Baby Mario) Zelda/Sheik Captain Falcon Falco Ganondorf Jigglypuff Zoroark Luigi Marth Mr. Game & Watch Ness R.O.B.Knuckles Sonic Ghirahim Wolf Ridley Krystal Bowser Jr. Samurai Goroh Little Mac Simon Belmont Banjo & Kazooie Geno Mallow Mega Man Wii Fit Trainer Villager Palutena Magnus

Realistic Roster

Bowser Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Fox Ice Climbers Chrom King Dedede Kirby Link Lucas Mario Meta Knight Olimar Peach Pikachu Pit Pokémon Trainer(A region that is not Kanto) Samus/Zero Suit Samus Wario Yoshi Zelda/Sheik Captain Falcon Falco Ganondorf Jigglypuff Zoroark Luigi Marth Mr. Game & Watch Ness R.O.B.Knuckles Sonic Ghirahim Wolf Ridley Krystal Bowser Jr. Samurai Goroh Little Mac Mega Man Wii Fit Trainer Villager Palutena Magnus


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Hey guys. This is my list of just characters that need to be removed or added to the next Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and 3DS. Feel free to leave a comment on any edits to the list that you would make!
The Brawl roster is good. I like it the way it is. However some changes should be made. For example, Lucario, Snake, and Toon Link all have to go. Lucario should be replaced by either Zoroark, the Mewtwo type thing that Nintendo released. (some claim to be Mewthree) or a different sixth generation pokemon. Snake can just get out. He does not belong in Smash. But if Konami were to be so nice and let Sakurai use Simon Belmont, that'd be great. Finally Toon Link also just needs to go. He's a link clone and he's had his fun. The characters that have been announced so far are good, besides Wii Fit Trainer (I can do without her), but, Megaman, and Villager are very good additions. I also think that Nintendo will decide to remove Ike and substitute him for Chrom, being that he was the main protagonist of Fire Emblem Awakening. I also think that with the release of Kid Icarus Uprising, Palutena and Magnus will both be playable for the new Smash Bros. Also, the fact that Kid Icarus was created by Sakurai, it furthers the idea that Palutena and Magnus will both be in Smash, if not both than one. As for the Mario franchise, it does have a lot of characters, but, one character that absolutely NEEDS to be in Smash Bros. is Bowser Jr. He has such a broad variety of moves that he can use. He can use his paintbrush from Sunshine, and he can use Megaleg as his Final Smash. He is a very viable character to the Smash Bros Universe. While on the topic of Mario Games, one character that I wouldn't mind seeing is Waluigi. I'm not going to really get into him but he can use his sports equipment I guess. In my opinion, Metroid is one of the best franchises Nintendo has to offer. But, it blows my mind that there is only one representative, Samus. Ridley is the only other option, besides Dark Samus, which I feel would be a clone of Samus, or one of the Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters. Now, for those of you saying Ridley is to big, answer this. If Ridley is too big, what about Bowser and Olimar. They sized down Bowser incredibly from the N64 days, and even from today in Super Mario 3D Land. Olimar was incredibly sized up as well, him being only 1.9 CM. Now he is much taller than 1.9 CM. So there is no argument for Ridley to my knowledge. From the DK Series, I feel King K. Rool should be the only entry from Donkey Kong. Maybe Dixie Kong but I think she'd just be a clone of Diddy Kong just faster. On to Yoshi. Yoshi was one of the original characters yet on the Offical website for Super Smash Bros. he was not announced. This could mean one of two things. One is NOT removal because its safe to say that he is staying. One is he could be getting a complete redesign, like Olimar. Or he could be getting baby mario on his back like in Super Mario World 2.I think it'd be interesting to see where Nintendo could go with that. As for F-Zero, I haven't played much of it but Samurai Goroh seems like the best option. He was an assist trophy in brawl so it only takes a little more for a full fledged character. The pokemon franchise is good where it stands, except for the Lucario thing I mentioned earlier. However they should replace pokemon trainer with one from either the third, fifth or sixth generation. I for one would like the third, being it is the one I grew up with. The Zelda Franchise should add Ghirahim to the next Smash Bros, mainly because of how well Skyward Sword did. The Star Fox franchise is also good except they should add Krystal because she would add a female fighter, and a new play style, because she has a staff. The Sonic series should only add Knuckles. Not Tails, Shadow, or whatever other sonic character. Just Knuckles. The Kirby, Pikmin, and Mother franchises are good where they stand now. There should be some additions of franchises. Little Mac should deffinetly make it in. In a perfect world, Rare and Square would both exist and we can get Banjo & Kazooie as a fighter, and Geno and Mallow as a fighter. But with all the licensing issues nowadays it just won't happen.

My Dream Roster
Bowser Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Fox Ice Climbers Chrom King Dedede Kirby Link Lucas Mario Meta Knight Olimar Peach Pikachu Pit Pokémon Trainer (Hoenn) Samus/Zero Suit Samus Wario Yoshi (With Baby Mario) Zelda/Sheik Captain Falcon Falco Ganondorf Jigglypuff Zoroark Luigi Marth Mr. Game & Watch Ness R.O.B.Knuckles Sonic Ghirahim Wolf Ridley Krystal Bowser Jr. Samurai Goroh Little Mac Simon Belmont Banjo & Kazooie Geno Mallow Mega Man Wii Fit Trainer Villager Palutena Magnus

Realistic Roster

Bowser Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Fox Ice Climbers Chrom King Dedede Kirby Link Lucas Mario Meta Knight Olimar Peach Pikachu Pit Pokémon Trainer(A region that is not Kanto) Samus/Zero Suit Samus Wario Yoshi Zelda/Sheik Captain Falcon Falco Ganondorf Jigglypuff Zoroark Luigi Marth Mr. Game & Watch Ness R.O.B.Knuckles Sonic Ghirahim Wolf Ridley Krystal Bowser Jr. Samurai Goroh Little Mac Mega Man Wii Fit Trainer Villager Palutena Magnus
Well, welcome to the forums, new guy. Although, this shouldn't be its own thread. You should have posted it in the Roster Discussion Thread instead.

That being said, I do question some of your logic in making this roster.


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2013
... I don't think anyone can read that.
Yes I know it is very long haha
Well, welcome to the forums, new guy. Although, this shouldn't be its own thread. You should have posted it in the Roster Discussion Thread instead.

That being said, I do question some of your logic in making this roster.
Should I delete this and repost it? And what exactly do you question?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
You're clearly new here, so I'll welcome you. :grin:

You say some characters NEED to go, but that's your opinion, and there are plenty of valid arguments that can go against it.

Also, I didn't even finish reading the list because your font is so dark, and the version of the Smashboards site font I'm using is the default dark gray. Also, the words form a large wall of text. You should use a lighter font or the default font color, and better organize your sentences.

Lastly, you aren't allowed to make threads like this, because if you were allowed, then everyone would be allowed to make their own list and roster threads, which would crowd the forum too much.
You should instead use the Roster Prediction Discussion thread or the respective character threads for who you think should be in and who you think shouldn't.
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