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Character idea to make every one happy

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Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2006
my idea is that to save memory for charicters, levels, and who knows what else. Brawl should come with two discs. so that one disc could be for Vs., buying trofies and characters and one could be for 1player and things like training, break the targets, land on the platforms, and wire frames. that way they whould have more memory to use on charicters, levels , and other new things. Tell me what you think about this idea and add on to it if you have any other ideas.

also, sorry if this has already been posted befor.


Smash Champion
Jun 13, 2005
UK (Edinburgh, Scotland)
No, because then the game would have to cost at least 25% more than normal,
or Nintendo may just make a loss. You know how expensive "special" video game DVDs are?
They're not just your average "I'll pop down to Tesco's mate" DVD-R,
these hold 8 GB or something ridiculous like that.

Remember, even though Nintendo thinks about fans, in the end, the entire entertainment
industry is based around money. Nintendo wouldn't bother making us happy if there wasn't
anything in it for them.

"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil"
~1Timothy 6:10
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