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Character Discussion Thread

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If it would even make sense in any way for Paper Mario to even consider him being a clone or even a semi clone, I wouldn't support him, If Sakurai WANTS a mario clone, then go with dr mario but seriously putting Paper Mario as clone or semi clone makes even less sense to not put him at all. He just CANNOT feel like the mario because he isn't. I know that the fact that he's still mario is undeniable but he just do not feel like mario in his game. In fact, ignoring his potential (which is gigantic) is like assuming that he would be a clone. I can think of 2 gimmick potential and a whole playstyle + several movesets not seen before. I'm telling you if he's in this is not for the sole purpose of putting as a clone and I'll go as far to say that it won't even be Paper Mario at all (like ganondorf which feels too much like c falcon).
Dr. Mario doesn't feel like Mario in his game either. Just saying.
And really, there's nothing different about Paper Mario that can't be said about SMRPG Mario or M&L Mario; it's simply Mario but in RPG format. And thus, there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.

Granted, the Paper Mario series has some aspects where it emphasizes the "Paper" part of the title, such as TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide) and Sticker Star in general, but when it boils down to it; it's still basic Mario. Much like Toon Link is just basic Toon Link who happens to be in a different artstyle and has games that sometimes take advantage of said artsyle and proportions.
And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
Fireballs? Check.

Cape? Well, if Dr. Mario can be given a copy from nowhere....though alternatively, Papes could use his trusty Hammer to reflect projectiles back to sender instead (kind of like in M&L).

Super Jump Punch?

Mario Tornado? There's the "Spin Dash" from the 64 game...

...though Mario has F.L.U.D.D. now, doesn't he?
Ironically enough, Sticker Star introduced a perfect substitution.

Think about it; like how Mario charges F.L.U.D.D., Paper Mario shakes the Soda Can. Then can fire a stream of soda when ready (though it looks like water in Sticker Star). Just like how its used in-game.

The point I'm trying to make here is, just because Paper Mario has stuff to work with to give him a 100% unique style (which mainly delves on using various partners and items) doesn't mean he's exempt from being a potential clone due to being who he is; Mario in a different artstyle.
Especially since unlike most clones in Smash already, Paper Mario has clear clone options (more so than I believed before this discussion; I wasn't expecting to find a legitimate substitute for F.L.U.D.D.) that are just as part of his "infinite potential" as everything else.

Hence why I don't follow the "he can do this" logic that was applied to Toon Link prior to Brawl; Sakurai has proven time and time again that alternate versions of existing characters are just going to be semi-clones at best regardless of their potential. With Sheik and Zero Suit Samus being the sole exceptions due to being mid-game transformations as I've explained already.
And hence why I see the choice between Dr. Mario and Paper Mario being just a matter of personal taste; no matter which one it is, it's an extremely high chance they're going to be a Mario clone/semi-clone. I just happen to prefer Dr. Mario due to being my Melee main and because I have more of a connection with the Dr. Mario franchise than the Paper Mario franchise.
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Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2014
In a mysterious place
I'm actually curious.

What are you guys most wanted character that hasn't been disconfirmed, or that is overall still kinda likely.

With Kamek gone it'd have to go to the Professor for me.
Palutena seems to be the most logical choice for me

Mii will probably like all custom moveset and only playable with friends. Heck I don't want to see him at the top of the tier o.o


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy

I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself if she got confirmed especially because I really want to main Rosalina.
Palutena vs Rosalina is going to be a tough choice for me too. At first, it might just come down to which is faster, because I've been starting to play as faster characters lately. But I'll probably end up maining both equally eventually :p


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Dr. Mario doesn't feel like Mario in his game either. Just saying.
And really, there's nothing different about Paper Mario that can't be said about SMRPG Mario or M&L Mario; it's simply Mario but in RPG format. And thus, there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.

Granted, the Paper Mario series has some aspects where it emphasizes the "Paper" part of the title, such as TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide) and Sticker Star in general, but when it boils down to it; it's still basic Mario. Much like Toon Link is just basic Toon Link who happens to be in a different artstyle and has games that sometimes take advantage of said artsyle and proportions.
And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
Fireballs? Check.

Cape? Well, if Dr. Mario can be given a copy from nowhere....though alternatively, Papes could use his trusty Hammer to reflect projectiles back to sender instead (kind of like in M&L).

Super Jump Punch?

Mario Tornado? There's the "Spin Dash" from the 64 game...

...though Mario has F.L.U.D.D. now, doesn't he?
Ironically enough, Sticker Star introduced a perfect substitution.

Think about it; like how Mario charges F.L.U.D.D., Paper Mario shakes the Soda Can. Then can fire a stream of soda when ready (though it looks like water in Sticker Star). Just like how its used in-game.

The point I'm trying to make here is, just because Paper Mario has stuff to work with to give him a 100% unique style (which mainly delves on using various partners and items) doesn't mean he's exempt from being a potential clone due to being who he is; Mario in a different artstyle.
Especially since unlike most clones in Smash already, Paper Mario has clear clone options (more so than I believed before this discussion; I wasn't expecting to find a legitimate substitute for F.L.U.D.D.) that are just as part of his "infinite potential" as everything else.

Hence why I don't follow the "he can do this" logic that was applied to Toon Link prior to Brawl; Sakurai has proven time and time again that alternate versions of existing characters are just going to be semi-clones at best regardless of their potential. With Sheik and Zero Suit Samus being the sole exceptions due to being mid-game transformations as I've explained already.
And hence why I see the choice between Dr. Mario and Paper Mario being just a matter of personal taste; no matter which one it is, it's an extremely high chance they're going to be a Mario clone/semi-clone. I just happen to prefer Dr. Mario due to being my Melee main and because I have more of a connection with the Dr. Mario franchise than the Paper Mario franchise.
Seems like it would take more work to think of the ways he could be a clone rather than a unique character. If Paper Mario were to throw a single punch or kick I'd be heated, that I can say, he never does. Either represent him right, or wait until next time. Similar to the Wario scenario. I'd like to point out Rosalina though, as most people for some reason, thought she'd be a Peach clone which is technically possible, but Sakurai and his team really designed a very unique moveset that fits her well.

I've seen people argue that Young Link is a unique character in Melee so I guess Paper Mario would be one of the most unique newcomers ever if we went with that logic.
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Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Dr. Mario doesn't feel like Mario in his game either. Just saying.
And really, there's nothing different about Paper Mario that can't be said about SMRPG Mario or M&L Mario; it's simply Mario but in RPG format. And thus, there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.

Granted, the Paper Mario series has some aspects where it emphasizes the "Paper" part of the title, such as TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide) and Sticker Star in general, but when it boils down to it; it's still basic Mario. Much like Toon Link is just basic Toon Link who happens to be in a different artstyle and has games that sometimes take advantage of said artsyle and proportions.
And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
Fireballs? Check.

Cape? Well, if Dr. Mario can be given a copy from nowhere....though alternatively, Papes could use his trusty Hammer to reflect projectiles back to sender instead (kind of like in M&L).

Super Jump Punch?

Mario Tornado? There's the "Spin Dash" from the 64 game...

...though Mario has F.L.U.D.D. now, doesn't he?
Ironically enough, Sticker Star introduced a perfect substitution.

Think about it; like how Mario charges F.L.U.D.D., Paper Mario shakes the Soda Can. Then can fire a stream of soda when ready (though it looks like water in Sticker Star). Just like how its used in-game.

The point I'm trying to make here is, just because Paper Mario has stuff to work with to give him a 100% unique style (which mainly delves on using various partners and items) doesn't mean he's exempt from being a potential clone due to being who he is; Mario in a different artstyle.
Especially since unlike most clones in Smash already, Paper Mario has clear clone options (more so than I believed before this discussion; I wasn't expecting to find a legitimate substitute for F.L.U.D.D.) that are just as part of his "infinite potential" as everything else.

Hence why I don't follow the "he can do this" logic that was applied to Toon Link prior to Brawl; Sakurai has proven time and time again that alternate versions of existing characters are just going to be semi-clones at best regardless of their potential. With Sheik and Zero Suit Samus being the sole exceptions due to being mid-game transformations as I've explained already.
And hence why I see the choice between Dr. Mario and Paper Mario being just a matter of personal taste; no matter which one it is, it's an extremely high chance they're going to be a Mario clone/semi-clone. I just happen to prefer Dr. Mario due to being my Melee main and because I have more of a connection with the Dr. Mario franchise than the Paper Mario franchise.
I think there's a difference between being a potential clone and just pushing cloned attacks onto a unique character. Additionally, I think there's a difference between a unique character and a character with some unique items/abilities.

While Paper Mario resides in the former, with a different set of iconic abilities, most clones in Smash reside in the latter, like Toon Link and Falco, who generally have, or are expected to have, the same iconic abilities as other characters. This is especially shown with semi-clones, like Luigi, Lucas, and Wolf, who use the few unique and iconic abilities they have.

Obviously, I can't make the guarantee, but I have very, very little doubt that he won't be a clone if he gets in.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Even if Paper Mario was a clone, it would at least have different stat distributions than Dr. Mario. The Doc was done before.

So even in that regard, I think Paper Mario should be in over the Doc.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
It's nice to see people liking the idea of Paper Mario, or at least preferring him over many other Mario-characters. But if he was made to be a clone of Mario, even I wouldn't want him in. Sooo much wasted potential in that case, definitely.
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Paper Mario would defiantly be a unique character... and fun too, but I think just for SSB4, Rosalina has taken the 'new mario rep' spot.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
I'm actually curious.

What are you guys most wanted character that hasn't been disconfirmed, or that is overall still kinda likely.

With Kamek gone it'd have to go to the Professor for me.
My avatar is obviously number 1 on my wishlist! It's been Isaac since Melee!

I would also like to see Krystal, Ray, Andy, Shulk and Palutena. I'm indifferent on K Rool but I do think he'd be an interesting character. Even though I'm a hardcore Pokemon fan, Sakurai gave me Greninja so I won't be upset if Mewtwo doesn't come back BUT I would still like to see him return.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I'm actually curious.

What are you guys most wanted character that hasn't been disconfirmed, or that is overall still kinda likely.

With Kamek gone it'd have to go to the Professor for me.
It'd probably be these guys.
Fearsome 4.png

Also, Black Shadow and Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
I just want some villains confirmed already. There are so many good Nintendo villains. Ridley, K Rool, Mewtwo (the closest thing Pokemon has to a villain that isnt a human) Black Knight, Grima (sort of Robin,) Porky, Vaati, Ghirahim, Bowser Jr.

Seriously, there aren't enough villains in smash yet


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I just want some villains confirmed already. There are so many good Nintendo villains. Ridley, K Rool, Mewtwo (the closest thing Pokemon has to a villain that isnt a human) Black Knight, Grima (sort of Robin,) Porky, Vaati, Ghirahim, Bowser Jr.

Seriously, there aren't enough villains in smash yet
This, so much this. Smash is the only possible way to play as Nintendo villains that aren't part of the Mario franchise or its spin-off franchises ('dem party games), and thus it should be the perfect opportunity to have certain ones of them playable. Thus far there's not a single villain newcomer, and that's extremely dissapointing for me as I usually prefer villains in games. It's not like the selection is scarce either, like you just pointed out there are a ton of them that'd make great characters. It's pretty frustrating.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
If King K. Rool or Ridley make it, then I'm set for villains honestly. That is, assuming Wolf and Ganondorf return.
Vaati and Medusa would would be nice, but I seriously doubt their inclusion.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
This, so much this. Smash is the only possible way to play as Nintendo villains that aren't part of the Mario franchise or its spin-off franchises ('dem party games), and thus it should be the perfect opportunity to have certain ones of them playable. Thus far there's not a single villain newcomer, and that's extremely dissapointing for me as I usually prefer villains in games. It's not like the selection is scarce either, like you just pointed out there are a ton of them that'd make great characters. It's pretty frustrating.
I think it's very possible that we haven't seen any villain newcomers yet because the most popular villain requests (King K. Rool, Ridley, and I guess Mewtwo, technically) are also some of the most requested characters period. They may be saving some of those characters for some major hype at a large event.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
Sakurai should write a book titled: "How I Choose Characters for Smash and Why" Uniqueness Explained, it would probably sell twice as much as the games.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Sakurai should write a book titled: "How I Choose Characters for Smash and Why" Uniqueness Explained, it would probably sell twice as much as the games.
Here's an excerpt from Chapter 10:

I woke up one morning on the cusp of the final decision making for the roster for Smash 3DS and Wii U. My wife, lovely and ageless as I, had breakfast and coffee ready. We sat down to discuss the project.

"I'm concerned that the project isn't satisfying enough," I said, taking a sip of my coffee. My wife could sense my distress, because she reached a hand out to gently rest atop mine. "What if I make the wrong decisions?"

"Honey," she began, her charming smile warming my heart and boosting my confidence. "What's wrong with throwing darts at pictures and drawing names from a hat like always? Didn't you once find joy looking at Smash Brothers fan sites and message boards to decide what characters not to put in?"

I gave my darling wife a nod, once more sipping my coffee. "Yeah, and I still do. I guess you can't please everyone. Can you believe people actually want villains playable in Smash?"

We enjoyed a good laugh together. It's moments like these that help keep me youthful.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
I just want some villains confirmed already. There are so many good Nintendo villains. Ridley, K Rool, Mewtwo (the closest thing Pokemon has to a villain that isnt a human) Black Knight, Grima (sort of Robin,) Porky, Vaati, Ghirahim, Bowser Jr.

Seriously, there aren't enough villains in smash yet
Technically Greninja is a villain as it is a Water/Dark type and in Japan Dark type is really called Evil Type. Just Saying...:troll:


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Dr. Mario doesn't feel like Mario in his game either. Just saying.
And really, there's nothing different about Paper Mario that can't be said about SMRPG Mario or M&L Mario; it's simply Mario but in RPG format. And thus, there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.

Granted, the Paper Mario series has some aspects where it emphasizes the "Paper" part of the title, such as TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide) and Sticker Star in general, but when it boils down to it; it's still basic Mario. Much like Toon Link is just basic Toon Link who happens to be in a different artstyle and has games that sometimes take advantage of said artsyle and proportions.
And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
Fireballs? Check.

Cape? Well, if Dr. Mario can be given a copy from nowhere....though alternatively, Papes could use his trusty Hammer to reflect projectiles back to sender instead (kind of like in M&L).

Super Jump Punch?

Mario Tornado? There's the "Spin Dash" from the 64 game...

...though Mario has F.L.U.D.D. now, doesn't he?
Ironically enough, Sticker Star introduced a perfect substitution.

Think about it; like how Mario charges F.L.U.D.D., Paper Mario shakes the Soda Can. Then can fire a stream of soda when ready (though it looks like water in Sticker Star). Just like how its used in-game.

The point I'm trying to make here is, just because Paper Mario has stuff to work with to give him a 100% unique style (which mainly delves on using various partners and items) doesn't mean he's exempt from being a potential clone due to being who he is; Mario in a different artstyle.
Especially since unlike most clones in Smash already, Paper Mario has clear clone options (more so than I believed before this discussion; I wasn't expecting to find a legitimate substitute for F.L.U.D.D.) that are just as part of his "infinite potential" as everything else.

Hence why I don't follow the "he can do this" logic that was applied to Toon Link prior to Brawl; Sakurai has proven time and time again that alternate versions of existing characters are just going to be semi-clones at best regardless of their potential. With Sheik and Zero Suit Samus being the sole exceptions due to being mid-game transformations as I've explained already.
And hence why I see the choice between Dr. Mario and Paper Mario being just a matter of personal taste; no matter which one it is, it's an extremely high chance they're going to be a Mario clone/semi-clone. I just happen to prefer Dr. Mario due to being my Melee main and because I have more of a connection with the Dr. Mario franchise than the Paper Mario franchise.
You said something that I didn't expect to be said because for me, it shouldn't make sense.

Since you asked… REALTALK!!!

I'm going to do this in segments

Dr. Mario doesn't feel like Mario in his game either. Just saying.
And really, there's nothing different about Paper Mario that can't be said about SMRPG Mario or M&L Mario; it's simply Mario but in RPG format. And thus, there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.
This is partially true. What is true is that yes smrpg mario, M&L mario and most of the mario including Dr mario DOES feel different to the main mario. What isn't true is saying "there are aspects such as partners, items, etc. that give the impression that it isn't just plain ol' Mario.". How I interpret this is that you're basically claiming that just because he's still mario, even adding something that doesn't even match the mario series, it's still the same character and shouldn't be considered as guaranteed to be unique and his uniqueness would be an "illusion". However, since you're precising you're point, I'm just going to tell you what you said that just seems wrong.

Granted, the Paper Mario series has some aspects where it emphasizes the "Paper" part of the title, such as TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide) and Sticker Star in general, but when it boils down to it; it's still basic Mario. Much like Toon Link is just basic Toon Link who happens to be in a different artstyle and has games that sometimes take advantage of said artsyle and proportions.
And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
First , "TTYD's Paper abilities (which are rather pointless for Smash outside the Plane being used for a glide)" just WHAT??? So, not only you're claiming that his ability doesn't make him unique but you're also claiming that they just aren't useful for smash? Do I seriously have to quote some move sets for you to understand that yes you can use them and yes it makes him unique? If we just take the paper ability, we have
  • the airplane of course as a possible up b
  • the tube as a rolling dodge
  • the paper thin as sidestep
  • as for the boat, it could be used as swimming animation on the water
Now if you're going to tell that those aren't moves (except the up b), let me remind you that those are JUST the power up. If you consider "paper ability" as "ability that only him as a paper can do", well you have the ultra jump (for me, as a down throw) and the super/ultra hammer where he folds into himself (for me, as a neutral combo and side throw with a special gimmick: if the foe is thrown into someone else, he take some damage). I found also that when he would peels stickers in sticker star would make a good back throw. Also, this is only a part of the potentials but for some reasons, you're ignoring the biggest part: partners. You REALLY need to explain this to me because by saying that it's JUST mario after ignoring big potential is like saying that rosalina isn't unique because I ignored the luma. Seriously, why it doesn't make a difference? It's only in the Paper Mario games that you have those mechanics. Also, this can include an action command gimmicks (yeah that was my second gimmick potential).

Also, yes the fact that he doesn't feel like mario applies to his other iteration. But here, I have my issue again can you do a playstyle and keep it consistent on a whole moveset? To my knowledge, Paper Mario is the one that goes the furthest so this explains why I still said that.

Sorry, but you're point about toon link doesn't tell the full story. Toon link roughly worked the same as link even in his own games. What this means here is that the maximum you could push his potential is ability that only him can do but because he was based on link, playing the same way and feel the same as link, his abilities are quite similar to the main link. In fact do remember that the main reason he was added was because the toon art style became significant enough to warrant consideration but I don't think that you could push his potential beyond the semi clone anyway. In fact, his play style is almost the same as link just modified a little. So, yes his art style IS the main thing that makes him "different" (not by much of course) but claiming that Paper Mario is a toon link case is TOTALLY FALSE! First, the maximum you can push to his potential is easily crushing the semi clone line. Second, you don't play the same as Paper Mario like you would with Mario (I think we can agree that this is the case of most mario like I said above). Third, his abilities aren't similar to mario (mainly due to him coming from an RPG which means different mechanics). Finally, I can agree that the character was based on mario but the RPG mechanics? They ARE mario-esque but do they come from the main mario series canon? That's because it's a branch of the mario series which means the same flavour but represented differently (even to the point of changing the mechanics). Wind waker however is from the main series and the art style is mostly just aesthetic (except the form of toon link being lighter and shorter). In fact, as a semi clone, he would uses items from wind waker but here, the art style doesn't make any difference: the item used is just different which let me remind you that it's still similar to link which uses a lot of items. So, I'm asking this question: How does Paper Mario becomes a toon link case ONLY because of the different art style? Because that's not JUST because of the art style that he's unique.

And frankly, even as Paper state, he can copy the standard Mario.
Fireballs? Check.

Cape? Well, if Dr. Mario can be given a copy from nowhere....though alternatively, Papes could use his trusty Hammer to reflect projectiles back to sender instead (kind of like in M&L).

Super Jump Punch?

Mario Tornado? There's the "Spin Dash" from the 64 game...

...though Mario has F.L.U.D.D. now, doesn't he?
Ironically enough, Sticker Star introduced a perfect substitution.

Think about it; like how Mario charges F.L.U.D.D., Paper Mario shakes the Soda Can. Then can fire a stream of soda when ready (though it looks like water in Sticker Star). Just like how its used in-game.

The point I'm trying to make here is, just because Paper Mario has stuff to work with to give him a 100% unique style (which mainly delves on using various partners and items) doesn't mean he's exempt from being a potential clone due to being who he is; Mario in a different artstyle.
Especially since unlike most clones in Smash already, Paper Mario has clear clone options (more so than I believed before this discussion; I wasn't expecting to find a legitimate substitute for F.L.U.D.D.) that are just as part of his "infinite potential" as everything else.
Hence why I don't follow the "he can do this" logic that was applied to Toon Link prior to Brawl; Sakurai has proven time and time again that alternate versions of existing characters are just going to be semi-clones at best regardless of their potential. With Sheik and Zero Suit Samus being the sole exceptions due to being mid-game transformations as I've explained already.
And hence why I see the choice between Dr. Mario and Paper Mario being just a matter of personal taste; no matter which one it is, it's an extremely high chance they're going to be a Mario clone/semi-clone. I just happen to prefer Dr. Mario due to being my Melee main and because I have more of a connection with the Dr. Mario franchise than the Paper Mario franchise.
I think should have been more clear earlier because you don't seem to understand why I keep repeating "infinite potential"

I was already proven that he COULD be a clone (that was even discussed in his thread which I am the op). Now, let me say my thing with less bias: If you consider ALL his potential, I agree that you CAN make him as a clone. However, what you would need to know is that it wouldn't make any sense. In fact, you're using the Ganondorf case are you? I agree that it's quite the random character to do this but now, there's 2 main issues that makes that if he ever ended up being a clone or semi clone, Sakurai would've contradicted himself. Here's a the motivation behind Ganondorf being a clone:
Ganondorf was the last character added to the game. He was only included because he was popular, had a similar body type to Captain Falcon, and because Sakurai couldn't really think of any additional plausible clones.
Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37915502&postcount=7506

Ok, just this would be very contradictory. Paper Mario has only one character that has a similar body type and it's mr game & watch. Even there, mr game & watch represent how the systems were animated by lcd and to reflect this, he was made 2d and have frame by frame animation. Paper Mario is the complete opposite; he's very fluid (folds into a tube) and it's not perfectly 2d there's a 3d like when he would use super/ultra hammer but yes he's mostly 2d. So, the motivation behind ganondorf wouldn't match him so, let's try the one with dr mario:
Dr. Mario made sense for a few reasons: he's from a critically-acclaimed retro game, the team wanted to include his music, and because a doctor would probably be on hand at an event as violent as Smash Bros.
Despite being... kinda weird but I think most people knew about the music part. What I'm interested here isn't that it has nothing to do with Paper Mario but that do you see something that seems odd about the motivations? I can tell you: It sounds like they wanted to add clones for the sake of having more characters (read more on the source above). In fact, melee became to a point where they just wanted to add characters (I don't have any source so if someone knows where it was told, please, send the link to me but I know it can be proven).

So, let's get back to your point. What does this all have to with Paper Mario? It has to do with the fact that Ganondorf and dr mario were deliberately made as clone/semi clone to just have more characters. But today, the game already has a bigger roster than melee so now, there's no real reason to add new clone. The only one that has a reason are those who were present before like dr mario.

So now, I repeat a lot "infinite potential" right? there's 2 reasons for it. 1: it directly counters the fact that he's JUST another mario and 2: because it's crazy what you can do with him. You deliberately tried to make a clone moveset while in the end, accepting this would mean that I would have just contradicted myself. I said this earlier when talking about dr mario:
You would need to have a "signature" or play style that would feel natural for him so that it would translate pretty well.
So, here's my question: does the "signature" or playstyle you claim would feel natural for him and translate pretty well in ssb4? That's the main problem I have: it doesn't because he clearly doesn't play like mario. I'm talking about a playstyle that would look like this "light but quite versatile in every situation". So, how does playing like mario feels natural for him? Since it makes no sense for him to be a clone or semi clone now, how can he have hight chance to be now? Sakurai even said that he can't bring all the character back even if he'll try to add as much as he can so, how could he seriously waste an entire gigantic potential and development time that he needs for a simple clone?

I just don't understand your point. In fact, the "JUST another mario" argument overshadows his true potential. It leads to the belief that he's a toon link case while he's far beyond that. It's frustrating that such an argument exists because people judge a book by its cover. I'm telling you it just can't be a clone because if it would happens, it would be intentional and it wouldn't even follow how the character play at all.

DISCLAIMER: this wall of text was big IMO and so, if I sated things as fact, do consider that those are interpretation of them and so, not undeniable.

That's it. Sorry for the late reply but school takes priority over big argument.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Paper Mario is not just other mario, he is "The Other Mario".
Thats about it, iconic moves like the hammer that mario never uses, also the "paper gimmick".

People dont just want him, they want the new style of gameplay tied to him, and not too many characters are requested because of this.

today, the game already has a bigger roster than melee so now, there's no real reason to add new clone. The only one that has a reason are those who were present before like dr mario.
I can see many clones still happening in the future, but not today :p
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Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
Paper Mario is not just other mario, he is "The Other Mario".
Thats about it, iconic moves like the hammer that mario never uses, also the "paper gimmick".

People dont just want him, they want the new style of gameplay tied to him, and not too many characters are requested because of this.

I can see many clones still happening in the future, but not today :p
I would hardly call Lucas and Wolf clones. They're more like Luigis to Ness and Fox's Mario.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Paper Mario is not just other mario, he is "The Other Mario".
Thats about it, iconic moves like the hammer that mario never uses, also the "paper gimmick".

People dont just want him, they want the new style of gameplay tied to him, and not too many characters are requested because of this.

I can see many clones still happening in the future, but not today :p
Wolf is a clone? I did not even realize. You forgot to list Ike, I mean, he is also a character that is aesthetically similar only sharing a down-special.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
You know, Paper Mario may be interesting as a character, but his most recent games (SPM and PMSS) got the worst flake of reception of the entire series apparently, it sorta makes me slowly fade away from him.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
I would hardly call Lucas and Wolf clones. They're more like Luigis to Ness and Fox's Mario.
They are still "clones" for most people though.
Speak for yourself. I want him on the merits of his own character and personality as well.
woah dont need to be rude, pretty much all the people i ask why they want him is "because he will be fun to play".
I know there are exceptions, there is always exceptions, i jus think thats one of the main reasons.
Wolf is a clone? I did not even realize. You forgot to list Ike, I mean, he is also a character that is aesthetically similar only sharing a down-special.
hey i dont even think clones exist, ganondorf is awesome how he is, is just what most people think about them :p
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
They are still "clones" for most people though.

woah dont need to be rude, pretty much all the people i ask why they want him is "because he will be fun to play".
I know there are exceptions, there is always exceptions, i jus think thats one of the main reasons.
To be fair, I do agree with this sentiment. I only really want Paper Mario for his infinite potential. I am not entirely in love with his character. Is he not just Mario... but paper?


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Paper Mario is not just other mario, he is "The Other Mario".
Thats about it, iconic moves like the hammer that mario never uses, also the "paper gimmick".

People dont just want him, they want the new style of gameplay tied to him, and not too many characters are requested because of this.

I can see many clones still happening in the future, but not today :p
Your first sentence is the whole reason of my slogan. I got impressed after a while by it :)

Lucas and wolf? well, that's imo but wolf seems to be different enough than fox (or at least it's semi clone but pushed to a good level). As for lucas, well, mother got released in 2006 which may explains his addition but yeah, I'll agree that to some extent, he's similar to ness (seriously, I wonder now why they added him. Could any main for him can tell me in detail? I wonder).
You know, Paper Mario may be interesting as a character, but his most recent games (SPM and PMSS) got the worst flake of reception of the entire series apparently, it sorta makes me slowly fade away from him.
True but does that means he has to use move from those games? I like samus's design and she's from a game hated but for the series fading... for the RPG part I agree and I myself hope that we could hear something for wiiu at E3 (a quite credible leak from IS suggest an unanouced wiiu game since September 2014 so we never know). I still think you could make him a good character but if the next game still doesn't have RPG elements... well, that would be bad.

They are still "clones" for most people though.

woah dont need to be rude, pretty much all the people i ask why they want him is "because he will be fun to play".
I know there are exceptions, there is always exceptions, i jus think thats one of the main reasons.

hey i dont even think clones exist, ganondorf is awesome how he is, is just what most people think about them :p
Well, I forgot to mention that yes I heavily support the character because potential but the truth is I found his series underrepped. I wonder why TTYD such an awesome game only got trophies and stickers. Why there's not at least music? I won't be disapointed if he's not in but if he gets only trophies and stickers while you could have put the character OR a stage OR music OR even assist trophies THEN i will be disapointed. That's like not putting lower norfair as music but yes to the multiplayer in mp2 (I really don't understand this one too).
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Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
They are still "clones" for most people though.
Their considered clones mainly because most people outside the smash community looks at in a character is their specials, final smash and some cases design, they get judged usually with out being played. but when you scratch away that, actually play them and see them from a playstyle perspective they are completely different compared to the original character that they were supposedly "copied off"
Its mainly because of this insight that they were called pseudo clones (meaning false clone) by smashers. Ike and lucario also suffer from this too
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Wolf is a clone? I did not even realize. You forgot to list Ike, I mean, he is also a character that is aesthetically similar only sharing a down-special.
You can't really compare Ike's similarities with Marth to that of Wolf and Lucas' similarities with their counterparts. Ike shares one special move, a special move that's not even unique to FE anymore (Little Mac.) Wolf and Lucas shares all special moves and their Final Smashes, just slightly altered, and Lucas shares even more than that (Side-Smash, same function D-Tilt, U-Air, and more.) And sure, they function a bit differently, but at the core it's the same moves, same concepts, same visuals (mostly), and that's enough to consider them semi-clones. They're only slightly more diverse than Luigi and Ganondorf, granted Wolf is a lot more different than Lucas.

If we go by the logic that the slightest difference takes away the clone label then we've never had clones.
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Their considered clones mainly because all people look at in a character is their specials, final smash and some cases design, they get judged usually with out being played. but when you scratch away that, actually play them and see them from a playstyle perspective they are completely different compared to the original character that they were supposedly "copied off"
Its mainly because of this insight that they were called pusedo clones (meaning false clone) by smashers. Ike and lucario also suffer from this too
Didn't know the word pseudo clone word before :)
But yeah I think the same. You know what they say: "Don't judge a book by its cover".
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You can't really compare Ike's similarities with Marth to that of Wolf and Lucas' similarities with their counterparts. Ike shares one special move, a special move that's not even unique to FE anymore (Little Mac.) Wolf and Lucas shares all special moves and their Final Smashes, just slightly altered, and Lucas shares even more than that (Side-Smash, same function D-Tilt, U-Air, and more.) And sure, they function a bit differently, but at the core it's the same moves, same concepts, same visuals (mostly), and that's enough to consider them semi-clones. They're only slightly more diverse than Luigi and Ganondorf, granted Wolf is a lot more different than Lucas.
Peach had a counter in Melee, and Lucario had a counter in Brawl; just so that you are aware. It was never "exclusive" to Fire Embelm. Wolf does not share an up-special and he does not share a side-special. I would give you the neutral-special if they were not different in every way imaginable besides the notion that... it is a blaster. I am not arguing for Lucas, he is closer to a semi-clone. I am arguing that there is no way in hell that Wolf is a clone. Even IF (and that is a VERY BIG if) Wolf shared all of Fox's specials he STILL not a semi-clone, let alone a clone.

Aesthetics are not relevant to whether or not a character is a clone.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Peach had a counter in Melee, and Lucario had a counter in Brawl; just so that you are aware. It was never "exclusive" to Fire Embelm. Wolf does not share an up-special and he does not share a side-special. I would give you the neutral-special if they were not different in every way imaginable besides the notion that... it is a blaster. I am not arguing for Lucas, he is closer to a semi-clone. I am arguing that there is no way in hell that Wolf is a clone. Even IF (and that is a VERY BIG if) Wolf shared all of Fox's specials he STILL not a semi-clone, let alone a clone.

Aesthetics are not relevant to whether or not a character is a clone.
My comment wasn't so much in regards to Wolf admittedly, though I do wish they'd differ his specials a bit more on the visual side from the rest of the Star Fox cast. I would consider him a semi-clone if he shared all specials though, but his Up-B and Side-B are different enough to not go that far. He ends at a rather awkward spot for me. But yeah, it was mostly in regards to Lucas, who is by at least my own definition everything that a semi-clone is, he fits in right along with Luigi, Ganondorf and Falco.

As for the counter, neither Lucario's or Peach's function like the FE cast's, Lucario's makes him jump all over the place while Peach's has a ton more ranged and lasts longer.
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Deleted member

To be fair, I do agree with this sentiment. I only really want Paper Mario for his infinite potential. I am not entirely in love with his character. Is he not just Mario... but paper?

Paper Mario is not just other mario, he is "The Other Mario".
Thats about it, iconic moves like the hammer that mario never uses, also the "paper gimmick".
The hammer Mario never uses?











@ aldelaro5 aldelaro5
I'm going to have to read that later and get back to you. That's quite an essay to dig through.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
My comment wasn't so much in regards to Wolf admittedly, though I do wish they'd differ his specials a bit more on the visual side from the rest of the Star Fox cast. But yeah, it was mostly in regards to Lucas, who is by at least my own definition everything that a semi-clone is, he fits in right along with Luigi, Ganondorf and Falco.

As for the counter, neither Lucario's or Peach's function like the FE cast's, Lucario's makes him jump all over the place while Peach's has a ton more ranged and lasts longer.
I was merely asserting that counters were never exclusive to Fire Emblem, I do not see why the different properties alter that notion. However, I do agree with Lucas as a semi-clone, as "mate" mentioned, I would accept Wolf as a psuedo-clone. That insinuates that the speaker comprehends that he is not really a clone but he has aspects of a clone (such as aesthetics or concepts).
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