Those expectations are far too low though; if we were to receive no more cuts, we only have 2 newcomers left to be revealed. 48 is much more reasonable, but consider what Sakurai must do to the game to move units. There aren't many game-play changes, we don't have anything big like the Smash Ball or SSE and we are the 4th installment in. If I recall correctly; Sakurai also stated that he might have to adjust his expectations if necessary (in regards to a larger roster). I feel as though 50 is completely reasonable, that would be the smallest roster increase to date. Anything less is a little dramatic.
I wouldn't be saying this if a story-mode was in the game. I wouldn't be saying this if there were new modes. I wouldn't be saying this if he revealed new game-play elements. Hell, we haven't even received any news in regards to the stage builder or mini-game modes (break the target, etc.), I doubt they are gone, but if they are, that is even worse. The franchise needs to innovate, it shouldn't be moving backwards.
If there isn't significant change that appeals to the consumer base, the least he could do is give us a satisfying roster that will last us years to come. A lackluster roster on top of minimal changes, and even cuts, isn't going to CUT it. Haha, see what I did there?