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Central AR Smashers! Last minute tournament announcement.


Smash Rookie
Oct 1, 2005
All apologies for announcing this the day of to the smashboards community, but I figure why not?

UCA Anime & Manga society will be hosting a Smash Bros. tournament today, Oct. 19th with the first event, the doubles tournament, starting at 4:00. The singles tournament will be held right after the doubles, so even if you cannot make it at 4:00 for doubles, do try and come down anyway! We will also have TVs set up for other games as well, and guests are welcome to bring their own TVs and games well.

Location: UCA Campus, Stanley Russ Hall rm 103, Conway AR
Directions: If coming from LR, take the first exit into Conway, head down Dave Ward, take a right on Donaghey. Stanley Russ building is on the right side of the road, right across from Torreyson St. You may call (501) 944-7290 if you need help finding us!

Entry fee:
5$ for non-club members
3$ for club members

5$ per team
3$ per team if at least one member is a UCA AMS member

Trophies will be awarded to the winner, finalist, and semifinalists of the singles division, as well as the winning and finalist teams for the doubles division.

Schedule: Sign-ups are at the door. Once you show up, you will be placed in the bracket, and will be expected to be present when your match begins. We are removing the time restrictions for these matches, so try and keep the night open. Once the singles tournament ends, we will break shortly, and the begin with the doubles tournament!

Participants are expected to remain courteous throughout the event. We ask that everyone remain civil, and to care for any of the equipment, including controllers, on site. Naturally, bad-sportsmanship will be frowned upon, and excessive bad manners may result in any of the officers removing you from the premise. Cheating of any kind, such as controller modification, or glitch exploitation is grounds for immediate disqualification. Overall, be nice, and have fun.

Format: Singles matches will be 1 on 1 item-less matches, at any of the following stages, selected randomly: Peach's Castle, Yoshi's Story, Corneria, Fountain of Dreams, Kirby 64, DK 64, Battlefield, and Final Destination. Matches will be 5 stock, with no time limit.

Doubles will follow the same format, save only that matches will, of course, be 2 vs 2 and friendly fire will be turned on.

See you on the battlefield!
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