Smash Rookie
Hello, I'm trying to make a custom PSA for Captain Falcon using Smash Attacks and BrawlBox. I'm only making one move as of yet. I want Captain Falcon's Back Air to be the Knee, except he turns around to do it and then turns back around after it's over. The animation for the attack and the landing were already made and saved as the original file names. I then opened up Smash Attacks, opened up FitCaptain.pac and started working. I was following tutorials and the common thing I found was that they all were taking the move they wanted the character to have and replaced it with the move they already had. So, I deleted the files from his B-Air, copied all of the info from Captain Falcon's F-Air, and then pasted it into his B-Air. When I launched the game in Riivolution, the move was still his knee, but it was just like his F-Air except while moving backwards. Captain Falcon did not turn around. What could I do to fix this?