Summary of issues after watching the set: Over extension of aerials, throwing out knee a lot, no gentleman (i.e. always going into rapid-jab), you get-up attack &/or roll into stage a lot, no baits in neutral & no footsies! (You're Falcon!), up-throwing Falcon at low percents is mainly for tech-chase not hard reads, return-from-ledge game (need more options), weak-knee to up-air (do it!), stomping ledge (risky & killed you twice) [protecting ledge game in general: Died twice when not being able to come back after aerial], used no tilts or jab interrupts, f-smashing ledge isn't ideal since he can fade back.
Generalized Captain Falcon improvement:
Falcon is best when he is fast, precise, and confident. Space your aerials, be quick on your feet, bait your opponent (don't be afraid to run back and forth or run up & shield), and punish hard after grabs/stomp. Hard punishes don't have to mean stomp/knee. Be more reserved with your f-air/d-air. Extend combos with (among others) late u-air to pop them up, jab to reset, or bair/jab/single nair to interrupt & run-up grab. Stomp in neutral isn't the best idea, but it can lead to great things: Be sure to land behind them or outside of their grab range - the positioning decreases the likelihood of you getting punished.
Know your off-stage game as well has your on-stage game. A Falcon off-stage is at a huge disadvantage. Sometimes it's as easy as hogging ledge and bair/uair-ing to keep them away. You don't have to banish them with a stomp, which could put you at the disadvantage if used recklessly. At the very least apply good (safe for you to do) pressure. If they make it back without any added percentage, whatever, you tried, just revert back to neutral. It's tempting to over commit as Falcon, but you're more likely to lose stocks this way.
Also, tell that guy to stop tech rolling in, holy hell. Looks like the kind of guy who burned both hands on the stove as a kid.