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Canadian Marth


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2010
Austin, Tx
just at a glance, you seem to air dodge into the ground A TON when you're being juggled which is pretty easy to punish if your opponent picks up on the habit, so i'd try to mix that up a bit. there were a couple times i saw you try to dolphin slash on stage, and you always jump first? it always works better for me OoS, im guessing you have tap jump off? there were also a lot of times i saw you bair into the ground, which can work well just keep in mind that it has a lot more landing lag than most of marth's other options, making it a lot easier to punish, so make you sure space it as best you can to make it as safe as possible. i'm not pro but thats my two cents for now, gonna do some hw and ill come back and look at it again later


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2009
watch out your recovery, unless you have an advanced read on someone trying to read your recovery, never rush your dolphin slash, like your first stock first match.

then, you're looking for some DS and Dair too much, Dairing onstage its very risky and offstage as well, as a failed DS too, so just stop using these moves so often, because they are risky and you did not get any profit from them (first match against falcon).

On your third match, well that wasn't the best falco because he lost a lot of common punishment on your landings and didn't used well the laser traps.
Just saw too much upsmashes but at least this time you used well your DS.

Can't say that much for now, good luck.
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