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Can you plz rate my wolf???


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
Hi, this is my first post on smash boards. My friends and I have been playing melee forever now and have recently been getting better at brawl. If you could take the time to look at my Wolf and tell me if there is something I could do diffrently.

Also, sorry about the sound quality, had an external mic on as well :)

WULFN (Wolf) vs me2mA (Pit)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
ive never seen so much blaster and fsmash spam in all my life.

please, for the sake of all wolf mainers, you need to use a lot more attacks instead of those 2.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Need more moves as said in other threads wolf has more moves then blaster and Fsmash


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
You weren't really spamming blaster, just Fsmash. It did seem to be working against your opponent, but then stale-move negation got serious, and you started taking damage.
Your opponent wasn't putting much pressure on you, so your suboptimal play really was... alright. You weren't going into the air much, but that seemed to be wise for this matchup against this player.
What you have to do, then, is find other competition. Try fighting a Dedede. Yes, A Dedede would be instructive.

There were a few times you used blaster when you should have regarded reflecting Pit's arrows, but I wouldn't focus on that right now.

Every time you used Downsmash, it was the right move, so points there.

I just have two advices: Use shield grab, and rather than dodge, sometimes use down-tilt for clearing.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Its good that you got his two execellent moves down. BUt now you need to reinforce that is which
"Wolf Gameplay":

Learn to L-cancel(lag cancel)- Extremely useful when combined with an fair, which is even better followed in by a Up-tilt or Up-smash, which works at relatively low percents,or if you want to juggle the opponent, try for a U-air, but only a mid-high damage.

Learn wolf's side B recovery, and the vast number of stages that can be "Scarred"- simply put, wolfs over B is a better recovery move and has great horizontal movement(and at a slight diagonal). With an added bonus, its faster then the Up B and can spike at the beginning hitboxes, which in most cases, is freaking sweet. Just seem to not be able to get over the edge without then knocking you right back off? THEN Scar the stage(if possible)! When I say if possible, Im basically saying that a got number of stages can be "passed through" placing wolf directly in the center stage without fear of being stopped. Your also garuanteed a spike when doing this, making all the better. IF you want to find a list of scarable stages, just search for it in the search engine.

D-smash, Wolf's BEST killing move-.....nothing elese to say other then, replace that with the f-smash for a more versatile play style.

Aerial's=****- Simply put. L-cancel fairs, RAR'ed Bairs, Uair juggling, and the unfamous Dair spiking. Get good at these aerials, and your pretty much the Bane of aerial opponents.

Reflector=Pink Circle of ****- Simply put, BUT DO NOT USE IT LIKE MELEE FOX'S FOR IT WILL NOT PRODUCE THE SAME RESULTS!!! if you want a more in-depth explanation(if you can even call this an explanation) then read the Reflector In-depth Guide by Koskinator...turst me...You need to in order to understand what Im saying.

MINDGAMES AND SPAM=A MONTAGE OF ****- Simply put, spam your lasers but combine that with all that I just said. I prefer not to spam lasers, but thats just me. Also, develop what is know as "mindgames" to out smart your opponent.

Hopefully I covered everything..if I didnt, then some other wolf players will come and add/correct me if I did anything wrong or left out something. Also, read the Advanced Techniques in the Tactics Disscusion to learn RAR'ing and such.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
You weren't really spamming blaster, just Fsmash. It did seem to be working against your opponent, but then stale-move negation got serious, and you started taking damage.
Your opponent wasn't putting much pressure on you, so your suboptimal play really was... alright. You weren't going into the air much, but that seemed to be wise for this matchup against this player.
What you have to do, then, is find other competition. Try fighting a Dedede. Yes, A Dedede would be instructive.

There were a few times you used blaster when you should have regarded reflecting Pit's arrows, but I wouldn't focus on that right now.

Every time you used Downsmash, it was the right move, so points there.

I just have two advices: Use shield grab, and rather than dodge, sometimes use down-tilt for clearing.
Thanks for all the help, I will try to incorporate these moves in and look up this reflector guide.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
I like the D-smash and I will try to use it more. This arial game play is bad for me because I main Snake and it is A LOT diffrent, so I guess i need to get use to his movements in the air. I still don't understand how good his reflector is. I use to main Fox in melee and I was pretty good and I know all about his spiking abilities. Does Wolf have anything close to it. Also if I could get a vid about this "scarring", please post one. It sounds very interesting and I hope I can use these against my spamming friends Pit.

Thanks again to all!!!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
Dude, thx for the help. I really liked that video and it makes me want to do so many more things with wolf. I will try to use these advance techniques and hopefully get another video out their soon. Thanks again man.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 8, 2008
I have to say... I think your friend is kind of talented with Pit... variation in moves and stuff like that... there was a lot of moves that I was missing from you...


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
Yeah, I like his Pit but not against me. he has many attacks that i don't expect and of course his arows seem to do me in. If their are any other attcks, techniques, ect., that i could use, plz let me know. Also, I just learned "scarring and that is really good, but I can't do glitches on this online tourny i am in with My Pit friend.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i rarely spam fsmash, but i've found that against pit sometimes its one of the only things that out-prioritize his over-B... **** that move is a pain in the @$$


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
So true, I hate that it is just a stupid attack that just annooy's the crap out of you. Do you know if theier is another attck that can cancel that over b attack?

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
You really need to dodge a lot more, all the great players dodge with great amounts until it's virtually impossible to hit them. Then you hit them when they don't expect it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
You really need to dodge a lot more, all the great players dodge with great amounts until it's virtually impossible to hit them. Then you hit them when they don't expect it.
More dodging? Ok I will try that tonight in my game Battles Tourny. Thank you.
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