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Can you guys rate my kirby?


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2008
I'm no pro, but you definitely seem good to me. Some things I liked a lot (and what I need to work on):

- air game in general (d-air especially)
- final cutter knocking foes off the edge
- kirbyciding on edge
- f-grab followed by u-air combo
- short hops

I'm new here and still learning, but I don't consider myself bad. I picked up a few things from your video. Thanks :D

Kirby Magatsu

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
You are god, but save your Fsmash, anyway, i posted my opinion in the combo video section.

Keep training! ^^


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
ur ..... MEH well ur not that good to say u already know ur a good kirby player u sound so confident 0_o but thats good keep training and btw u spam final cutter alot XD the people you are brawling (especially diddy) are noobs yo at 2:10 on teh video when u grab then grab down when u fly in the air to kill him a good player would just keep falling down without doing anything 0_o


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2008
Detroit, MI
ur ..... MEH well ur not that good to say u already know ur a good kirby player u sound so confident 0_o but thats good keep training and btw u spam final cutter alot XD the people you are brawling (especially diddy) are noobs yo at 2:10 on teh video when u grab then grab down when u fly in the air to kill him a good player would just keep falling down without doing anything 0_o
when i said i think im good i didnt mean it like that, i know im not tha best but at tha same time i know im not tha worst. but yeah i think that diddy player might have been new to tha game....but it went on tha beat :D lol but anyway man thanks for tha critism i'll would on not using so much final cutter


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2008
Detroit, MI
I'm no pro, but you definitely seem good to me. Some things I liked a lot (and what I need to work on):

- air game in general (d-air especially)
- final cutter knocking foes off the edge
- kirbyciding on edge
- f-grab followed by u-air combo
- short hops

I'm new here and still learning, but I don't consider myself bad. I picked up a few things from your video. Thanks :D
thanks, and np


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
You use Final Cutter way too much. Good players will learn to sidestep or simply SHAD above that and punish the ending lag, as it is a fairly slow move. Use it for spacing more than spamming it as a projectile.

Overall, you were much too predictable. Every time you would knock Ganon off the edge you would go for a Kirbycide, and any good opponent can see that coming and instead use upB for a recovery. Also, watch your approaches with predictability. It was always either Final Cutter or going for a grab, and both can be punished easily. Mix it up with Nairs, dash attacks, and empty SHs.
Use shield grabs as opposed to dash grabs, you get the protection from an attack and it's not as laggy when you miss.
On the Fthrow-->Uair combos, a good opponent will get out after the second one, so make sure to do an aerial hammer or Fsmash (depending on if they jump or fast fall, respectively) to end the combo nicely.
Don't use your Fsmash so much, it's your easiest kill move.

You're decent, work some more for sure.

Also, you need to fight better players. You'll get overconfident due to the easiness of your opponents, because they weren't very good.


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2008
Detroit, MI
You use Final Cutter way too much. Good players will learn to sidestep or simply SHAD above that and punish the ending lag, as it is a fairly slow move. Use it for spacing more than spamming it as a projectile.

Overall, you were much too predictable. Every time you would knock Ganon off the edge you would go for a Kirbycide, and any good opponent can see that coming and instead use upB for a recovery. Also, watch your approaches with predictability. It was always either Final Cutter or going for a grab, and both can be punished easily. Mix it up with Nairs, dash attacks, and empty SHs.
Use shield grabs as opposed to dash grabs, you get the protection from an attack and it's not as laggy when you miss.
On the Fthrow-->Uair combos, a good opponent will get out after the second one, so make sure to do an aerial hammer or Fsmash (depending on if they jump or fast fall, respectively) to end the combo nicely.
Don't use your Fsmash so much, it's your easiest kill move.

You're decent, work some more for sure.

Also, you need to fight better players. You'll get overconfident due to the easiness of your opponents, because they weren't very good.
okay thanks for tha info man


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2008
Good Kirby. Ur better than me imo. I didnt see alot of nair, dtilt, utilt, or dthrow. U can get kinda predictable. I did like the way u used final cutter. U can also use dtthrow and follow up with utilt and take it from there.


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2008
awesome gonzo combo, cool dair kill. i'd love to fight you, but lag would kill the fight

your pretty awesome

Thundershock fan

Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2008
I liked the Dthrow to Utilt combo you did and would rate you as an above average Kirby. I think youre pretty good. I also play Kirby so watching that gave me a few pointers on him:p


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Ok videos of whole matches would be better for criticism.
But from what I can tell you tend to be very predictable and use final cutter too much. Try to come up with multiple tactics to use in every situations so that you can switch between them if your opponent starts to predict them.

Use grabs to punish more too... don't just always use them for low percent combos.

Also. try to utilize all of kirbys attacks. I notice on the ground you pretty much always just use fsmash. Use your tilts more and only go for fsmashes when you know they will hit or you will get punished.

Oh and it seems more like you just tend to do one hit at a time. Try to link your attacks together (a string). This is pretty much just constantly hitting your opponent with whatever move will work by predicting what they will do next.

And don't kirbycide so much... lol they should be punishing you more for it o.o your opponents don't seem very good, no offense.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Did pretty well, just went for kirbycide FAR too much (hope I'm not sounding jerkish at all). But yeah, Kirbycide will rarely work on a good opponent, heck I've even footstooled a kirby when they tried it so someone "good" can actually punish something like that.


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2008
Detroit, MI
yeah i dont usually do kirbycide's, i jus happened to use tha kirbycides in tha vid jus to make it more entertaining, however i do use finalcutter alot, but not to spam but just to set up like a opening to attack. out of this vid only two players are "noobs" the rest are good.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
yeah i dont usually do kirbycide's, i jus happened to use tha kirbycides in tha vid jus to make it more entertaining, however i do use finalcutter alot, but not to spam but just to set up like a opening to attack. out of this vid only two players are "noobs" the rest are good.
Meh, maybe good for what you've seen, but people that don't even make it past the first round in tourneys I've went to are better than all them.
And using FC for spacing isn't bad, just realize when you use it that much you will be punished, and with Kirby's light weight, that's a risk you don't want to take.


Smash Cadet
Feb 27, 2008
Detroit, MI
^^^ I never said I didnt go to tourney's and as for the people I play against, many of them I dont know personally so I dont know if they do or dont attend tourneys and neither do you. I have seen good and I have seen bad, and I've played good and I've played bad, but it's just a game so it's all just for fun in the end, right? Dont know about you but for me it is.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2008
i would like to play against you myself :-) i didnt feel like i got a full range of ur abilities from the movie i saw a lot of compiling damage in the begining and killing at the end... leave me a message and i'll play you if you want kirby v kirby
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