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Can someone test my Lucas?


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Hi guys! I'm new to here at Smashboards and I was wondering if someone would like to test my Lucas! I can't video tape myself because my computer doesn't have windows movie maker or any other video program so I thought just playing against someone online would be a good solution to this. My friend code is 2578-4001-0943 and I am on at 1-2 & 7-9 Smash Boards time.

I also have the question of whether people are allowed to post on multiple character forums. Other then that, I hope you guys can help me on my Lucas skills. I have been playing Lucas as my tied first best character for three months now and hope that you guys can help me improve. I do no b-stick and I use a gamecube controller so any tips you have for me after the match can be based off of that information. Thanks!:)

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
hey i'll help you test out your lucas.
i was also looking for someone to help test mine too, so maybe we could test out each others.
if so, my friend code is 0688-4977-9422.
i'm online at random times so maybe i could catch a match with you sometime or you could just PM me whenever you want to play!


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Sorry about me abruptly disconnecting. I had to stop playing because my mom was getting kind of upset (no I am not some old guy who lives with his parents. I'm just a kid). In all the lucas plays I have ever done, I never suicided till now. However, if I didn't suicide, you would have most likely won. I can't tell you how hard it is for me to battle other lucases because usually the few Lucas players I know are really good at him and surpass me at his skill... I also don't know how to counter a lucas... You played an excelently and I hope that maybe I could rematch you sometime later to see if I can further improve myself with Lucas. I was wondering if we could play eachother with different characters after versing three times as both Lucas. Other than that, all I can say is that you are a lot better than me...

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
i was wondering what happened.
it's cool, though i would have liked to play some more.
well i'll see if i can help a little. i'm no pro, but i think i'm good enough to give you a few pointers.
first things first, the jab combo. he has one of the bast jabs in the game. i dont wanna say abuse it, but make it one of your priorities for getting out of sticky situations when the opponent gets to close to you. SH nair is also a really good move along with FH dair and SH fair. In my eyes, lucas is all about spacing. i like to wavebounce/B-stick when i use him. it makes him get good spacing and can give you time to think about you're next move. I mix it up and dont always wavebounce because i think it makes me too predictable. you're recovery is really good. i could never magnet across the stage like that. Dont do it too often or people will catch on and you will be punished. throw in the snake tether and PKT2 to keep your opponent guessing. ftilt is awesome and utilt is almost as good. dtilt isnt really used much unless you're going for a trip or you're jab locking.

that's about all i have to offer. once again, i'm no pro so i cant really say what will work and what won't. i just know what works when i use it lol. i do want to play a pro to see how i stack up against them.


Smash Cadet
Jun 18, 2008
Northern California

If you replace the word Lucas with the word *****, this conversation would be really awkward.

Nevertheless, if either of you would like to play me, please add my brawl code. I'm desperate for some 1 on 1 matches.

Take Care,



Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2007
Rolla, MO

If you replace the word Lucas with the word *****, this conversation would be really awkward.
Doesn't that apply to most conversations/words?

And just to follow the trend, feel free to pm me (or post here, i guess) and we can play a few matches. I'd love to see how I compare to a few of the lucas players around here. (that goes to anyone)


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
I don't b-stick because I heard it wasn't worth the loss of the uncharged smash capabilities you could control. Well, thanks for the tips! I was wondering if it was ok if we could verse with different characters later on because I find that my Lucas vs. Lucas matches are always a failure to me. How is my manual magnet pull and zap jumping? For those who want to play with me, I am usually on from 4:30-6:00 PM Neutral GMT.

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
ahhh i see...
well you can wavebounce without B-sticking, but it's harder to do. you'll still have the ability to wavebounce and still have your C-stick smash attacks.
your magnet pulling is great. didn't really see too much zap jumping, but when you did do it i saw that it helped your recovery a bit.
ok i'll play you later with my secondaries.

to the other people that posted here, i already added you so hopefully i'll catch you online sometime if you have already added me.
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