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Break the Flash: Breaking Wolf's Forwrard B

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The |Egg| Sniper

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Not sure if this has been done already, but it could help many Wolfs with their long range recovery, and give some mindgames to boot.

I'm sure most everyone here knows about Fox and Falco's Forward B moves, and how you can break them to shorten the distance you go. Wolf's break is similar to theirs. However, Wolf has a varying number of ways you can break his dash, depending on your timing of the second Forward B input. This ranges from just a step or two different to a slide three quarters of the way across FD, barely going off the ground. One key thing to note when you do this is Wolf's momentum. We all cringe to see Wolf unable to grab the edge because he kills his momentum with his up B. When going horizontal for recovery, this will give a very fast alternative to up Bing and relying on the edge.

If this has been mentioned, please let me know :)

If not, remember I discovered it :D


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Cancelling Wolf's fwd B was discovered within the first week of the game's release. =/
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