- I would like to take this time to thank all of the losers who play Smash Bros, claiming it's a sport.
Anything that can be played for money is a sport.
Thank you so much for wasting your life on a video game that, by the time you have kids, will be obsolete.
This point doesn't even
matter enough to warrant a rebuttal.
-Thanks alot douches, for keeping yourself locked in your house for hours on end "perfecting your techinique", so that everyone else in the real world would not have to spend any time with you.
You would too if it earned you cash.
- Thanks for making it so freakin easy to make fun of you, when you claim that a video game, is a sport. You are all nerds, and douches.
And what? Some people are, DEAL WITH IT, *****.
I bet making a post like that makes you feel big, right? Is this what you do for kicks?
Register somewhere you know some nerds hang out then decide to be an absolute ******?
You have issues dude, you need to get help.
Thank you!
Finally, thanks for taking a video game, and stripping all of the fun from it. If you read this far, you are a jerk. Go play magic the gathering.
Not everyone who visits this forum plays Smash competitively.
If I've read this far, it doesn't mean I'm a jerk, it means you're an *******.
I don't know anyone who plays magic the gathering.
In closing, get a life. You're the one who took the time out of your supposed "life"
to criticise people who you
assume have no "life". Who's the loser in this thread? Seriously.