Hello this is my first thread so please close it if its a bad thread or if someone already has it.
i also searched for a similar thread but i couldn't find one.
Well i was thinking that since brawl is online wouldn't it be cool to have downloads for the game.
well my idea is that after the game is relaeased nintendo could keep making things for the game and have them downloadable into the wii system.
Think about it.........
if they do this (i highly doubt it but i feel like this is a good idea) after the game is released we could be able to get things that they couldn't fit into the original game.
-new stages-
-new items-
-new pokemon/assist trophys-
-new characters(could be clones)-
-new colors for the characters-
imagine the possibilities
this could help people who aren't happy with the original game to download new patches and then decide which one to use. New characters would be a great addition for people who didn't get their favorite character.
then nintendo could keep updating the game at their own discretion until a new game comes out. (they will probably won't do this but i can hope)

i know that the game is probably too far in developement to do something like this but its just an idea that i had.
any thoughts on this?
i also searched for a similar thread but i couldn't find one.
Well i was thinking that since brawl is online wouldn't it be cool to have downloads for the game.
well my idea is that after the game is relaeased nintendo could keep making things for the game and have them downloadable into the wii system.
Think about it.........
if they do this (i highly doubt it but i feel like this is a good idea) after the game is released we could be able to get things that they couldn't fit into the original game.
-new stages-
-new items-
-new pokemon/assist trophys-
-new characters(could be clones)-
-new colors for the characters-
imagine the possibilities
this could help people who aren't happy with the original game to download new patches and then decide which one to use. New characters would be a great addition for people who didn't get their favorite character.
then nintendo could keep updating the game at their own discretion until a new game comes out. (they will probably won't do this but i can hope)
i know that the game is probably too far in developement to do something like this but its just an idea that i had.
any thoughts on this?