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Brawl Mode Invention: Tag Trouble


Smash Rookie
Apr 20, 2011
To make a long story short, I came up with a new Brawl mode idea that is in need of tweaking and testing. I would like to introduce the Brawl match mode: Tag Trouble to all of you. This mode is heavily inspired by the Pokemon franchise just so you know.

Brief Description: Choose from 3-6 of your characters and try to best your opponent's team by surviving and switching strategically! However, you can only switch characters after picking up a sticker!

General Format
1 Stock
No Time Limit
Handicap: ON
Pausing: Enabled
Item frequency: Medium

Items Used:
Maxim Tomato
Stickers (Will automatically show up regardless. They are IMPORTANT in this mode!)
Team Healer (Only usable in 2v2 mode.)

In-Game Stages Allowed:
Final Destination
Delfino Plaza
Luigi's Mansion
Bridge of Eldin
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise
Shadow Moses Island
Pokemon Stadium 1

Casual Play Additions
Items Added
Final Smash

Stages Added
Pokemon Stadium 2
WarioWare, Inc.
Distant Planet
Hyrule Temple
Green Greens

Items/Stages tagged under Casual Play mean that these items/stages are not recommended for the more competitive players that do not prefer wacky variances in their matches. Now that we got that out of the way, let's begin to explain what Tag Trouble is all about!


Basically the backbone Tag Trouble gives Smash Bros. Brawl a 'Tag-Battle' esque feel to the game which can be seen in several other fighting games. Both you and your opponent choose three different characters in the game and try to knock out your opponent's team while surviving as long as you can with your own team and switching strategically with the use of 'Tag Contracts'. I will start off with a detailed scenario:


Player One chooses Mario, Luigi & Wario for their team while Player Two chooses Kirby, Lucas & Ness for their team.
Mario & Kirby are the launchers and their starting handicap is 0%. Pokemon Stadium (Melee) is selected as the stage.
For the Duration of "Tag Trouble," the first stage picked is the only stage allowed to be picked for the duration of the competition!

The first match concludes and Mario manages to knock out Kirby while Mario was at 65%.
Player Two can no longer select Kirby and must now choose between Lucas & Ness. Mario is not allowed to switch right now (I'll explain later) and must set his handicap to 70% because the values are rounded up to the nearest ten. (Lucas's handicap is still at 0%)

Pokemon Stadium (Melee) is selected again and round two begins.
Lucas beats Mario up to 108% and Lucas has taken 40% damage in the process.
All of a sudden, Lucas randomly picks up a sticker.
Normally in this situation, stickers are useless but in this mode, they are useful items called Tag Contracts.
If you picked up a Tag Contract during a round and pause the game while in a clear, idle standing animation, you can record the damage data, cancel the match, and switch to another character in your reserves!
Lucas decides to do just that while recording the damage percentages listed above.
Player two shifts from 40% Lucas to 0% Ness while Mario raises his handicap to 110% still unable to switch since he did not obtain a Tag Contract! Round 3 begins on the same stage.

Round three begins. Ness gets the knockout on the weakened Mario while only sustaining 4% damage.
Player one must now choose between Luigi & Wario; he selects Wario and adjusts his percentage to 0%. Ness is also 0% since he took less than 5% damage during the last round. The next round begins with these conditions.

Round four begins.
Both players randomly picked up Stickers (Tag Contracts) during this round.
Ness gets pummeled to 62% when all of a sudden, Ness turns everything around with a FINAL SMASH.
Ness used his up-throw on Wario before activating his Final Smash so Wario currently cannot cancel the match since he is airborne. Wario gets unlucky and gets blitzed by three Starstorm comets for the knockout.
Since Ness picked up a Tag Contract during this round (and won) he is allowed to switch to his Lucas while adjusting his handicap to 40% since that is what Lucas's percentage was before he was switched out previously.
Tag Contracts CANNOT be saved for future rounds. The contract(s) you pick up can only be used either in the middle of that round or if you successfully knocked out your opponent during that round.

Round five begins with Luigi at 0% and Lucas at 40%
The match progresses, Luigi takes 33%, and then lands a critical fire Up-B, knocking out Lucas.
Luigi adjusts his percentage to 30% during the character select screen and player two selects Ness while adjusting his percentage to 60% since he was 62% during the last round.

Round six is the finale. 30% Luigi vs. 60% Ness. Whoever is victorious is the winner of Tag Trouble match! And the winner of this match IS... left to your imagination...

- "Tag Trouble" is an invented Brawl tournament match style where you can choose at least three different characters to try and outlast your opponent's armada in a series of one stock matches with varied handicaps.

- If you knock out your opponent's character, you must adjust your percentage to start at the nearest tenth of the percentage you were when the match ended

= If by some freakish development your percentage wound up at 310+... just adjust your percentage to 300 <.<

- You can switch between anyone in your reserves ONLY after picking up a sticker (Or in this case, a 'Tag Contract').

- After Picking up a 'Tag Contract,' you have the opportunity to switch to a character during and only during that same round.

= After picking one up, you may switch by pausing the game during an idle standing animation and canceling the match. (Make sure you memorize the percentages before doing this!)

= If both players picked up a 'Tag Contract' and one person decides to cancel, both players are given the right to switch characters.

= If a player picks up a 'Tag Contract' and knocks out their opponent without using it, he/she is also allowed to switch characters during the next round, but this is their only opportunity until the next time they pick one up.

- The winner is the person that did not run out of characters obviously!

Alrighty then! If you're bored and have nothing to do, please consider trying this mode out and telling me what you think!

Thank you all for participating in this thread!


Smash Rookie
Apr 20, 2011
sometimes it's possible to die at the same time, happened to me once, never really happened again.
True enough. In that case, the simplest solution is to add these clauses.

-If at any point in the competition it turns out that both characters are knocked out, the match is a draw and both characters used are eliminated from their respective teams.

=If someone lost their last character during a draw and the other player did not, then the former person has lost the match.

=If both players would have lost their last character during this situation, the outcome of the match is handled in a 'Super Sudden Death.' From here, both players must take their last characters, set their handicaps to 300% and engage in one (hopefully decisive) finale.

As I was stating before, I would sort of hope it would never have to come down to that. :c
But again, if anyone wishes to try this mode out and let me know if there are any elements you feel that need improvements, please let me know!
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