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Brawl List of Characters - by Pyr0


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2006
Plucking Pikmin
Pyr0's Character List for Brawl.

Well, I have been here plenty of time now, and have seen countless "[Character name]

Discussion thread" and have taken most of them into serius consideration; Afterall

this is a game made for the fans by the fans (Did you know that most of the Smash Devs

actually LOVE to play it?).

Now, I have seen some list made by other Smashers around here, but some of them are

either too Optimistic (5 Sonic Characters LOL) or too Pesimistic (with 30 characters


So now, I bring you the List of characters that I have compiled with the best of YOUR


Classics and Confirmed:

01.- Mario
02.- Luigi
03.- Wario
04.- Peach
05.- Yoshi *
06.- Bowser
07.- Fox
08.- Falco
09.- Link
10.- Ganondorf *
11.- Zelda / Sheik
12.- Samus / Zamus
13.- Kirby
14.- Metaknight
15.- Pit
16.- Donkey Kong
17.- Captain Falcon
18.- Ice Climbers
19.- Pikachu
20.- Jigglypuff
22.- Mewtwo *
23.- Ness
24.- Snake

* Denotes that I wish this characters movesets get revamped/

I Want Yoshi's [B + >] Egg Roll to be removed.
Change Yoshi's [B + ^] Egg Throw to be the new [B + >]
Add new [B + ^] Called the Flutter Float

Flutter Float:

Basicly once done, Yoshi will move its feet in a similar fashion to its second jump,

however, he wont move at all, just float mid-air, while floating, you must repeteadly

press [A] to gain vertical movement, no horizonal movement can be achieved untill the

move is over by using DI. While Flutter Floating Yoshi can use any other Moves as

if he were on the ground.

This moveset revamp will not only make Yoshi have a bit of an easier time recovering,

it will also add to its uniqueness, wich is something I have always loved about Smash.
(Also helps hes already amazing Edge to Stage gameplay; Like the Edge-Canceled Egg



Well, In melee hes portraied as a Slow Phyisical Powerhouse, while this is true in the

LOZ Series, hes also a very strong Dark Magic Warlock, so It's moveset could be

re-worked to appreciate this more.

Replace with a Dark Magic Projectile


In Melee hes Slow, Big, Weak, Floaty... something He isn't in the Pokemon Series.

I would Simply add some speed to all hes movements (not attacks)
And replace the [B + >] attack with Light Screen

A simple Shield of sorts against projectiles.


25.- Ike

If you were wondering why I didnt want Marth or Roy back, well here it is.
He's cooler than both of the above mentioned will ever be.

Should Play very similar of how Marth does.
However, just becouse he has that huge sword dosn't mean hes restrincted to close

combar action, in FE games, hes capable of casting some spells...

A really great Kick *** character.


26.- The Black Knight

He's the ultimate villian, not only does he has a Bad *** Dark Armor blessed by the

Gods, He posses all kinds of Arcane Artifacts wich can he use to hes advantage.
He can run fast too!

I see him as a new kind of Heavy Character in Brawl;

Make him have above average speed, weird for such a bulky warrior.

Make hes attacks come out decently quick and hit extremely HARD.

Make hes attacks LAG alot AFTER he has done em'
(yup instead of lagging before he lags afterwards, so he must make each attack count

or hes gona get punished)

Make him be an incredible Fast Faller, even faster than Fox, so that way if he misses

an attack, hes not only gona be punished, hes gona get comboed.

In summary, I want him to be a High Risk - High Reward character, that needs to land

every single attack or at least send the oponent flying to stay alive.

(Did I mention he's [B + ^] should be a teleport that lags afterwards?)

Ike vs Black Knight


27.- Lyn

Lets face it, the gals need a kick *** character too!

So I'm gonna sum her up real quick.

"Sheik with a sword & the weight of Pichu"

Strike fast or die fast... Ninja style.


28.- Ridely

A Space Dragon/Terodaptyl that shoots Plasma from its mouth...
How much more cool can an Alien get?

Mid weight, Mid Damage attacks, Mid Projectiles.

An unique all terrain character(with alot of cool factor)


29.- King Dedede

A Penguin that wields a Beer Ke... err I mean a Mallet


Should be a Floaty yet Heavy Character! yay for uniqueness!


30.- Captain Olimar

Well well... a Spaceman that dominates an entire alien race and make it hes own

personal slave army!

Now in all seriusness, I would really like to see what the devs can do with him.

No doubt something original must come out of him.
(LOL at the idea of commanding him and 5 Pikmins at the same time xD)


31.- Lucario

A very cool Pokemon, a Jackal that can shoot energy from its hands, and do ninja style

kicks and backflips, Pokemon lovers just scored some bonus points BIG TIME!


32.- Diddy Kong

He deserves it, he brings such good memorys from back in the day...


33.- Bowser Jr.


a Small-semiheavy with ninja paintbrush attacks and goo spammage!
yeah for graffitii inducing characters!


34.- Munchlax

A pretty Popular pokemon in Japan, and while you may say
"sakurai said no *** only characters"

I say, he cant deny a character to them...

Did I mention he's the pre-evo of snorlax? everybody loves snorlax...


35.- Tom Nook

Yes! why? Joke Character!

Kinda funny to be honest if he was the last character to unlock, perhaps give him a

super broken item spam attack!


36.- Samurai Goroh

Falcon needs his nemesis, I dont really know how he would play, but I agree with some

of you that he MUST be in.


37.- Krystal

Lets give the Gals another cool character, Magic and Staff this time!


38.- Metroid Prime (Dark Smaus Form)

Well, Phazon attacks look real cool! and its not an actual clone!


39.- Deoxys

The fans wants him, theres plenty of space and... pokemon = money... so yeah!


40.- Viewtiful Joe!


Ultimate character tbh, anybody who is a bit Old will love its retro comic style.


41.- Sonic

Hes practicly In.


42.- Geno

I dont like him (I finding kinda creepy), but I respect the smashers who do.


And thats it fellow Smashers, that the List of characters that I want in Brawl
I think, that most of you other Smashers will also like if this list is the actual one

we end up getting.

Discuss this list, but please dont flame.

this list is for the fans made by the fans!

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I give it a 1/5 because of Bowser Jr. aka The worst idea for a Brawl character EVER. And Munchlax sucks too. And Viewtiful joe's powers wouldn't really work in Brawl. It'd throw off the flow of the game.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2006
Plucking Pikmin
I give it a 1/5 because of Bowser Jr. aka The worst idea for a Brawl character EVER. And Munchlax sucks too. And Viewtiful joe's powers wouldn't really work in Brawl. It'd throw off the flow of the game.
Well, Im pretty sure you wont die if Bowser Jr. is in the game; just dont use him
(is the way I plant do deal with Geno tbh)

I thought about Wolf, but he isnt different enough for my tastes.

And 3 FE characters too much? we had 2 in melee, adding 1 more wont hurt (and FE is actualy popular in world now, unlike in melee)

And why Megaman? you have Samus after all... same concept (in my mind at least)


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
What, in that they both have chargeable guns? Except they're like, completely different in that department and in every other aspect. People that say Samus = Megaman really have no clue.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2006
Plucking Pikmin
Not equal, but the same concept.

- Robot-like
- Chargable gun
- They both get upgrades after killing a boss
- They both must search for energy
- Shoot Missles


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Not equal, but the same concept.

- Robot-like
- Chargable gun
- They both get upgrades after killing a boss
- They both must search for energy
- Shoot Missles
Robot-like? I'd say that Fox and Wolf were far far more similar to each other than Samus and Megaman but I know for a fact Wolf would have a unique and kickass moveset (and definitely should be included in Brawl). Being robot-like wouldn't gimp his chances just because there's another mecha-suited character in Brawl. Going for similarity would you say the Dark Samus shouldn't be included due to...being Samus-like?

Their chargeable guns are different in that the buster goes through several stages of charging and can be moving while charging. Samus' chargable gun charges and then fires, in the games it isn't even storable (from my limited experience of Metroid).

Any platformer with upgrades will get the majority of the upgrades from killing bosses, it's always been that way. Since their upgrades are vastly different and getting them after killing a boss makes no different to Brawl gameplay whatsoever it's a pretty moot point.

Searching for energy? You mean their health is energy? Well, robot suits running on energy is a pretty generic idea with once again no relevance to Brawl so...moot.

Shooting missiles? Megaman shoots missiles (in the explosive sense)? Can't really remember missiles being a part of his arsenal from the Megaman games I've played. He's got enough moves (especially an incarnation with the saber) to not need to include any missiles he may or may not have had.

Megaman really has nothing going against him in the "not a Samus clone" department.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
i don't like the list because of the large amount of FE and pokemon characters, the lack of characters from series new to smash, some questionable third party characters. and although i don't think geno will make it in this game i doubt megaman would either. geno has a loyal fanbase its just that he is owned by square and they are hard to deal with in terms of character rights.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
i like the megaman series. whats wrong with that? and he doesn't shoot missiles. this is just like the ridley would be a bowser clone argument. one-sided.
wait, you did include bowser junior? then i don't like the list too much. and no, 3 isn't too much, it is just that you wiped the original 2, and to me, that is at least 4 because at least one is returning. viewtiful joe seems like a bad idea, but i have never played his games, so i wouldn't know. and why munchlax? charizard, or even blaziken is better.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
No Megaman/Wolf/Vatti/ Marth. Plus having Bowser Jr. in your list gets you a 0/5. Plus having a Shiek! Shiek is old news now, time to get with the program, plus you are missing WW Link! Least have some sense that Y. Link is gonna get replaced. That's lowers it to -1/5. Plus Munchlax?! That pokemon sucks, really really sucks. Viewtful Joe also is a lame character I don't like him at all. -2/5.

Overall your list stinks. So that's a score of -3/5.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
i half agree with you darknight077
megaman should be brawl. so should shiek. just because a character is getting older doesn't mean it should be removed.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Their chargeable guns are different in that the buster goes through several stages of charging and can be moving while charging. Samus' chargable gun charges and then fires, in the games it isn't even storable (from my limited experience of Metroid).
Both Samus and Megaman could run and charge and have several stages of charging and neither could store the charge in their respective games. I guess you could compare the plasma, spreader, and ice beams to Megaman's different arm cannon abilities, too. The only real difference between their cannons is that Samus can aim hers in more directions than left or right...which didn't carry over to SSB. But...all of their other abilities are totally different. And...cloning isn't entirely fitting for third-party characters.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
eh, i still think we could do without megaman. i mean, if we had four more third party character slots, then i would say megaman needs to get in. i just think as of now with so little slots available, i feel that megaman doesn't become such a sure pick due mainly to the other third party competition. also i don't care much for the megaman supporter, they seem a little pompus


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007

Both Samus and Megaman could run and charge and have several stages of charging and neither could store the charge in their respective games. I guess you could compare the plasma, spreader, and ice beams to Megaman's different arm cannon abilities, too. The only real difference between their cannons is that Samus can aim hers in more directions than left or right...which didn't carry over to SSB. But...all of their other abilities are totally different. And...cloning isn't entirely fitting for third-party characters.
I was more pointing out the fact that in SSB Samus lost the run and charge ability which still could be retained for a Megaman moveset, since we're primarily talking Smash movesets here. The buster being able to store a secondary shot is important which Samus' couldn't do, and I'm hoping that we get to see a few more of Samus' beams come to Brawl, but I take your point about some more similarities =].


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
It's a good enough list. I disagree with having Munchlax and Tom Nook, and Marth being thrown out. But it's better than a lot of lists I've seen


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
No Megaman/Wolf/Vatti/ Marth. Plus having Bowser Jr. in your list gets you a 0/5. Plus having a Shiek! Shiek is old news now, time to get with the program, plus you are missing WW Link! Least have some sense that Y. Link is gonna get replaced. That's lowers it to -1/5. Plus Munchlax?! That pokemon sucks, really really sucks. Viewtful Joe also is a lame character I don't like him at all. -2/5.

Overall your list stinks. So that's a score of -3/5.
Ok, i was about to say that.

But i still like the list and i'd love if it was official.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2006
Plucking Pikmin
Well, aparently I didnt get the Hate Bowser Jr. Memo, but he still deserves it.

It's a good enough list. I disagree with having Munchlax and Tom Nook, and Marth being thrown out. But it's better than a lot of lists I've seen
Now that, comming from a Smasher with a little more expirience makes me happy and makes this thread worthwile.

Disagreeing on a few characters is ok, but actualy shoving the whole tread becouse of "x character is not in / is in" makes the new smashers look like total noobs...
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