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Brawl kirby hats...your thoughts?

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
I noticed there's no real thread for Kirby's new abilities, so...

Got any thoughts, comments, questions, etc., talk about them here.

Anyway, I watching this, and from the abilities I've seen...

Ike-Eruption: The sword is same size as Ike's; no "short sword syndrome" here like Marth & Roy in Melee. Some nice damage, even a one-hit kill if you can stun them long enough.
Squirtle-Water Gun: Apparently chargeable. Great range.
Ivysaur-Bullet Seed: Whoa. It's like Reaper Combo on 'roids. In the vid Kirby d-grabbed into it and did 51%. Yes, you read that right.
Charizard-Flamethrower: Almost exactly like a Fire Flower. Pretty good range, good damage if you start the move when your opponent is close.
Lucario-Aura Sphere: It's a projectile, which is always good. Big, and does solid damage (18%). Unsure if it scales like Lucario's attacks do.
Lucas-PK Freeze: Fast, strong (18%), good range, and can freeze sometimes. The downside? Tough to aim.
Wario-Chomp: This is a weird one. Almost like another grab. Around 13% that they can't dodge if you catch them.
Pit-Palutena's Arrow: Not bad. Not much damage (5-8%) and small size, but lightning fast and aimable.
Meta Knight-Mach Tornado: Pretty good. Can do up to 16%, and if you hit someone with part of the attack, chances are you'll hit them with the rest of it.
Sonic-Homing Attack: Not that strong (8%), but it does home in a little. Also useful if you wanna get around fast.
Olimar-Pikmin Throw: Kirby pulls out a Pikmin and immediately chucks it forward. Actually, pretty weak (Only 1-4%). But probably more if the Pikmin latches on to your opponent and starts attacking.
R.O.B.-Laser: 12% and crazy range normally, but power and range suffer if you use it too much. You gotta wait for it to charge between uses, like Bowser's fire breath.
Zero Suit Samus-Paralyzer: Not too strong, even when charged all the way (7%), but it stuns for about a second. Follow it up with a Hammer or f-smash.
Snake-Hand Grenade: A little weird. You actually have to press B twice to throw it, and you can aim it a little with the control stick. Okay damage (12%).
Diddy Kong-Peanut Popgun: Only 5% and travels in an arc, but it gets faster and apparently stronger when charged.
Marth-Shield Breaker: Kirby suffers from "short sword syndrome" here; Kirby's version of the attack has less range than Marth's. But since Kirby is smaller and hits lower, opponents can't duck under the attack like with Marth's version. But still, not as strong as Ike's.
Captain Falcon-Falcon Punch: Comes out a little faster now.
Toon Link-Hero's Bow: Visually, looks like the WW Hero's Bow, but seems exactly the same as Link's version.
Wolf-Pulse Gun: Noticeably slower than Fox or Falco's blasters, but slightly larger, green-colored, and actually has knockback. Does 6%.

(And for the record, I don't have Brawl yet.)


Smash Cadet
Feb 28, 2006
This is a good summary of the skills gained from each hat. But it fails completely to bring up the issue of hitboxes. The bigger the hat the bigger kirby's hitbox's are. This really has the potential to turn the 'hat tiers' upside down.


The Radiant Hero
Jun 20, 2007
Can you copy assist trophies too? I read that but idk if its true.

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
No, he can't swallow AT's.

Even if the hats affect his hitbox, it can't be by much, except a couple of them.

And can anyone can point me to some clips of the abilities in actual brawls?

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
I used that one. Check the first post. Those are all in Training. I was looking for copy abilities in actual fights, for more research.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
R.O.B. Kirby is ridiculously awesome >_< Kirby trying to make a robotic noise = instant win.


Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2008
Ohio, United States
I am convinced that Kirby is absoloutely irresistable to girls. Manliness+ Cuteness= Every girl around wants him at their party. I'm serious. Look at the beard. What about that pink roundpuffball-oscity! I'm a straight male, and I have to admit Kirby is looking good!
Of course I'm a big Kirby fan so I could be putting words into other people's mouths in an excuse to talk about Kirby more on a Smash Brawl forum.

EDIT: (I meant SNAKE kirby, regular Kirby obviously doesn't have a beard)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2007
I am convinced that Kirby is absoloutely irresistable to girls. Manliness+ Cuteness= Every girl around wants him at their party. I'm serious. Look at the beard. What about that pink roundpuffball-oscity! I'm a straight male, and I have to admit Kirby is looking good!
Of course I'm a big Kirby fan so I could be putting words into other people's mouths in an excuse to talk about Kirby more on a Smash Brawl forum.
No, you're right, Kirby's awesome.
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