Who knows? Nintendo is a wonderful company, they DO care for their supporters and fans. I wonder...this is the LARGEST following a Nintendo game has EVER had! I wonder if they'll release the demo, to GAIN even more fans. See, the thing is. Not all of us are fortunate enough to
1. Live on the west coast *to go to E4all OR buy plane tickets to go
2. Live in Japan for either jumpfesta or whobby to play
3. To have preordered or buy the game *NEAR the release date* It'll be back-ordered
So, nintendo SHOULD release a demo, even if it has been cut down to five or so characters!
I HOPE we get one. Knowing my luck it'll be april before I get it. All the stores will be so back ordered.
Anyways, my thoughts. Nintendo may recognize the reasons we want one, and surprise us!