It won't do anything
The mods are fully justified in what they did, unfortunately
And I'm sure mango too knew what he was doing
it's probably just another example of how little he cares
regardless, I see absolutely no need for him to be banned for flaming/trolling
The communities average age is probably hovering near 18
Hell the game is about ready to hit puberty
It's stupid to still be so strictly censored on this site
When I say strictly I mean the fact that infractions can still be handed out for 'flaming' or 'censor dodging', **** that doesn't, or shouldn't, bother anyone, yet we still can't do it.
If you're still getting offended by what you read on the internet you need to grow up or go play brawl (offended?)
And to address the argument that mango should not be given special privileges as far as infractions/banning is concerned
Mods are given special privileges, flaming them comes at a higher price, they've able to use their judgment,
Most of them haven't done **** aside from know the right person and shown an ability to be obedient to rules they themselves probably find unnecessary.
Mango, behind his trolling, his poor attitude, his flaming, his disrespect, has done more to advance the metagame, give hope, and make smash fun than any of the mods have.