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Bowser's Shell


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2007
Since melee came out I had a sneaking suspicion that they would give bowser all the power in the world in change of all of his speed.. which in turn would make him a very low tier character; which it has.

I was disapointed to see that bowsers shell doesnt act as any kind of shield/spikewall that certain projectiles such as the boomerang / arrows and any bare skinned physical attacks cant effect or simply deflect / frickashae* * [DONT KNOW HOW TO SPEEL EET].

Not only would it portionally eliminate backstabbers [minus swordsmen, psychic, explosive and electrical attacks... or not?] for our poor low tier bowser, but it would give him that extra defensive edge he deserves too much. I mean Link has his projectile stopping shield doesnt he? Eh? Eh?

As we all know it would be reasonably hard to rework Bowsers character in the game, he has a limited moveset in all games, so this idea would be more than enough to make him the hard as$ mario gamers grew to know. Unless they change his > B attack to a single projectile fireball.. that would.. probably do wonders for him too.

What would be the pros / cons to giving bowser this almoast invulnrable shell?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2005
It won't change much, falco's laser will still kick his butt.
Can you say sig time? O_O


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2006
Abilene, TX
It is the little things in video games that make them great. Examples of these in Smash are Ness' baseball bat reflecting projectiles, both Link's shield stopping projectiles, and even Fox and Falco's secret taunt in Cornaria and Venom. Nesse's bat is virtually useless as a reflector, but it is still really cool that they put it in.

Bowser having some shell ability would be really cool regardless of the usefulness. In Paper Mario, Mario couldn't jump on Bowser without certin abilities because of the spikes on his head and shell. The same goes for the old school Mario games. Mario would shrink if he jumped on Bowser for the same reason.

In smash the player could take 1-2% damage if they did a melee attack on Bowser's shell, maby even a small stun to prevent combos. They could also make Bowser take less knock back from the back, kind of like Yoshi's weight change when he uses his second jump. Putting these things in the game would not only make Bowser a more unique character, but it will also emphasize the strength Bowser has from the other games he has been in and it would give him a lot more to work with with the lack of speed.

I don't think Nintendo will do anything with Bowser's shell, but one can hope. I personally would like to see totally unique characters and having little details that are just fun in Brawl.

On another note about Bowser. It would be cool if they gave him a fire ball move along with his flame move, but his foward b in melee is really good. That is another Bowser subject and I'll just stick with the shell subject here.


Smash Rookie
May 15, 2007
I was thinking something similar the other day, how it would be good if a player landed on Bowser while he was stationary and take damage from the spikes on his back, because it would make sense.

I'm not so sure if giving him the ability to use his shell as a shield would be so good though. It would be highly abused since his shell is large enough to cover him almost entirely from behind, so all a player would have to do is turn around when there is a projectile (boomerang, arrow, item, etc) coming at them and they would be fully protected.

Also, if they do decide to include Bowser in Brawl, I doubt they would give him any sort of shell advantage.

Deleted member

I don't know... It would make things a little unfair. Maybe if Bowser could stick out his spikes further using his taunt? This way you wouldn't have Bowser players turn around whenever you're near them so you can't hit them. Sort of like Spike from the X-Men. Maybe shooting all his spikes out as projectiles and regrowing a new set could be another move. It's an interesting idea.

:bowser: :bigrocket​


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
Not only would it portionally eliminate backstabbers [minus swordsmen, psychic, explosive and electrical attacks... or not?] for our poor low tier bowser, but it would give him that extra defensive edge he deserves too much. I mean Link has his projectile stopping shield doesnt he? Eh? Eh?
That would successfully imbalance certain character match-ups even more than they already are. Not only that, it would tip the scales even more towards the already unfair sword characters. Don't make Marth any more powerful than he already is. It all goes to his head, you see.

Even more importantly, how unfair would it be to give such protection to a whole side of a character. Not just any character, but the #1 character from Melee.
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