I thought it would be fun to make a team featuring the fully evolved starters of each region. Blissey is here as the standard special wall and garchomp the shark-like physical sweeper and secondary electric immune pkm.
Blue Team Wins
Blue Team Wins
Feraligatr @ quick claw
Adamant: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6HP
DD, earthq, waterfall, dragon claw
DD and go for the sweep, dragon claw to handle pesky dragons, waterfall for stab.
blastoise @ Focus Sash
Calm: 252 DEF : 4S.Atk : 252 SDef
rapid spin, counter, mirror coat, aqua jet
removes spikes, counters attacks, focus sash a stabbed electric attack and counter with a mirror coat or survive a earthquake and counter, list goes on for situational counters.
Calm: 252HP : 4S.Atk : 252 SDef
surf, ice beam, roar, stealth rock
swampert @ leftovers
Impish: 252 HP : 252 ATTK : 6PD
waterfall, earthq, avalanche, curse
Garchomp @ life orb
Jolly: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6HP
sword dance, dragon claw, earthquake, fire fang
Blissey @ leftovers
Bold: 252 hp : 252 def : 6 sp.def
Seismic Toss, Thunderwave, Softboiled, Stealth rock
Blue Team Wins
Blue Team Wins
Feraligatr @ quick claw
Adamant: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6HP
DD, earthq, waterfall, dragon claw
DD and go for the sweep, dragon claw to handle pesky dragons, waterfall for stab.
blastoise @ Focus Sash
Calm: 252 DEF : 4S.Atk : 252 SDef
rapid spin, counter, mirror coat, aqua jet
removes spikes, counters attacks, focus sash a stabbed electric attack and counter with a mirror coat or survive a earthquake and counter, list goes on for situational counters.
Calm: 252HP : 4S.Atk : 252 SDef
surf, ice beam, roar, stealth rock
swampert @ leftovers
Impish: 252 HP : 252 ATTK : 6PD
waterfall, earthq, avalanche, curse
Garchomp @ life orb
Jolly: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6HP
sword dance, dragon claw, earthquake, fire fang
Blissey @ leftovers
Bold: 252 hp : 252 def : 6 sp.def
Seismic Toss, Thunderwave, Softboiled, Stealth rock