Smash Hero
new game, pretty fun
3 game modes
basically arena mode, anywhere from 1v1 to 5v5
just basic kill your opponents before they kill you
a 'capture the artifact mode', self explanatory
and a something else where you have to control bases or something idk
it's all about the arena for me
worth checking out, there is no mana, there's like 7 skills to use, some skills give you energy, at 100% energy you can use your ult
mostly everything is a skill shot
downsides is that since it's new, they don't have a lot of characters to choose from (currently 20)
they have 4 sections of characters, melee dps, ranged dps, tank, and heals
and every week (on monday) they give you 1 champion to try out from each (4 total)
you can buy the champions with real $$, but it's like 10$ for two, which is stupid
or you can save up blood coins you get from matches (a ridiculous ammount) to buy them
i'm hoping they fix it, the game has some serious potential if they lower their prices a bit
the 'hook' and the meaning behind it is;
the game is completely skill based
every character is static, there is no crits, no dodges, no misses, no items, no upgrades, etc.
every skill does a set ammount of damage, and 20% more damage if it hits from behind
you move around with wasd (or w/e you want to set it to)
and you aim with your mouse, movement was a lil funny to get use to, but i picked it up quickly enough
there are diminishing returns on heals and something else i think? most CC effects break upon damage
trailer and behind the scenes stuff
I ended up purchasing the 'champion' edition of the game, got 17 characters off the bat, and removed the bloodcoin cap, i don't regret it in the least.
Just hope the community expands a bit so the queue's don't end up so imba (usually they're fairly balanced, but queing into people +/- 500 rating is kinda stupid.)
new game, pretty fun
3 game modes
basically arena mode, anywhere from 1v1 to 5v5
just basic kill your opponents before they kill you
a 'capture the artifact mode', self explanatory
and a something else where you have to control bases or something idk
it's all about the arena for me
worth checking out, there is no mana, there's like 7 skills to use, some skills give you energy, at 100% energy you can use your ult
mostly everything is a skill shot
downsides is that since it's new, they don't have a lot of characters to choose from (currently 20)
they have 4 sections of characters, melee dps, ranged dps, tank, and heals
and every week (on monday) they give you 1 champion to try out from each (4 total)
you can buy the champions with real $$, but it's like 10$ for two, which is stupid
or you can save up blood coins you get from matches (a ridiculous ammount) to buy them
i'm hoping they fix it, the game has some serious potential if they lower their prices a bit
the 'hook' and the meaning behind it is;
the game is completely skill based
every character is static, there is no crits, no dodges, no misses, no items, no upgrades, etc.
every skill does a set ammount of damage, and 20% more damage if it hits from behind
you move around with wasd (or w/e you want to set it to)
and you aim with your mouse, movement was a lil funny to get use to, but i picked it up quickly enough
there are diminishing returns on heals and something else i think? most CC effects break upon damage
trailer and behind the scenes stuff
I ended up purchasing the 'champion' edition of the game, got 17 characters off the bat, and removed the bloodcoin cap, i don't regret it in the least.
Just hope the community expands a bit so the queue's don't end up so imba (usually they're fairly balanced, but queing into people +/- 500 rating is kinda stupid.)