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Blog entry 2


One of UK's Best Sonics, apparently.
Sep 23, 2011
London, UK
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Ok, so every Thursday I have a smash tourney (which is local so it's kewl) I decided to train on Wednesday and I chose Shiek. Last time I chose Toon Link but I wanted someone faster and in this version of smash when everything is feels like underwater and floaty, I wanted a quick character and chose her instead. She seemed really great at first and even started improvising a few combos which I would later use at the tourney.

Now ima skip all the boring stuff and cut right to the first match that I remember:

Shiek vs Wolf

Ok so I was doing pretty great, doing a set combo that became nearly repetitive but I trying to get a pattern going and keep pressure on my opponent. I somehow started slipping and losing momentum and then he was up 2-1, I eventually knocked him out and now it was 1-1 stock. I got some pretty good damage in first however and then all of a sudden, I started losing it again. Next I felt something strange and I thought to myself: Right, screw this. When has feeling nervous helped you? Nothing. All it has is distracted you and then you let emotion ruin you in a match. So at this point, I abandoned all emotion and became solely concentrated for the first time this year at a game I wanted to win . The emotion was somehow displaced at the bottom of my stomach, so bottled that even if I won, I would feel nothing, it would be nearly the equivalent of a shallow victory. As soon as I took control of my nervousness, started doing so damn well, I literally shifted pressure onto my opponent and I could tell because he was messing up; I even looked at his face for a split second. His moves became easier to read and I kept my distance as to not get smashed out of the stage, and then after a failed smash on his side, I delivered the killing blow and won. My feeling of victory wasn't so thrilling as I had bottled the emotion so badly, it ended up not being released, however I felt the sense that I had won and did nothing more than a fist raise in the air shaking it mildly.

Next match: Shiek vs Fox

Now here it was actually against a fox user and I didn't disclose the person's gender back in my last smash post. You may want look at that post...I mean RIGHT NOW for reference. The user was actually a she because I was embarrassed to say to you guys that got owned by a girl at brawl. But anyway, to this match, let's just say...sweet bloody revenge. I ended up 2 stocking her and I got my revenge back, she played so badly at this point she ended up killing herself which was pretty funny, I didn't really care, as soon as I heard I was against her, I just wanted my win back so >:D

Next match: Shiek vs Pit

Now before I start my next match, I think I lost a match during this tourney and I cannot remember it but oh well, saves you the trouble of reading it =P

So this guy, IMO he seemed like one of those people who don't do much stuff out of gaming. Well like...he doesn't get out much or anything, let's just say he looks more like a nerd. But i've seen him play before i ended up facing him and I knew he knew what the **** he was doing. I've never seen a more sophisticated yet more campy pit ever in brawl. But yeah, we was exchanging blows, imo he would probably have a higher skill level than me but that doesn't mean I can still kick your butt a bit. Which I ended up doing; we was both down to 1-1 stock and I tried to rack up damage enough to KO him but in the end, he ended up victorious thus ending my rounds and I wasn't feeling too bad like I was expecting if I had lost, which I did. But at least it was against a person who knew how to play, infact this time a lot of pro UK people came, those pro people actually being within the top 10 of smash in the UK, not joking. I think like 3-4 of them were there for that day which is a LOT if you ask me, quite a few people actually came as well from my college, pretty nice to see them again.

Later, I would go to Dash's house, a person i've only seen once last week at the tourney, I think it is twice. Either way, I didn't know him very much at all other than the fact that he's a friend of a friend and a friend from a friend. Confusing? Basically he's a friend of a friend (trololol) And I went to his house with a friend from college and a friend of a friend, who is now my friend. We just then started banging out melee on the good old gamecube, non of that wii **** (I <3 Wii) and it was very funny, we ended up doing teams for the most part. When one left to go back to his house, we were feeling pretty tired and we continued to play smash and Black Ops. Going into the early morning of 3am or so. Dash, took the time to teach me some things about melee which I still remember.

Later I would come home and sleep the rest of the afternoon off. |-)


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
You must've thought:"Wow, my first blog 0 posts, let's make another one, my writing must be awesome"! I'm just guessin' tho'.
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