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Blocked from reporting even though I didn't do anything. Meh.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2015
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
So sometimes I get people who just immediately SD right off the bat, and I've taken to reporting them. Mainly the ones who go on to the next match to do it again. (Because hey, maybe they had to SD and take care of something, though I would have waited for them to come back, I can understand.) But then they just go into the next match and do it again.

So I report them.

I also report the people who join a FFA together, knowing each other in real life, which would be fine if they didn't just come in to have one of them hit the other and then suicide and repeat, to get a free win. Is winning really that important? You're wasting my playtime here. I wanted to battle.

So, uh, then I get blocked from reporting. Also it was on a day I'd not even reported anyone (Not like I go around constantly reporting people). I've never done anything against the rules online, except on For Fun where I admit freely that I do mess around a lot. (It's called Enjoy Room in Japanese for a reason!)

I'm not mad or anything, but you know, what? How do they grade that stuff? Seems weird to me.

Guess I should play For Glory a little less. Bleh.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You probably just reported too many people in a certain and unspecified duration. You should be able to report those people who do not like your connection in about a week if the rules are similar to "For Glory" hell.
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