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Black History Month


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=1138]Black History Month[/drupal]

Uhg im kinda pissed right now so im about to right about blog about whats going throw my mind.

Today in school we had a rally for Black History Month. At one point a student got up and read the poem. She read about the struggles of races and the fact that the race her body represents overcame factors to prove themselfs equal. I was moved by this. However half way throw she brought in the fact that she does not know the meanings of the songs her grandparents sing to her because "The White Man" took them out of there natural home and "forced" them to speak " the language of the white man". After those couple of lines many people cheered. I was offended, not as a white person, as a human. First of all many of the people who brought slaves to america where not just "white" many where hispanics and even African Americans themself trapping their own kind and selling them to slave ships. Second Africans Americans where pushed not to learn. The idea of an oppressed race's willingness to learn even when beaten to the last shread of life, shows humanity's ability to overcome obsticles. Not the ability of African Americans to overcome the oppression of "The White Man"

What pisses me off is the thoughts that I believe got me called a racist by saying that Black History Month siginfies a difference between races and is therefore racist. To say that during this month should be a rememberance of great African Americans who overcame struggles. There are many other races and cultures that have had their share of hardship also and celibrate it through tradition. The Native Americans where almost killed off and many played an important role in America's development and none of them have their own month of aknowledgement. To single out one race without aknownledging others is racist. The term race should be completely erased from the human language. Heritage will still be there for remberance of your roots and what where sacrifices for you to be accepted as equal however to say stuff like " The White Man" which was said many times on a stage in front of our whole school to signify a group of iggnorant people who inslaved another race through iggnoracne is racist. There where many white people who where fighting for African American rights. Also many African American movement leaders did not see it as " people should be seen as equal to White people" they fought the fact that "All men are equal". To see students get up on a stage and say I know hardship because of my heritage and many African Americans people fought for the rights of African Americans. Well they fought for rights as a Human, not as a African American. African American just happened to be the group of people being apressed at the time.

Instead of a word race a word such as Human should be used. If everybody lables themslef the same as everybody else enstead of seperating by race than the world would be alot better. I know there will be arguements such as many people lost their lives in "instert ethnic group here" and to lable myself as something other than my ethinicty would be dimeaning to the rememberance of them. Well if they died for the belief that everybody is completely equal than it is not dimeaning to see everybody as the same. As far as I am concerned Martan Luther King Jr. was not a man who fought for African American rights. He was a man who fought for Human rights of equality.

A good example is Obama. On the news a man outside said Obama becoming president will show that America has overcome its Racism. Well I saw him as a normal canidate. So I see this as a stupid statement because this would state that if he doesnt get voted President than the USA still has alot of rastic people in it. Every year a Canadite loses who is white. If he loses people see it as a normal lose. But if an African American man running for president loses than it is because of the racism in the country? An African American man cant lose an election because of his standpoints or inexperiance? Him losing to me would just be a normal campain that didnt make it through.

I was just wondering if I was the only one that felt this way.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Who's Ombama?

Good blog, but be careful how you phrase things. many people may misunderstand whatyou're saying.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
I tryed to phrase it as carfully as possiable if people find racism in my work than they are looking for it. None of this is meant to put any race below any other race its to state that fact that we accept we are equal and stop making all these situations that seperate us by race and incoarge the demeaner of other races. Because to have a girl stand in front of a school and say "the white man" sees her as unequal, when it could of used a term such as "Iggnorant people" or "people unwilling to accept equality". Also to get cheered for doing so just makes me think of what is becoming of the world. As I listened to the songs slaves use to sing during the black history month celibration. I realized not once do they talk down about the white man. The songs of the old slave expressed hatrage towards the oppresion not the oppresors. They aknowledged them as humans and wanted the SAME rights. They did not think down to the slave owner for having slaves, they aknowledge slavery as a HUMAN flaw and not a racial flaw.

Also sorry about the misspelling of words, and Obama's name. I have spelling problems and know many words are misspelled. I tryed to look up any word that I knew was spelled so wrong it would be unreadiable. Most of the words should be close enough to get the meaning of the work.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Your right though. Ther's a lot of subtle racism in today's society. and it doesn't stop at Africans. Arabs get a lot of heat too. So do Mexicans. We're never going to be able to eliminate it.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their toubles, they have grown into thesetted habit of advertising their wrongs- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his greivances, because the do not want to lose their jobs." - By the one, the only, Booker T. Washington who is a BLACK MAN.

In summary for what this means. It means that people benifit from keeping the black race down and brainwashing them into beleiving that today, in the present, even with the Civil Right era of the 60's and such, and slavery being abolished these 200 years, that the white man is still doing them wrong. Now Where to begin..... Lets start with that those certain prosecuters are these people we know as liberals. They keep their jobs because they convince the Negro race that the conservatives(however the more comming and redundent term is Republican) are the ones causing them problems. Now you tell me; who tells these people that slavery was racism? you tell me who told them that slavery was nothing but beating after beating. I will inform you now that I am reading a book currently that defends the Japanese Internment during WWII, just like books highlight(most commonly show if not always) the "strugles" and "persecutions" that the Japanese went through. In truth, the executive order was signed by imo the father of liberalism himself, FDR himself. This was a concern of national security, even my people (Italian and German) were thrown into internment camps, nearly half were of Eurppean decent. Anyway main point; Axis Internment was of national security not racism.

Back on track. The Blacks have nothing to celebrate when it comes to their roots in africa, there is nothing in Africa that compares to the greatness of Western Civilization(and people know that). However I will give credit where credit is due. We did have racial discrimination back before the 60's, I will give credit to Martin Luther King Jr. for leading these people to fight for equality. However this is a land of equal opportunity, that means to succeeed and to fail however since this is a country strongly based on freedom, there are many opportunities to find what you are looking for, for instance to strike it rich. I am actually happy that blacks are no longer discriminated against at the degree that they were back in the 60's, however now "Civil Rights" has turned this great country into no longer the land of equal opportunity but the land of guarunteed results. Racism has reversed, agaisnt white people themselves and its our faults as white(I'd prefer either caucasion or Italian-American, or Euro-American) that this happened.

I read a summary about the two big Negro leaders of the day MLK and Malcom X. their veiws were opposites. X's vioews were that of what kind of view blacks have of whites. They hate us. Now, I dont speak for all blacks, but seeing as LA has 36% black there are a good majority who want to pull the racism card every chance they get.

Black history month is a hoax. the only history that they have to offer is their great feat of the REAL Civil Rights. Otherwise there is nothing to be owing respect for. No more excuses on slavery and persecution, they dont know anything about it. its racism to call me a racist based on slavery because my family were all poor Italians that made their life in New Orleans, now you tell me, how can a poor Italian family afford a big plantation. Not to mention we only got 4% of the slaves, more went to South America and the Carribean and evern MORE (emphasis) went to guess where..... yeah the middle east.

So the original meaning of black history month was short lived, and based on my quote above, was taken advantage of, manipulated and brainwashed many generations, including mind and the generations behind me and future generations to come.

For those who think that Obama is our first black Presisdent and the "chosen one, the Messiah" is the major, now overshadowing MLK as the icon for Black history month, guess again.



Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
White people are also racist. Im not trying to single out African Americans in this post, they where just the ethic group that was obbserved by me today doing things that I try to tell people about. Than I get called racist for feeling we should all be equal. Every race has their own group of racist but the fact is that people do not need to dimean a race for past actions that where primiarly in that race. Jews where killed by Germans. Do you think Germans who do not feel this way want to be related to an inncident they had no control over? Just because a large group at one time felt this way does not justify actions of sterotyping. I g2g to work ill be back latter to talk more.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
problem is that whites come from all sorta of back grounds, and when people with there mentality today, try to comprehend this they get angry and go on a drolling monkey-stupid rampage and the racism card is pulled. And yeah white peple are racist too. Growing up I went to a 98% white school. it was catholic so it was expensive and not too may blacks in LA can afford that expensive of education. I got cvalled racist by my fellow white classmates. It hurt me at first cuz they were too ignorant, sometimes stupid or both to accept the facts that I told them, now I ignore those pepole who call the racism card cuz in turn they are the ones who are racist.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
If blacks get to be called African Americans because the descendants of their descendants came from Africa then I get to be called a German American because my great grandmother was from Germany.

When did "black" become a shunned term?


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Idk. I wana be called "Italian-Irish" or just plain "Italian--American" and if anyone calls me "Irish-Italian" I will get mad and call them a racist cuz technically it wrong. lol. or I could show how rediculous it is to be called "[insert heratage here]-American" and be called a "Italian-Irish-French-Scottish-Swedish-Cajun-Louisianian-Confederate-American" lol try memorizing that.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
This is not going in the right direction >_> African American was a polictial term used to define somebody from Africa. Nothing wrong with being Called African American. The term was used to make them feel more of a part of a society witch once shunned them. African American was to prove that they where acepted as Africans and Americans after many years of hardship in said nation. A name and a whole month dedicated to great people for their skin color and not their mindset it wrong. They should be remembered as great movement leaders, not great African American Movement Leaders. Once again this isnt targeted at African Americans so please stop making post that sound like it. It is targeted against anybody who puts one race over another and it seems that yall cant stop focusing on the African American perks of the USA society. What about minority solarships and such solarships that target people on their race is somehow not deemed racist? There is nothing wrong with wanting your heritage to be part of your ethnic name but i feel ethnic names all together is unimportant because we are all humans and that is the point I am trying to pull across.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
I get called racist for saying we are all equal. ^^^^
Also I get called a cracker on a regular bases and was told my "people" enslaved another "people" even though im Native American and the tribe I came from use to own the area the School is on and 93% of my family's tribe was killed off. So I wrote this to kinda vent.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
lol. wow. I feel bad for you man. My people enslaved people all around the roman empire. though I think most likely my family among those people were the poor italian farmers. lol I have no royalty in my family, not even among the Roman Empire I'm afraid.

And I have all the Italian genes in my family and I joke I'm a Gram-Cracker sometimes cuz I'm tan.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Man, that would never happen where I live. I understand the whole thing about how people treated certain ethnicities, but I never quite understood why we put such heavy emphasis on African Americans/Africans. I mean, the Jewish were victims of genocide. However, at least where I live, we still make fun of them etc.

So I understand what you're getting at, with the whole part that you get called a cracker and all that. I hate when people assume you are derived from a certain group of people because you never really know. One could assume I'm completely white, but I was born in South America.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Man, that would never happen where I live. I understand the whole thing about how people treated certain ethnicities, but I never quite understood why we put such heavy emphasis on African Americans/Africans. I mean, the Jewish were victims of genocide. However, at least where I live, we still make fun of them etc.

So I understand what you're getting at, with the whole part that you get called a cracker and all that. I hate when people assume you are derived from a certain group of people because you never really know. One could assume I'm completely white, but I was born in South America.
When I looked up and compared the two veiws of Malcom X and MLK I found the aditude toward white people by blacks are more or less the same aditude as MAlcom X. Malcom X was a racist, he believed in Whites being created by a demon god (demi god i think i dont remember) and that whites are all demons)

The only thing I can think of that is good about this whole things is that minorities know where they come from and excel at showing people as compared to guys like me with European decent...just blend in with America. Though I'm dying for the day when I can make a puble jack *** out of someone for calliung me white and have them point to a map and tell me where whites come from, cuz if you ask me, I've never heard of no white folk coming from no Whitia if you ask me. I didnt even know a place called Whitia existed(which IRL it dont)


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
You are trying to stat something a little differant than me Bomber. I am not trying to say Black people are iggnorant to white people. It is an example am using but by using my example and using the term "black people" to reffer to the type of people I am talking about is a insult to african americans. It is relating a type of person to a race. Such as Slave owners and white people. Lets say all slave owners where white, does this make a white man a slave owner no. If one example of an african american being racist to a white man to try to prove the white man is racist does not mean anything about african americans. It means that man is iggnorant. Such as the slave holders. They should not been seen as white but iggorant. Ok this might be another good example.

Native Americans where once concidered brutes, and savages. Yes some tribes where killers. But people sterotyped this to all Native Americans and this lead to the downfall of many peacefull tribes.

White men:Slave owners
Native Americans:Savages

Its the idea of sterotyping a whole race based on a group of indivual and labeling that group as the race. The sterotyping brought on today was inspired by black history month. A month dedicated to one race over all other races.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
This is not going in the right direction >_> African American was a polictial term used to define somebody from Africa. Nothing wrong with being Called African American. The term was used to make them feel more of a part of a society witch once shunned them. African American was to prove that they where acepted as Africans and Americans after many years of hardship in said nation.
Having a dark skin pigment does not make you African! The vast majority of blacks in the US today were born here, as were their parents; they are American Americans. I understand the whole you-are-accepted-so-we'll-give-you-a-seven-syllable-name reasoning behind it, but in truth all that happened was the replacement of a reasonable, accepted name with an unwieldy total misnomer just because it sounded more politically correct.

I agree with the rest of your post, but as a pedant, I have issues with the term "African American"


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
I see what you are saying the term African American should only be used if you yourself where born in Africa and moved to the USA there for you ARE African yet an American. But still this is just a term and not based on any belief singling it out from other races. Sure its name is different containing two different countries but you need to relized that the term African American has evolved to mean more than what the two words mean alone. The term by definition means "A black person of African descent(spelling on the last word?)" So there is nothing wrong with the term is it clear cut even though its name leads to missleading concepts. However I do feel that the term African American is missused alot. I believe many people are using African American as a term for black people all together.

I use the term African American because if defines the group of people I was talking about in a none sterotypical way.

Also if the defintion is "A black person of African descent(spelling on the last word?)" no other skin color besides black can be African American even if they where born in Africa? Is is the kinda stuff I am talking about.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
If you ask me it's all politically correct. and I wastn getting at ignorance. I was just comeparing additudes toward whites, and I found that the malcom X aditude was racism. now that I think of it, makes me really wonder who would honestly kill MLK. Unless they honestly saw this conflict coming, idk but MLK fought for a good cause. IF you ask me, it's a shame that cause was taken and twisted and ahnded back to he negro race and pretty much brainwashed them. We live in THE United States of America. My belief is that if you come here an work hard, no matter what class oyu are in, you can be happy and make the money you want. The fact that there are many people who still want to cling to the racism card and make guys like me feel bad, it's like those bullies you see on those shows who are just full of hot air, it's pretty pathetic. But I guess there is nothing we can do but just keep defendingh ourselves and playing it smart until somehow all this "racism" stuff blows over, which I doubt it ever will considering human nature has an agressive side towards their neighbor.

Hive Mind

Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2008
Racism has reversed, agaisnt white people themselves and its our faults as white(I'd prefer either caucasion or Italian-American, or Euro-American) that this happened.

Now, I dont speak for all blacks, but seeing as LA has 36% black there are a good majority who want to pull the racism card every chance they get.
Same thing has happened except with women and sexism.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
That's why whenever you should just tell a woman you are being sexist when you're holding the door open, to leave them utterly stunned.
"Omg, stop patronising me by holding the door open, that's just subtle sexism."
"No, it's blatant, can't you see you owe me a blowjob, you b*tch?"


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
I think Curticy (Spelling?) of holding a door open, out of respecpt for somebody is different than a month dedicated to a lable, that the people celebrated in the month fought to rememove from themselves.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I think Curticy (Spelling?) of holding a door open, out of respecpt for somebody is different than a month dedicated to a lable, that the people celebrated in the month fought to rememove from themselves.
It's the same as pulling the race card at any given opportunity.
I love the race card though, it can be fun.
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