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Billy Hatcher Rolls into Battle!: Billy Hatcher support thread.

Do you think Billy Hatcher deserves a spot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014

Billy Hatcher was that one game that Sega tried to make to create the next new Sonic franchise. However, the game flopped and sega left Billy Hatcher in the past ever since. I believe that Billy Hatcher could be a cool and unique fighter. With many different egg moves, he can add many different mechanics to the game. Like Yoshi, Billy has many egg moves that could separate him from all the sword wielders in the game.

Billy also has a fun colorful cartoonish design that can fit him well into the vibe of smash bros. Along with having his red hat, Billy gets multiple different color hats throughout his adventure. Even though they do something in the game they could just be different color alts for Billy.

Another Alternate costume could be Rolly Roll. She is a playable character in Billy Hatcher who is about the same size as Billy. This could be a cool alternate like the koopalings and could work as they can give her the same hitbox and weight as Billy they just need to record new voice lines.

Billy Hatcher has many egg moves that add some great gameplay options. Unfortunately, I can't find gifs of his egg moves but some moves could go like this..
Side B - Billy Stands still and launches an egg outwards that boomerangs back to him.
Running Side B - Billy Does an egg dash hitting opponents out of the way.
Up B - Billy Does an egg jump spin
Down B - Billy can use his egg to do bounces along the stage.
Up B - Circus Act: Billy climbs up onto his egg, raising him up roughly his own height. It's not a lot but he can then deal contact damage as he rolls around if he is grounded or, if airborne, jumping off of the egg will restore his double jump. If he has no egg, this move is useless.
Neutral B - ****-A-Doodle-Do: Billy places his egg infront of him and charges up a chicken noise to hatch it into a very powerful item (heart container, Smash Ball, Bob-Omb, etc.) or assist trophy. This leaves him shieldless and eggless, though, during which state the move will have decent range but slow startup and result in a good bit of stun.
Side B - Egg Roll: Billy shunts his egg forward at high speed and it travels just under half the length of FD before stopping and quickly rolling back to him. Its sideways momentum will carry on as it was, gradually slowing down, if it rolls off an edge during this move and the egg can be lost in this way. Also it will change direction immediately after hitting something or someone other than a projectile.
If this move is used in the air, the egg will roll the same distance at the same speed but Billy will not let go and it will not change direction, making in pretty good sideways recovery.
When billy has no egg, the shove that starts this move will have good damage and decent knockback but bad range.
Down B - Egg Bounce: Billy jumps into the air if grounded and then slams down with his egg infront of him for a similar effect to the Yoshi or Bowser Bomb groundpound move. Only, he will bounce back upwards upon collission with the ground. Simply a fall state with a weak, downwards slap if no egg is held.

UAir - ???:
NAir - ???:
BAir - Egg Spin: Billy spins 360 degrees horizontally with his egg to hit behind him. Or just with his hands out for a tiny hitbox if not holding an egg.
Fair - Egg Shot: Billy throws his egg diagonally forwards, sending himself up and back just a tiny bit. If he has no egg, it will instead just be a diagonally forwards shove with even tinier kickback.
DAir - Egg Dunk: Billy slams down with his egg in a motion very like theEgg Bounce, only he lands with a greater shockwae and stays grounded. Great for mixups.

Dash Attack - Egg Dash: A simple forward dash at higher speed with Billy's egg rolling infront to potentially shield him from projectiles. Shorter range without the egg and billy can hit people for minimal damage with the light trail he leaves behind during the attack if he has an egg.

Grab - Billy grabs his opponent in a normal fashion, only now they're an egg, patterened after their character.

Up Smash - Animal Call: Billy shouts "Ikei!" while forcefully raising his finger over his head, poking anyone it connects with.
Forward Smash - Crow Fighter: Billy pulls out a stick, charges it behind his head and then jumps slightly as he brings it up and over to slam down.
Down Smash - ???
SPECIAL MOVES----------------------------------------

Neutral Special – EGG SHOOT - Pressing "B" will cause Billy to push forward his egg sending it flying forward knocking into foes dealing them DMG and knock back. If the egg misses it's mark, it will travel further before magically coming to a stop and rolling right back the way it came back to Billy. Using this move and either absorbing an item with it- or landing a hit against a foe will raise the egg slightly (See Special Abilities for further information).
DMG: 3%-12% (depending on how raised the egg is)

Side Special – DASH - Pressing "B" while also holding left or right will make Billy perform his Dash move- in a surprising burst of Speed Billy will fly forward rolling his egg faster then ever thought possible- this move deals no knock back but instead grounds foes while on land or deals a powerful meteor effect while used in air. Billy will also pass through foes using this move. Using this move and either absorbing an item with it- or landing a hit against a foe will raise the egg slightly (See Special Abilities for further information).
DMG: 6%-18% (depending on how raised the egg is)

Down Special – EGG DRIVER - Pressing "B" while holding down will cause Billy to perform his Egg Driver Special Move. Much like Yoshi's Egg Bomber move, Billy will hop into the air slightly then come crashing down. The larger Billy's egg is the bigger this moves hit box becomes allowing Billy to come crashing down and dealing DMG to large areas. Using this move and either absorbing an item with it- or landing a hit against a foe will raise the egg slightly (See Special Abilities for further information).
DMG: 4%-20% (depending on how raised the egg is)

Up Special – BOUNCE JUMP - Pressing "B" while holding up will make Billy perform a Bounce Jump. latching onto the side of the egg, Billy will bounce upward spinning horizontally as he ascends this will deal slight DMG to foes but will deal greater knock back- while not quite a helpless state, Billy will be locked into this animation until he touches a platform. while in this animation Billy can slightly move left or right as he both ascends and descends. Using this move and either absorbing an item with it- or landing a hit against a foe will raise the egg slightly (See Special Abilities for further information).
DMG: 7%-22% (depending on how raised the egg is)

Final Smash – POWER OF TRUE COURAGE - Pressing "B" after obtaining the Smash Ball will cause a large rainbow colored Emblem of Courage to appear before Billy- it shatters into a ball of light- the ball of light splits into three small balls of light, one red, one blue and one yellow- they swirl around Billy as he bursts into a flaming aura as sparkles fly off him- Billy is using the power of true courage! at this point Billy's egg transforms into a ball of pure light. Billy can use all of his moves in this FS, only his egg is replaced with a ball of pure light- this ball cannot be destroyed and deals hefty DMG and on top of that with the Power of True Courage, Billy is invincible! when the FS time is up Billy's Aura of True Courage will fade away and the Ball of Pure Light will blink out of existence as Billy produces a new egg to use as the FS ends. It should be noted that the ball of pure light will be as large as a fully raised egg, no matter how raised Billy's egg is upon activating the FS. it should also be noted that at the end of the FS the new egg Billy produces will be a new- fresh, un-raised egg.
DMG: ???% (depends on what moves Billy uses)

Kirby Hat - Kirby gains a rooster-like cap with a tuft of blond hair that juts out from underneath just like Billy's. Kirby also gains the Egg Shoot ability.


Taunt 1 – Billy will perform his Rooster Call: "Cucka-Doodle-Doo!" - If used after fully raising an Egg (See Special Abilities), the Egg will hatch releasing an Egg Animal- once these creatures are hatched they will Join Billy- and act as an Item, pressing "A" will cause Billy to command the Egg Animal to perform a power attack, after the attack is performed the Egg Animal will vanish.

Taunt 2 – Billy will lean slightly, holding a hand up to his ear as rays of light filter down from above him ethereal clucking is overheard- is he listening to some otherworldly...chicken? Billy performs a quick, "understood" nod, seemingly finished with his conversation Billy re-enters fighter stance as the rays of light vanish.

Taunt 3 – Billy will hop, perform a spin when he lands and while facing the screen give a thumbs up "Good Morning!" he says cheerily as he re-enters fighter stance.

Stage Representation
Billy Hatcher has many different worlds to choose from.
- Unique Moveset
- Colorful Design
- Would Play Unlike the other fighters
- Could give the series a new fresh start.

- Another 3rd party character
- The character is dead or irrelevant
- People could be upset this character took up something they wanted more
- Not super requested

Extra Promotional Images and Ideas
Billy Indruduction Splash Screen (Made by Isaac: Venus Adept Isaac: Venus Adept )

(source: https://www.deviantart.com/evilwaluigi/art/Newcomer-Billy-Hatcher-700637828
AKA: Evilwaluigi)

PIT: Woah check out the comb on that guy!

PALUTENA: Hm, why does that chicken costume look so familiar?

VIRIDI: I'm pretty sure that's Menie-Funie's human.

PIT: Who's Menie-Funie?

VIRIDI: Oh, just the God of Chickens.

PIT: There's a God of Chickens!?

PALUTENA: There's a God or Goddess for almost anything and everything... if you look hard enough. I wonder if Menie-Funie is still calling that costume:

VIRIDI & PALUTENA (Mocking Menie-Funie): "The Legendary Chicken Suit" hahaha

PIT: "Legendary Chicken Suit"? whoa, is that like the Great Sacred Treasure?

VIRIDI: As if! The Great Sacred Treasure was created by the God of the Forge himself, or did you forget that bird brain? It changes forms and can dish out some serious firepower! The so called "Legendary" Chicken suit doesn't hold a candle!

PIT: Well what can the Legendary Chicken suit do?

PALUTENA: Well...it grants the wearer... the power... of eggs.

PIT: The power...

VIRIDI: Of eggs.

PIT: Oh.

PALUTENA: Billy was chosen by the God of Chickens for his courage, and though the power of eggs doesn't sound nearly as flashy or as intimidating as say the Great Sacred Treasure's pursuit mode, the powers Billy weilds were bestowed to him by a God. If Billy is allowed to, he can raise his egg to the point of hatching it, releasing either powerful items or even an Egg Animals.

VIRIDI: Those animals can unleash powerful attacks.

PALUTENA: It may be a wise decision to prevent Billy from raising his eggs. attacking the eggs enough should do the trick.

PIT: Now that you mention it an omelette doesn't sound too bad right about now.

Franchise Trophies

I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope I can have your support!

Supporters (7)
ryuu seika
RedDragon64 RedDragon64
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
I remember being a kid and playing this obsessively on my GameCube; one of the console's hidden gems. I'm wondering where the sequel's at already?! Add me as a supporter!

Deleted member

I love billy hatchers as a kid, would love to see him in smash somehow(even as a trophy). Support!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Does any one know how to make stock icons? Or even a portrait with the character and their phrase picture? I would love to see what we can do with Billy.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
itd be fun to have billy in smash, itd be nice just to see him in a game again


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I don't know who to decide: Billy Hatcher or Alex Kidd. Don't get me wrong. I support both of them. In fact, put me on the support list, please! I feel like Alex Kidd has kind of a chance. He was SEGA's original mascot. I guess they lost the rights to him and we haven't heard from him ever since. Billy Hatcher, on the other hand, is the same way. We haven't heard from either of them in so long. If I have to pick, I'm going to settle with Billy Hatcher. I don't know why, I just like him.

I don't know who to decide. Billy Hatcher or Alex Kidd. Don't get me wrong. I support both of them. In fact, put me on that support list, please! I feel like Alex Kidd has kind of a chance because he was SEGA's original mascot. But, Billy Hatcher is the same way. We haven't heard from either of them in so long. If I have to pick, I'm going to go with Billy Hatcher. I don't know why, I just like him.

Oh! So, it did post. For some reason it didn't show up!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
I don't know who to decide: Billy Hatcher or Alex Kidd. Don't get me wrong. I support both of them. In fact, put me on the support list, please! I feel like Alex Kidd has kind of a chance. He was SEGA's original mascot. I guess they lost the rights to him and we haven't heard from him ever since. Billy Hatcher, on the other hand, is the same way. We haven't heard from either of them in so long. If I have to pick, I'm going to settle with Billy Hatcher. I don't know why, I just like him.

I don't know who to decide. Billy Hex Kidd. Don't get me wrong. I support both of them. In fact, put me on that support list, please! I feel like Alex Kidd has kind of a chance because he was SEGA's original mascot. But, Billy Hatcher is the same way. We haven't heard from either of them in so long. If I have to pick, I'm going to go with Billy Hatcher. I don't know why, I just like him.

Oh! So, it did post. For some reason it didn't show up!
Added! Do you have any moveset ideas or any ideas you want me to add to the main post?


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Honestly, I've never played it before. I found about him through the internet. I do have an idea for his Side Smash but that's pretty much all I got. His Side Smash could be similar to Falco's except it does a little bit more damage. That's all I can think of. I'm so sorry. I'll watch him on YouTube and see if I can think of anything else.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Billy Hatcher was that one game that Sega tried to make to create the next new Sonic franchise. However, the game flopped and sega left Billy Hatcher in the past ever since. I believe that Billy Hatcher could be a cool and unique fighter. With many different egg moves, he can add many different mechanics to the game. Like Yoshi, Billy has many egg moves that could separate him from all the sword wielders in the game.
The game was created not just by Sega but by Sega's very own Sonic Team and it hasn't been left entirely in the past. Just as Sega cameos were a big thing in his games, Billy is an important member of every Sega crossover that has been released since. They still have love for him, even if they consider his franchise a failure.

Also, I would like to point out that the way you bring up Yoshi implies that they have a similar use of eggs, which isn't true at all. They both use them but in totally different ways.

Add me to the support list, though, and I'll talk about my moveset ideas tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
The game was created not just by Sega but by Sega's very own Sonic Team and it hasn't been left entirely in the past. Just as Sega cameos were a big thing in his games, Billy is an important member of every Sega crossover that has been released since. They still have love for him, even if they consider his franchise a failure.

Also, I would like to point out that the way you bring up Yoshi implies that they have a similar use of eggs, which isn't true at all. They both use them but in totally different ways.

Add me to the support list, though, and I'll talk about my moveset ideas tomorrow.
I know, I just added Yoshi as a means of comparison if people have never heard of Billy Hatcher.

I would love to see another game and have him have another chance. Maybe someday.

I would love to read your moveset, I can't wait to see what you got!

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Well, the main idea that I had was for his shield to be his egg, like with Yoshi. However, unlike Yoshi, Billy uses the same egg, roughly the size of his body, for every move. This would, logically, result in many of his attacks throwing his shield around, leaving Billy somewhat vulnerable during.
The weirdest part, though, is that it would mean that his shield could be broken when he wasn't holding it. Something which couldn't possibly result in a shield break stun state but would still weaken him drastically until a new egg spawned.

Oh and his double jump animation would use his wing powerup.

Now for some of the moves so that you can see how he uses the egg:

Up B - Circus Act: Billy climbs up onto his egg, raising him up roughly his own height. It's not a lot but he can then deal contact damage as he rolls around if he is grounded or, if airborne, jumping off of the egg will restore his double jump. If he has no egg, this move is useless.
Neutral B - ****-A-Doodle-Do: Billy places his egg infront of him and charges up a chicken noise to hatch it into a very powerful item (heart container, Smash Ball, Bob-Omb, etc.) or assist trophy. This leaves him shieldless and eggless, though, during which state the move will have decent range but slow startup and result in a good bit of stun.
Side B - Egg Roll: Billy shunts his egg forward at high speed and it travels just under half the length of FD before stopping and quickly rolling back to him. Its sideways momentum will carry on as it was, gradually slowing down, if it rolls off an edge during this move and the egg can be lost in this way. Also it will change direction immediately after hitting something or someone other than a projectile.
If this move is used in the air, the egg will roll the same distance at the same speed but Billy will not let go and it will not change direction, making in pretty good sideways recovery.
When billy has no egg, the shove that starts this move will have good damage and decent knockback but bad range.
Down B - Egg Bounce: Billy jumps into the air if grounded and then slams down with his egg infront of him for a similar effect to the Yoshi or Bowser Bomb groundpound move. Only, he will bounce back upwards upon collission with the ground. Simply a fall state with a weak, downwards slap if no egg is held.

UAir - ???:
NAir - ???:
BAir - Egg Spin: Billy spins 360 degrees horizontally with his egg to hit behind him. Or just with his hands out for a tiny hitbox if not holding an egg.
Fair - Egg Shot: Billy throws his egg diagonally forwards, sending himself up and back just a tiny bit. If he has no egg, it will instead just be a diagonally forwards shove with even tinier kickback.
DAir - Egg Dunk: Billy slams down with his egg in a motion very like theEgg Bounce, only he lands with a greater shockwae and stays grounded. Great for mixups.

Dash Attack - Egg Dash: A simple forward dash at higher speed with Billy's egg rolling infront to potentially shield him from projectiles. Shorter range without the egg and billy can hit people for minimal damage with the light trail he leaves behind during the attack if he has an egg.

Grab - Billy grabs his opponent in a normal fashion, only now they're an egg, patterened after their character.

Up Smash - Animal Call: Billy shouts "Ikei!" while forcefully raising his finger over his head, poking anyone it connects with.
Forward Smash - Crow Fighter: Billy pulls out a stick, charges it behind his head and then jumps slightly as he brings it up and over to slam down.
Down Smash - ???:

And then his basic attacks would all be pretty generic but based on the assortment of motions that he uses to shove his eggs around.

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
Billy Hatcher introductory splash screen as requested by Mastermiine Mastermiine
Billy Hatcher Smash Ultimate.JPG
Billy Hatcher life.JPG

It took me a while because I had to make the stock icon from scratch. I'll make it public along with a few other stock icons tommorow

Here is the custom series icon though
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Billy Hatcher introductory splash screen as requested by Mastermiine Mastermiine
View attachment 155186View attachment 155187
It took me a while because I had to make the stock icon from scratch. I'll make it public along with a few other stock icons tommorow

Here is the custom series icon though
View attachment 155188
Oh my Gosh! Thank you so much! I am surprised you got them done so fast! I really really appreciate it!

Here are some alternate costume ideas I had for Billy, these change his hat color. ( Though not his red tie... I think.)

Here is a character that can be a skin with they same moveset. Just different voice clips. So less than an echo but like the Koopas.

Thank you lots! It means so much to me!
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
I feel like they should, at the very least, alter his egg's appearance to match his comb. Matching neckerchief would be good too, though.
I don't know if that is actually in the game. I found a picture on deviant art that has some alt costume ideas that I posted.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2018
United States
Switch FC
Billy is one of my favourite game characters of all time And right by Banjo & Kazooie and Joker
He is my most wanted fighter So if he got into smash that to me that would be like
Ridley getting in I WOULD PAY FOR HIM TO GET IN!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Billy is one of my favourite game characters of all time And right by Banjo & Kazooie and Joker
He is my most wanted fighter So if he got into smash that to me that would be like
Ridley getting in I WOULD PAY FOR HIM TO GET IN!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2018
United States
Switch FC


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Are you still accepting supporters? This game was a big part of my childhood, and I've been in a "please give us a sequal" mood. Plus I would like to bring attention to the game's soundtrack, especially the Boss Fight theme. I could listen to that forever...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2018
United Kingdom
Yo, I was playing Billy Hatcher multiplayer earlier funnily enough, with a mate of mine who also played it a lot back in the day. It's sad the game didn't sell well as it's such a fun and unique platformer. The music is also super underrated.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Well, it turns out today is the 16th anniversery of Billy Hatcher. Still not a legal adult, but he's getting there. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2020
This thread? Almost as dead as Hatcher's franchise.

Ignoring that though, Hatcher's my top SEGA pick. Why do I have the lad that has a chicken hat as my top pick instead of another Sonic rep or heck, Arle? He'd feel unique, and he'd be cool to me. And, extra points for this, he also debuted on the GameCube, so he has some Nintendo history. And plus, him being featured in Smash could maybe inspire SEGA to revive his franchise or maybe just a simple re-make.

So, do I support Billy Hatcher? Yeah.
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